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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 41

    select UMX_USERNAME_POLICY_S.nextval into l_event_key from dual;
Line: 134

      select lookup_code, meaning
      from   fnd_lookups
      where  lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      and    lookup_code in ('DESCRIPTION', 'PROMPT', 'HINT')
      and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and    start_date_active < sysdate
      and    nvl (end_date_active, sysdate + 1) > sysdate;
Line: 143

      select meaning
      from   fnd_lookups
      where  lookup_type = 'UMX_USERNAME_POLICY:NONE'
      and    lookup_code = 'PROMPT'
      and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and    start_date_active < sysdate
      and    nvl (end_date_active, sysdate + 1) > sysdate;
Line: 362

    select reg_service_type
    from   UMX_reg_services_b
    where  reg_service_code = l_reg_serv_code;
Line: 367

    select user_id, person_party_id
    from   fnd_user
    where  user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 492

  procedure Selector (item_type    in  varchar2,
                      item_key     in  varchar2,
                      activity_id  in  number,
                      command      in  varchar2,
                      resultout    out NOCOPY varchar2) is


    -- RUN mode - normal process execution
    if (command = 'RUN') then
      -- Return process to run
      resultout := 'UMX_USERNAME_POLICY';
Line: 508

      wf_core.context ('UMX_USERNAME_POLICY_PVT', 'Selector', item_type,
                        item_key, to_char (activity_id), command);
Line: 511

  end selector;
Line: 616

    select 1
    from   fnd_user
    where  user_name = l_username;