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APPS.MSC_PHUB_PKG dependencies on DUAL

Line 16: select 'MSC_APCC_ITEM_D' bulk collect into l_tables from dual;

12: function item_dim_table return object_names
13: is
14: l_tables object_names;
15: begin
16: select 'MSC_APCC_ITEM_D' bulk collect into l_tables from dual;
17: return l_tables;
18: end item_dim_table;
20: function meta_info return msc_apcc_fact_type_table

Line 83: select p_plan_run_id from dual where p_plan_run_id is not null;

79: from msc_plan_runs
80: where (plan_name=p_plan_name and plan_run_id=nvl(p_plan_run_id,plan_run_id))
81: and archive_flag=1
82: union
83: select p_plan_run_id from dual where p_plan_run_id is not null;
85: return r;
86: end list_plan_runs;

Line 371: union all select to_number(-23453), to_number(-23453) from dual) o

367: from msc_trading_partners mtp, msd_dem_app_instance_orgs daio
368: where daio.organization_id=nvl(fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_MASTER_ORG'), -23453)
369: and mtp.organization_code=daio.organization_code
370: and mtp.partner_type=3
371: union all select to_number(-23453), to_number(-23453) from dual) o
372: where das.demand_plan_name=substr(tq.query_name(+), 1, 30)
373: and das.scenario_id=p_plan_id
374: and das.scenario_id=dsr.scenario_id(+)
375: and das.last_revision=dsr.revision(+)

Line 471: execute immediate 'select sysdate from dual'||l_suffix;

467: is
468: l_apps_schema varchar2(30) := msc_phub_util.apps_schema;
469: l_suffix varchar2(32) := msc_phub_util.suffix(p_dblink);
470: begin
471: execute immediate 'select sysdate from dual'||l_suffix;
473: return
474: ' declare'||
475: ' l_user_id number;'||

Line 949: from dual;

945: fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
946: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
947: fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_login_id,
948: fnd_global.prog_appl_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
949: from dual;
950: commit;
952: for i in 1..l_ods_table_list.count loop
953: l_name := l_ods_table_list(i);

Line 1072: select msc_apcc_upload_s.nextval into l_transfer_id from dual;

1068: msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_pkg.create_staging_partitions: dbms_lock.request='||l_error);
1069: raise e_create_staging_partitions;
1070: end if;
1072: select msc_apcc_upload_s.nextval into l_transfer_id from dual;
1073: manage_partitions(l_staging_tables, l_transfer_id, partition_add, partition_range);
1074: l_error := dbms_lock.release(l_lock);
1075: end if;
1076: return l_transfer_id;

Line 1122: select msc_plan_runs_s.nextval into l_plan_run_id from dual;

1118: msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_pkg.create_fact_partitions: dbms_lock.request='||l_error);
1119: raise e_create_fact_partitions;
1120: end if;
1122: select msc_plan_runs_s.nextval into l_plan_run_id from dual;
1123: manage_partitions(l_fact_tables, l_plan_run_id, partition_add, partition_range);
1124: l_error := dbms_lock.release(l_lock);
1125: end if;
1126: return l_plan_run_id;

Line 1437: from dual;

1433: fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
1434: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
1435: fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_login_id,
1436: fnd_global.prog_appl_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
1437: from dual;
1439: msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_pkg.build_null_items: insert='||sql%rowcount);
1440: commit;

Line 1671: select msc_hub_query_s.nextval into l_qid_plan_item from dual;

1667: if (nvl(p_plan_id, -1) <= 0) then
1668: return;
1669: end if;
1671: select msc_hub_query_s.nextval into l_qid_plan_item from dual;
1672: for r in c loop
1673: gather_items(l_qid_plan_item, r.fact_type, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id);
1674: end loop;
1675: --msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_pkg.build_items_from_apcc: l_qid_plan_item='||l_qid_plan_item);