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APPS.WF_BES_CACHE dependencies on FND_USER

Line 76: l_username FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE := nvl(FND_GLOBAL.user_name,'SYSADMIN');

72: procedure SetMetaDataUploaded
73: is
74: --Bug 14602624. Deferred agent listener runs by under the SYSADMIN schema. It
75: --needs to be set for name spaces not to get lost
76: l_username FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE := nvl(FND_GLOBAL.user_name,'SYSADMIN');
77: begin
78: dbms_session.set_context(namespace => 'WFBES_CACHE_CTX',
79: attribute => 'WFBES_METADATA_UPLOADED',
80: value => to_char(sysdate, g_date_mask),