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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 122

        SELECT  CASH_RECEIPT_ID rcpt_id
               ,Applied_customer_trx_id inv_id
          FROM  ar_receivable_applications
         Where  receivable_application_id = l_receivable_application_id;
Line: 129

        SELECT  PPA.ar_rec_notify_flag ar_rec_notify_flag
          FROM  ra_customer_trx RCTRX
               ,pa_projects PPA
         WHERE  RCTRX.customer_trx_id = l_inv_id
           AND  PPA.Segment1 = RCTRX.interface_header_attribute1;
Line: 137

        SELECT  user_name
          FROM  fnd_user
         WHERE  user_id = l_starter_user_id;
Line: 143

        SELECT  e.first_name||' '||e.last_name
          FROM  fnd_user f, per_all_people_f e
         WHERE  f.user_id = l_starter_user_id
           AND  f.employee_id = e.person_id
           AND  e.effective_end_date = ( SELECT MAX(papf.effective_end_date)
                                           FROM per_all_people_f papf
                                          WHERE papf.person_id = e.person_id);
Line: 154

        SELECT  sysdate
          FROM  sys.dual;
Line: 212

        SELECT pa_workflow_itemkey_s.nextval
        INTO ItemKey
        from dual;
Line: 401

            log_message('START_AR_NOTIFY_WF: Wf Started, Inserting in PA_WF_PROCESSES: ItemKey=' || ItemKey || 'l_inv_rec.rcpt_id=' || l_inv_rec.rcpt_id || 'l_inv_rec.inv_id=' || l_inv_rec.inv_id || '*', 3);
Line: 402

            PA_WORKFLOW_UTILS.Insert_WF_Processes (p_wf_type_code        => 'PAPWPARN'
                                                  ,p_item_type           => ItemType
                                                  ,p_item_key            => ItemKey
                                                  ,p_entity_key1         => l_inv_rec.rcpt_id
                                                  ,p_description         => l_inv_rec.inv_id
                                                  ,p_err_code            => l_err_code
                                                  ,p_err_stage           => l_err_stage
                                                  ,p_err_stack           => l_err_stack
Line: 456

SELECT  ap_inv.invoice_num          invoice_number
       ,to_char(NVL(linked_inv.invoice_amount,0),fnd_currency.GET_FORMAT_MASK(linked_inv.proj_currency_code, 20))   invoice_amount
       ,ap_inv.invoice_date         invoice_date
       ,po_vend.vendor_name         supplier_name
FROM    (
            SELECT    ap_invoice_id             Invoice_id
                     ,ei.project_currency_code     proj_currency_code
                     ,SUM(ei.raw_cost)          Invoice_Amount
              FROM    pa_pwp_linked_invoices    pwp
                     ,pa_expenditure_items      ei
             WHERE    pwp.ap_invoice_id       = ei.document_header_id
               AND    pwp.project_id          = ei.project_id
               AND    pwp.project_id          = l_project_id
               AND    pwp.draft_invoice_num   = l_draft_inv_num
             GROUP BY pwp.ap_invoice_id
             UNION ALL
            SELECT   DISTINCT ei.document_header_id Invoice_Id
                    ,ei.project_currency_code     proj_currency_code
                    ,SUM(ei.raw_cost)               Invoice_Amount
              FROM   pa_draft_invoices              pdi
                    ,pa_draft_invoice_items         pdii
                    ,pa_cust_rev_dist_lines         crdl
                    ,pa_expenditure_items           ei
             WHERE   pdi.project_id               = pdii.project_id
               AND   pdi.draft_invoice_num        = pdii.draft_invoice_num
               AND   pdii.project_id              = crdl.project_id
               AND   pdii.draft_invoice_num       = crdl.draft_invoice_num
               AND   pdii.line_num                = crdl.draft_invoice_item_line_num
               AND   crdl.expenditure_item_id     = ei.expenditure_item_id
               AND   ei.document_header_id IS NOT NULL
               AND   ei.system_linkage_function   = 'VI'
               AND   pdi.project_id               = l_project_id
               AND   pdi.draft_invoice_num        = l_draft_inv_num
             GROUP BY ei.document_header_id
        ) linked_inv
        ,ap_invoices     ap_inv
        ,po_vendors      po_vend
WHERE     linked_inv.invoice_id = ap_inv.invoice_id
  AND   ap_inv.vendor_id      = po_vend.vendor_id
  AND  EXISTS (Select 1
                 from ap_holds h
                where h.invoice_id = ap_inv.invoice_id
                  and release_reason is not null
                  and hold_lookup_code in ('PO Deliverable', 'Pay When Paid')
Line: 506

SELECT  name   Organization_Name
  FROM  hr_organization_units
 WHERE  organization_id = p_carrying_out_organization_id;
Line: 573

        SELECT page_content
          INTO l_clob
          FROM pa_page_contents
         WHERE page_content_id = l_page_content_id FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 579

        log_message('Generate_PWP_Notify_Page: Failed to Select CLOB with: l_page_content_id=' || l_page_content_id || '*', 5);
Line: 980

PROCEDURE Select_Project_Manager (itemtype    IN VARCHAR2
                                 ,itemkey     IN VARCHAR2
                                 ,actid       IN NUMBER
                                 ,funcmode    IN VARCHAR2
                                 ,resultout   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

l_err_code                  NUMBER := 0;
Line: 1025

    PA_CE_AR_NOTIFY_WF.Select_Project_Manager (p_project_id               => l_project_id
                                              ,p_project_manager_id       => l_manager_employee_id
                                              ,p_return_status            => l_return_status);
Line: 1075

        WF_CORE.CONTEXT('PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION','SELECT_PROJECT_MANAGER',itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 1079

        WF_CORE.CONTEXT('PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION','SELECT_PROJECT_MANAGER',itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 1083

        WF_CORE.CONTEXT('PA_PWP_NOTIFICATION','SELECT_PROJECT_MANAGER',itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 1085

END Select_Project_Manager;
Line: 1110

SELECT page_content
 WHERE page_content_id = document_id
   AND object_type = 'PA_PWP_AR_NOTIFY'
   AND pk2_value IS NULL;