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Line 391: from pa_lookups

387: l_impacts_dummy number;
389: CURSOR budget_method(p_lookup_code varchar2) is
390: select meaning
391: from pa_lookups
392: where lookup_type = 'PA_CI_IMPACT_BUDGET_TYPES'
393: and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
395: l_update_budget_method varchar2(30);

Line 408: pa_lookups luk

404: select pc.impact_type_code,
405: luk.meaning impact_type_name
406: from pa_control_items pci,
407: pa_ci_impacts pc,
408: pa_lookups luk
409: where pci.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
410: and pci.ci_id = pc.ci_id
411: and pc.impact_type_code = luk.lookup_code
412: and luk.lookup_type = 'PA_CI_IMPACT_TYPES'

Line 423: pa_lookups luk,

419: select pc.impact_type_code,
420: luk.meaning impact_type_name
421: from pa_control_items pci,
422: pa_ci_impacts pc,
423: pa_lookups luk,
424: pa_budget_versions pbv,
425: pa_resource_assignments pra
426: where pci.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
427: and pci.ci_id = pc.ci_id

Line 448: pa_lookups luk,

444: select pc.impact_type_code,
445: luk.meaning impact_type_name
446: from pa_control_items pci,
447: pa_ci_impacts pc,
448: pa_lookups luk,
449: pa_budget_versions pbv,
450: pa_resource_assignments pra
451: where pci.ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
452: and pci.ci_id = pc.ci_id

Line 484: from pa_lookups luk

481: CURSOR imp_code_csr (p_ci_type_id pa_ci_types_b.CI_TYPE_ID%type,
482: p_impact_type_code varchar2) is
483: select luk.meaning impact_type_name
484: from pa_lookups luk
485: where luk.lookup_type = 'PA_CI_IMPACT_TYPES'
486: and luk.lookup_code = p_impact_type_code;
488: imp_code_rec imp_code_csr%ROWTYPE;