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Line 87: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig

83: WHERE trans_id = v_trans_id;
85: CURSOR Cur_get_steps(v_batch_id NUMBER) IS
86: SELECT *
87: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig
88: WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
89: ORDER BY batchstep_no;
91: -- Bug 13706812 - Use old batch id to make use of index.

Line 1229: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s

1225: FUNCTION get_new_step_id(p_old_step_id IN NUMBER,
1226: p_new_batch_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
1227: CURSOR Cur_get_step IS
1228: SELECT s.batchstep_id
1229: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
1230: WHERE m.batchstep_id = p_old_step_id
1231: AND s.batch_id = p_new_batch_id
1232: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no;

Line 1640: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s

1637: CURSOR Cur_get_steps(v_old_batch_id NUMBER, v_new_batch_id NUMBER) IS
1638: SELECT s.*, m.step_status old_step_status, m.actual_start_date old_actual_start_date,
1639: m.actual_cmplt_date old_actual_cmplt_date
1640: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
1641: WHERE m.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
1642: AND s.batch_id = v_new_batch_id
1643: AND m.step_status > gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
1644: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no

Line 3868: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_mapping_mig bm

3865: PROCEDURE close_steps IS
3866: CURSOR Cur_get_steps IS
3867: SELECT s.batchstep_id, m.step_close_date, bm.new_batch_no, s.batchstep_no, bm.plant_code, bm.old_batch_id
3868: FROM gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_mapping_mig bm
3869: WHERE m.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_closed
3870: AND bm.old_batch_id = m.batch_id
3871: AND s.batch_id = bm.new_batch_id
3872: AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no