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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

*                                    will get the WS status updated to
*                                    processed
*   02-MAR-02     aprabhak    115.4  Added a new message for effective date
*                                    before assigned life event date
*   08-MAR-02     aprabhak    115.5  Modified the salary rise to consider
*                                    the precision. The logging will be done
*                                    only when you have the audit_log flag is
*                                    'Y'. Modified the choice loop to avoid
*                                    the multi-row edit for the persons of
*                                    x-bg. Modified the name of the routines
*                                    of default_comp_obj and process_default
*                                    _enrt.
*  10-MAR-02     aprabhak    115.6   The salary conversions now uses the newly
*                                    developed benutils routine plan_to_basis_
*                                    _conversion. Change the position of the
*                                    p_preson_id in the process routine.
*  11-MAR-02    aprabhak     115.7   added the per_pay_bases to the element
*                                    cursor and approved condition to the
*                                    salary cursor
*  15-MAR-02    aprabhak     115.8   after the pp runs the worksheet access
*                                    to RO it the prior access is updateable
*  18-MAR-02    aprabhak     115.9   the parameter p_annulization_factor is
*                                    changed to p_assignment_id to the call
*                                    to plan_to_basis_conversion.
*  27-MAR-02    aprabhak     115.10  Adding the business_group_id condition
*                                    to the c_pl_typ_rt_val cursor to avoid
*                                    full table scan.
*  03-Sep-02    maagrawa     115.11  Added new procedures for promotion
*                                    and performance rating updates.
*  08-Nov-02    aprabhak     115.12  Included the changes for itemization.
*  19-Feb-03    maagrawa     115.13  Make calls to ben_cwb_asg_update to
*                                    update performance and promotions.
*  05-Feb-03    aprabhak     115.14  Fixed 2815207
*  11-Mar-03    pbodla       115.15  Changes for : 2695023 - When pay proposal
*                                    is created link it to associated
*                                    participant rate row to allow backout if
*                                    needed.
*  13-Mar-03    pbodla       115.16  Changes for : 2695023 - Fixed typo in
*                                    update_prtt_rt_val api call.
*  20-Mar-03    aprabhak     115.17  Fixed 2857327 and 2357197.
*  20-May-03    aprabhak     115.18  Fixed 2968662.
*  18-Jun-03    aprabhak     115.19  Fixed 3011682
*  27-Jul-03    aprabhak     115.20  Fixed 3005203
*  09-sep-03    sthota       115.21  Modified the effective date format. Fixed
*                     3084042
*  09-Oct-03    sthota       115.26  Fixing the bug 3084042.
*  23-Nov-03    aprabhak     115.27  Fixing the bug 3259373.
*  02-Jan-04    aprabhak     115.28  Global Budgeting
*  10-Feb-04    aprabhak     115.29  Ignore backed out pils in pil cursor
*  22-Feb-04    aprabhak     115.31  Uncommented code for comp posting date
*  22-Feb-04    aprabhak     115.32  nvl condition to p_debug_level
*  08-Mar-04    aprabhak     115.36  Fixed 3490171.
*  09-Mar-04    aprabhak     115.37  Fixed the null rows in audit log report
*  16-Mar-04    aprabhak     115.38  For Drop3
*  20-Mar-04    aprabhak     115.39  Fixed 3490387, 3484230
*  25-May-04    maagrawa     115.40  Splitting of perf/promo record.
*  04-Jun-04    aprabhak     115.41  Corrected the threading issue.
*  04-Jun-04    aprabhak     115.42  Corrected the thread process name
*  29-Jun-04    aprabhak     115.43  Fixed the bug #3712169
*  30-Jun-04    aprabhak     115.44  bg_id passed to the assignment changes
*                                    is obtained ben_cwb_person_info
*  06-Jul-04    aprabhak     115.45  Access Change Routine
*  09-Jul-04    aprabhak     115.46  Recent Sal Change Message Corrected
*  14-Jul-04    aprabhak     115.47  fixed the issues reported in drop 13
*  22-Jul-04    aprabhak     115.48  Fixed the caching issues in error report.
*  10-Dec-04    aprabhak     115.49  Fixed bug#4030870
*  01-Feb-05    steotia      115.50  ben_cwb_audit_api call to record end of
*                                    Compensation event post process
*  31-May-05    steotia      115.51  Bugfix 4387327
*  25-Jul-05    steotia      115.52  Bugfix 4503153
*  28-Jul-05    maagrawa     115.53  4510733: Auto Aprove pay proposal
*                                    when components are involved.
*  01-Aug-05    steotia      115.54  Added NOCOPY hint
*  05-Oct-05    steotia      115.55  4607721: Fix in process of rating.
*  17-Nov-05    maagrawa     115.56  Do not error for terminated emps
*                                    when posting salary/elements.
*  28-Nov-05    maagrawa     115.57  4752433:Allow salary components along
*                                    with other compensation components.
*  30-Nov-05    maagrawa     115.58  Fixed no-data-found error with optName.
*  06-Dec-05    maagrawa     115.59  Fixed salary components cursors.
*  04-Jan-06    steotia      115.60  Override dates functionality added.
*  14-Feb-06    steotia      115.61  4997896:Termination check for perf/prom
*                                    not on run date but resp. eff/ovrd date
*  06-Mar-06    steotia      115.62  Enhancing logging for new audit report
*                                    and logging
*  16-Mar-06    steotia      115.63  same as above
*  21-Mar-06    steotia      115.64  equalising population across
*                                    compensation, perf or asgn changes
*  22-Mar-06    steotia      115.65  5109850: taking in LE date as varchar2
*  23-Mar-06    steotia      115.66  Fixing component plan logging
*                                    [l_warning_text size increased, logging
*					at -1 level also for component plan,
*                                    ws_sub_acty_typ_cd added to comp cursor],
*                                    All or nothing error flagging,
*                                    elmnt_processing_type for recurring el,
*                                    ineligible persons logged
* 03-Apr-06    steotia       115.67  Logging even in error for sal_rate
*                                    Element determintion rule called
* 07-Apr-06    steotia       115.68  5141153: Corrections on el. detn. rule
* 12-Apr-06    steotia       115.70  Fixing a possible char to numeric convern.
*                                    problem in extracting message number
* 26-Apr-06    steotia       115.71  Fixing component plan logging for plan
*                                    lvl amount posted record, checking
*                                    input currency of element, inserting
*                                    2 new error messages
* 29-Apr-06    steotia       115.73  Correcting sal change reason logic
* 10-May-06    steotia       115.74  5158117: Non-Mon rate exclusion
*                                    5181394: Future dated sal prop warning
* 16-May-06    steotia       115.75  5222874: missing data for recurring element
* 16-May-06    steotia       115.76  5158117: Salary basis element check add
* 19-May-06    steotia       115.78  Logging changes
* 14-Jul-06    steotia       115.79  Added force close of LE
* 17-Jul-06    steotia       115.80  5392779: Properly converting base_salary
*                                    5375170: String overflow error
* 11-Aug-06    steotia       115.81  5413842: In case of one emp in multiple
*                                    local plan
* 25-Aug-06    steotia       115.82  5487492: No force close in rollback
* 12-Sep-06    steotia       115.83  5413842: Downloads need complete rows
* 13-Sep-06    steotia       115.84  5483387: Wrong order of concatenation
* 13-Sep-06    steotia       115.85  5528259: (+) in c_posted_promotions reqd.
* 20-Sep-06    steotia       115.86  5531065: Using Performance Overrides (but
*                                    only if used through SS)
* 28-Sep-06    steotia       115.87  5413842: moving to parent thread
* 05-Oct-06    steotia       115.88  Putting do_not_process_flag check with
*                                    rates to take care of multiple
*                                    enrollments
* 17-Oct-06    steotia       115.89  5527054: using 5 precision if uom of
*                                    input_value is not null or Money
*                                    5460693: using option level effective
*                                    for salary proposal changes
* 02-Nov-06    steotia       115.90  5521472: if slave errors master errors
* 06-Nov-06    steotia       115.91  5235393: null->0 for amounts/salary
* 17-Nov-06    maagrawa      115.92  Do not post zeros or nulls for salary
*                                    components.
* 23-Nov-06    steotia       115.93  5659359: No more error stacking
*                                    3926221: Ineligs get no perf/promotion
*                                    3928529: process_access overhauled
*                                    trunc used to get effective date
* 18-Jan-07    maagrawa      115.94  Log old and new salary when salary
*                                    changed error is thrown.
* 04-Mar-07    steotia       115.95  5505775: CWB Enhancement
*				     Introducing Person Selection Rule
* 25-Apr-07    steotia       115.96  Closing LE of placeholder mgs also.
* 16-Jan-08    steotia       115.101 Compare rounded [proposal vs base sal]
*                                    Rate Start Date enabled
* 18-Jan-08    steotia       115.102 Checking for ws_abr_id for above
* 18-Jan-08    steotia       115.103 Overriding modified
* 08-Apr-08    sgnanama    115.104 Added p_use_rate_start_date in submit_request
* 22-Apr-08    cakunuru    115.105 Changed the cursor c_placeholder_selection:
*                                  will check for ineligible employees who are not managers.
* 7-May-08     sgnanama    115.106 selected business_group_id of the person in the
*                                  c_person_selection and c_placeholder_selection and pass
*                                  the same to the procedure evaluating the person seelction rule.
* 20-May-08   cakunuru    115.107 Changed the message in process_sal_comp_rates.
* 27-May-08   sgnanama    115.108  7126872:Added g_is_cwb_component_plan which is
*                                  used by salary api to distinguish unapproved
*                                  proposal from cwb
* 10-Jun-08   cakunuru    115.109 7155018: Added a condition for the cursor
*	                 c_pils_for_access to check for approval_cd with 'AP'.
* 10-Jun-08   cakunuru    115.110 Changed the dbdrv checkfile comment.
* 18-Aug-08  cakunuru    115.111  6994188: Set the effective_date as null if error occurs.
* 05-Nov-08  cakunuru    115.112  7042887: Modified reason to get the meaning
*			instead of reason code in the print_cache procedure.
* 13-Nov-08  sgnanama    115.113      7218121: Modified the check to assign the warning text
*                                     to p_cache_cwb_rpt_person in process_sal_comp_rates
* 10-Mar-09  cakunuru   115.14        8323386: Processesing only for eligible employess.
* 1-Feb-10 sgnanama 120.58.12010000.7 ER:8369634:Create zero percent increase/raise
* 16-Nov-10 sgnanama 120.58.12010000.9 10149579 bug fix
* 20-Nov-10  sgnanama   120.67   ER:5257917: Don't re-process assignment/per rating
* 20-Feb-11  sgnanama   120.68   10306828 bug fix
* 21-Feb-11  sgnanama   120.69   11779749 bug fix
* 25-Feb-11  sgnanama   120.70   11810624: Override Assg Update date stored in attribute1
*                                so, do null check on attribute1 instead of attribute2 while
*                                processing promotions
* 23-Oct-12 kmsuresh    120.71      14755304 bug fix
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Global cursor and variables declaration
  TYPE plan_override_date IS RECORD (
   plan ben_cwb_pl_dsgn.pl_id%type,
   opt ben_cwb_pl_dsgn.oipl_id%type, --10306828
   date ben_cwb_pl_dsgn.ovrid_rt_strt_dt%type);
Line: 215

  g_person_selected      NUMBER (9)    := 0;
Line: 230

    SELECT o.oipl_id,
      group_oipl.oipl_id group_oipl_id,
    FROM ben_oipl_f o,
      ben_cwb_rpt_detail rpt,
      ben_oipl_f local_oipl,
      ben_opt_f local_opt,
      ben_opt_f group_opt,
      ben_oipl_f group_oipl
    WHERE o.pl_id = rpt.pl_id
     AND rpt.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id
     AND rpt.oipl_id = -1
     AND local_oipl.oipl_id = o.oipl_id
     AND local_opt.opt_id = local_oipl.opt_id
     AND group_opt.group_opt_id = local_opt.group_opt_id
     AND group_oipl.opt_id = group_opt.group_opt_id
       FROM ben_cwb_rpt_detail
       WHERE oipl_id = o.oipl_id
       AND benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id)
    GROUP BY o.oipl_id,
Line: 263

     SELECT ws_element_type_id, ws_input_value_id
       FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn
      WHERE lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_date
        AND pl_id = v_pl_id
        AND oipl_id = v_oipl_id;
Line: 275

    SELECT ovrid_rt_strt_dt
    FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
    WHERE group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
    AND pl_id = v_pl_id
    AND group_oipl_id = v_group_oipl_id
    AND oipl_id = v_oipl_id
    AND lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_date;
Line: 286

    SELECT object_version_number
      FROM ben_per_in_ler pil
     WHERE pil.per_in_ler_id = v_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 292

    SELECT object_version_number
      FROM ben_cwb_person_info info
     WHERE info.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 298

    SELECT object_version_number
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.pl_id = v_pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = v_oipl_id;
Line: 310

    SELECT  object_version_number
      FROM ben_cwb_person_groups grp
     WHERE grp.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND grp.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND grp.group_oipl_id = v_group_oipl_id;
Line: 320

         , per.full_name
         , info.business_group_id
      FROM per_business_groups_perf bg
         , ben_cwb_person_info info
         , per_all_people_f per
         , ben_per_in_ler pil
     WHERE info.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND bg.business_group_id = info.business_group_id
       AND v_effective_date >= bg.date_from
       AND (   bg.date_to IS NULL
            OR bg.date_to >= v_effective_date)
       AND info.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
       AND pil.ws_mgr_id = per.person_id(+)
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date(+) AND per.effective_end_date(+);
Line: 338

    SELECT nvl(per.custom_name,per.full_name) full_name
         , per.employee_number
         , per.assignment_id
         , per.business_group_id
         , per.legislation_code
      FROM ben_cwb_person_info per
     WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 348

    SELECT nvl(per.custom_name,per.full_name) full_name
         , per.employee_number
         , per.assignment_id
         , per.business_group_id
         , per.legislation_code
         , per.job_id
         , job.name job
         , per.position_id
         , pos.name position
         , per.grade_id
         , grades.name grade
         , per.people_group_id
         , ppl_groups.group_name
         , per.ass_attribute1
         , per.ass_attribute2
         , per.ass_attribute3
         , per.ass_attribute4
         , per.ass_attribute5
         , per.ass_attribute6
         , per.ass_attribute7
         , per.ass_attribute8
         , per.ass_attribute9
         , per.ass_attribute10
         , per.ass_attribute11
         , per.ass_attribute12
         , per.ass_attribute13
         , per.ass_attribute14
         , per.ass_attribute15
         , per.ass_attribute16
         , per.ass_attribute17
         , per.ass_attribute18
         , per.ass_attribute19
         , per.ass_attribute20
         , per.ass_attribute21
         , per.ass_attribute22
         , per.ass_attribute23
         , per.ass_attribute24
         , per.ass_attribute25
         , per.ass_attribute26
         , per.ass_attribute27
         , per.ass_attribute28
         , per.ass_attribute29
         , per.ass_attribute30
      FROM ben_cwb_person_info per
         , per_jobs_tl job
         , hr_all_positions_f_tl pos
         , per_grades_tl grades
         , pay_people_groups ppl_groups
     WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND job.job_id(+) = per.job_id
       AND job.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
       AND pos.position_id(+) = per.position_id
       AND pos.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
       AND grades.grade_id(+) = per.grade_id
       AND grades.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
       AND ppl_groups.people_group_id(+) = per.people_group_id;
Line: 407

    SELECT info.batch_proc_id
         , info.object_version_number
      FROM ben_batch_proc_info info
     WHERE info.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 414

    SELECT COUNT (*) amount
      FROM ben_cwb_rpt_detail
     WHERE person_rate_id = -9999
       AND status_cd = 'E'
       AND benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 422

    SELECT COUNT (*) amount
      FROM ben_cwb_rpt_detail
     WHERE person_rate_id = -9999
       AND status_cd IN ('WC', 'SC', 'W')
       AND benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 430

    SELECT COUNT (*) amount
      FROM ben_cwb_rpt_detail
     WHERE person_rate_id = -9999
       AND lf_evt_closed_flag = 'N'
       AND benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 438

    SELECT COUNT (*) amount
      FROM ben_cwb_rpt_detail
     WHERE person_rate_id = -9999
       AND lf_evt_closed_flag = 'Y'
       AND benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 444

  CURSOR c_placeholder_selection (
    v_pl_id               IN   NUMBER
  , v_lf_evt_orcd_date    IN   DATE
  , v_person_id           IN   NUMBER
  , v_manager_id          IN   NUMBER
  , v_business_group_id   IN   NUMBER
  , v_effective_date      IN   DATE
    SELECT   pil.person_id
           , (pil.per_in_ler_id) per_in_ler_id
           , (nvl(per.custom_name,per.full_name)) full_name
           , bg.NAME
	   , per.legislation_code
	   , per.business_group_id
        ben_per_in_ler pil,
        ben_per_in_ler mgr_pil,
        ben_cwb_person_info per,
        ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrchy,
        per_business_groups_perf bg
    where  pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
    AND pil.group_pl_id = per.group_pl_id
    AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = per.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
    AND per.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
    AND hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
    AND hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id = mgr_pil.per_in_ler_id
    AND (   v_person_id IS NULL
              OR pil.person_id = v_person_id)
    AND (   (    v_manager_id IS NULL
                  AND hrchy.lvl_num = (SELECT MAX (lvl_num)
                                         FROM ben_cwb_group_hrchy
                                        WHERE emp_per_in_ler_id = hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id)
    OR (    mgr_pil.person_id = v_manager_id
         AND hrchy.lvl_num > 0)
    and not exists(
        select null from
        where group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
    and (v_business_group_id is null or
         per.business_group_id = v_business_group_id)
    AND bg.business_group_id = per.business_group_id
    AND v_effective_date >= bg.date_from
    AND (   bg.date_to IS NULL
        OR bg.date_to >= v_effective_date)
    and per.group_pl_id = v_pl_id
    and per.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_orcd_date
Line: 496

  CURSOR c_person_selection (
    v_pl_id               IN   NUMBER
  , v_lf_evt_orcd_date    IN   DATE
  , v_person_id           IN   NUMBER
  , v_manager_id          IN   NUMBER
  , v_business_group_id   IN   NUMBER
  , v_effective_date      IN   DATE
    SELECT   pil.person_id
           , max(pil.per_in_ler_id) per_in_ler_id
           , max(nvl(per.custom_name,per.full_name)) full_name
           , max(bg.NAME) NAME
	   , per.business_group_id
        FROM ben_per_in_ler pil
           , ben_per_in_ler mgr_pil
           , ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrchy
           , per_business_groups_perf bg
           , ben_cwb_person_info per
	   , ben_cwb_person_rates rates
	   , ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
       WHERE pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
         AND pil.group_pl_id = v_pl_id
         AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_orcd_date
         AND per.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
         AND (   v_person_id IS NULL
              OR pil.person_id = v_person_id)
         AND (   v_business_group_id IS NULL
              OR per.business_group_id = v_business_group_id)
         AND per.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id
         AND v_effective_date >= bg.date_from
         AND (   bg.date_to IS NULL
              OR bg.date_to >= v_effective_date)
         AND hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
         AND hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id = mgr_pil.per_in_ler_id
         AND (   (    v_manager_id IS NULL
                  AND hrchy.lvl_num = (SELECT MAX (lvl_num)
                                         FROM ben_cwb_group_hrchy
                                        WHERE emp_per_in_ler_id = hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id)
              OR (    mgr_pil.person_id = v_manager_id
                  AND hrchy.lvl_num > 0)
       AND rates.group_per_in_ler_id  = pil.per_in_ler_id
       AND rates.pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
       AND rates.oipl_id = dsgn.oipl_id
       --AND rates.elig_flag = 'Y'
       AND rates.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND dsgn.oipl_id=-1
       AND nvl(dsgn.do_not_process_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
       GROUP BY pil.person_id, per.business_group_id
    ORDER BY full_name;
Line: 551

   select null
   from ben_cwb_person_rates
   where group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
   and oipl_id = -1
   and elig_flag = 'Y';
Line: 564

    SELECT pil.per_in_ler_id
         , pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd
         , pil.object_version_number
      FROM ben_per_in_ler pil
     WHERE pil.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND pil.person_id = v_person_id
       AND pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
       AND (   v_employee_in_bg IS NULL
            OR pil.business_group_id = v_employee_in_bg);
Line: 577

    SELECT        ran.range_id
                , ran.starting_person_action_id
                , ran.ending_person_action_id
             FROM ben_batch_ranges ran
            WHERE ran.range_status_cd = 'U'
              AND ran.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id
              AND ROWNUM < 2
    FOR UPDATE OF ran.range_status_cd;
Line: 592

    SELECT   ben.person_id
           , ben.person_action_id
           , ben.object_version_number
           , ben.ler_id
           , ben.non_person_cd
        FROM ben_person_actions ben
       WHERE ben.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id
         AND ben.action_status_cd <> 'P'
         AND ben.person_action_id BETWEEN v_start_person_action_id AND v_end_person_action_id
    ORDER BY ben.person_action_id;
Line: 605

    SELECT ben.*
      FROM ben_benefit_actions ben
     WHERE ben.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id;
Line: 611

    SELECT actual_termination_date
      FROM per_periods_of_service
     WHERE person_id = v_person_id
       AND date_start = (SELECT   MAX (date_start)
                             FROM per_periods_of_service
                            WHERE person_id = v_person_id
                         GROUP BY person_id);
Line: 621

    SELECT dsgn.perf_revw_strt_dt
         , nvl(dsgn.ovr_perf_revw_strt_dt, dsgn.perf_revw_strt_dt)
         , dsgn.asg_updt_eff_date
         , dsgn.emp_interview_typ_cd
      FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE dsgn.pl_id = v_pl_id
       AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND dsgn.oipl_id = -1;
Line: 632

      FROM ben_oipl_f oipl
         , ben_opt_f opt
     WHERE oipl.pl_id = v_pl_id
       AND oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
       and opt.component_reason is not null
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date AND opt.effective_end_date
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date AND oipl.effective_end_date;
Line: 643

    SELECT dsgn.ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
         , ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = dsgn.oipl_id
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
Line: 656

 SELECT decode(piv.uom,NULL,2,'M',nvl(curr.PRECISION,2),5) PRECISION
   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg,
    per_pay_bases ppb,
    pay_input_values_f piv,
    pay_element_types_f pet,
    fnd_currencies curr
WHERE asg.assignment_id = v_assignment_id
 AND v_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
 AND asg.effective_end_date
 AND asg.pay_basis_id = ppb.pay_basis_id
 AND ppb.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
 AND v_effective_date BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date
 AND piv.effective_end_date
 AND piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
 AND v_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
 AND pet.effective_end_date
 AND pet.input_currency_code = curr.currency_code;
Line: 682

    SELECT SUM (rt.ws_val)
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
          ,ben_oipl_f oipl
          ,ben_opt_f opt
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id <> -1
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_orcd_dt
       AND nvl(v_profile_value,rt.ws_val) <> 0
       AND oipl.oipl_id = rt.oipl_id
       AND oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
       AND opt.component_reason is not null
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date AND opt.effective_end_date
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date AND oipl.effective_end_date
       AND rt.elig_flag = 'Y';
Line: 702

    SELECT DECODE(v_rule_based,'Y',
            min(OVRID_RT_STRT_DT)) effective_date
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
         , ben_oipl_f oipl
         , ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
         , ben_opt_f opt
         , ben_cwb_person_info info
         , ben_per_in_ler pil
         , ben_cwb_xchg xchg
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = dsgn.oipl_id
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = info.group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
       AND oipl.oipl_id = rt.oipl_id
       AND oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
       AND opt.component_reason is not null
       AND OVRID_RT_STRT_DT BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date AND opt.effective_end_date
       AND OVRID_RT_STRT_DT BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date AND oipl.effective_end_date
       and xchg.group_pl_id = rt.group_pl_id
       and xchg.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       and xchg.currency = rt.currency
       AND exists (select null from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn where pl_id = rt.pl_id and oipl_id = -1 and nvl(do_not_process_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 735

    SELECT nvl(rt.ws_val,0) ws_val
         , rt.person_rate_id
         , opt.component_reason
         , dsgn.salary_change_reason
         , dsgn.pl_id
         , dsgn.oipl_id
         , dsgn.group_pl_id
         , dsgn.group_oipl_id
         , dsgn.ws_nnmntry_uom units
         , dsgn.ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
         , pil.ws_mgr_id
         , info.full_name
         , info.employee_number
         , info.business_group_id
         , rt.elig_sal_val
         , xchg.xchg_rate
         , rt.elig_flag
         , rt.currency
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
         , ben_oipl_f oipl
         , ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
         , ben_opt_f opt
         , ben_cwb_person_info info
         , ben_per_in_ler pil
         , ben_cwb_xchg xchg
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       --AND rt.oipl_id <> -1
       --AND rt.elig_flag = 'Y' (for logging)
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_orcd_dt
       --AND nvl(rt.ws_val,0) <> 0
       AND rt.pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = dsgn.oipl_id
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = info.group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
       AND oipl.oipl_id = rt.oipl_id
       AND oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id
       AND opt.component_reason is not null
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date AND opt.effective_end_date
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date AND oipl.effective_end_date
       and xchg.group_pl_id = rt.group_pl_id
       and xchg.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       and xchg.currency = rt.currency
       AND exists (select null from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn where pl_id = rt.pl_id and oipl_id = -1 and nvl(do_not_process_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 784

    SELECT rt.ws_val
         , rt.person_rate_id
         , rt.pl_id
         , rt.oipl_id
         , rt.object_version_number
         , dsgn.ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
         , dsgn.ws_abr_id
         , dsgn.salary_change_reason
         , dsgn.ws_nnmntry_uom units
         , dsgn.acty_ref_perd_cd
         , dsgn.business_group_id
         , dsgn.group_pl_id
         , dsgn.group_oipl_id
         , pil.ws_mgr_id
         , info.full_name
         , info.employee_number
         , info.assignment_id
         , opt.component_reason
         , info.base_salary_currency
         , dsgn.uom_precision
         , info.base_salary
         , rt.elig_sal_val
         , initcap(info.base_salary_frequency) base_salary_frequency
         , info.pay_annulization_factor
         , dsgn.pl_annulization_factor
         , xchg.xchg_rate
         , rt.elig_flag
         , info.fte_factor
         , rt.currency
      FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rt
         , ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
         , ben_cwb_person_info info
         , ben_per_in_ler pil
         , ben_oipl_f oipl
         , ben_opt_f opt
         , ben_cwb_xchg xchg
     WHERE rt.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = dsgn.oipl_id
       --AND rt.elig_flag = 'Y' (for logging)
       AND rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = info.group_per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
       AND rt.oipl_id = oipl.oipl_id (+)
       AND oipl.opt_id = opt.opt_id (+)
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN opt.effective_start_date (+) AND opt.effective_end_date (+)
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date (+)AND oipl.effective_end_date (+)
       and xchg.group_pl_id = rt.group_pl_id
       and xchg.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = rt.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       and xchg.currency = rt.currency
       AND exists (select null from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn where pl_id = rt.pl_id and oipl_id = -1 and nvl(do_not_process_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 838

    SELECT xtra_info.aei_information1
         , xtra_info.aei_information2
         , xtra_info.aei_information4
         , xtra_info.assignment_id
         , xtra_info.object_version_number
         , xtra_info.assignment_extra_info_id
      FROM per_assignment_extra_info xtra_info
         , ben_cwb_person_info per
     WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND xtra_info.assignment_id = per.assignment_id
       AND xtra_info.information_type = 'CWBRANK'
       AND xtra_info.aei_information1 IS NOT NULL
       AND xtra_info.aei_information3 IS NULL;
Line: 857

     SELECT xtra_info.aei_information1
          , xtra_info.aei_information2
          , xtra_info.aei_information4
          , xtra_info.assignment_id
          , xtra_info.object_version_number
       FROM per_assignment_extra_info xtra_info
          , ben_cwb_person_info per
      WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
        AND xtra_info.assignment_id = per.assignment_id
        AND xtra_info.information_type = 'CWBRANK'
        AND xtra_info.aei_information5 = fnd_date.date_to_canonical(v_eff_dt)
        AND xtra_info.aei_information2 = v_ranked_by;
Line: 873

    SELECT asg.assignment_id
         , asg.pay_basis_id
         , ppp.proposed_salary_n
         , ppp.object_version_number
      FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
         , per_pay_bases ppb
         , per_pay_proposals ppp
         , ben_cwb_person_info per
     WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
       AND asg.assignment_id = per.assignment_id
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
       AND ppb.pay_basis_id = asg.pay_basis_id
       AND ppp.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
       AND ppp.approved = 'Y'
       AND ppp.change_date =
             (SELECT MAX (ppp1.change_date)
                FROM per_pay_proposals ppp1
               WHERE ppp1.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                 AND ppp1.approved = 'Y'
                 AND change_date < v_effective_date);
Line: 896

   SELECT ppp.proposed_salary_n
     FROM per_pay_proposals ppp
        , ben_cwb_person_info per
    WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id
      AND ppp.assignment_id = per.assignment_id
      AND ppp.change_date > v_effective_date;
Line: 909

    SELECT ele.element_entry_id
      FROM per_pay_bases bas
         , pay_element_entries_f ele
         , pay_element_entry_values_f entval
     WHERE bas.pay_basis_id = v_pay_basis_id
       AND entval.input_value_id = bas.input_value_id
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN entval.effective_start_date AND entval.effective_end_date
       AND ele.assignment_id = v_assignmnet_id
       AND v_effective_date BETWEEN ele.effective_start_date AND ele.effective_end_date
       AND ele.element_entry_id = entval.element_entry_id
       AND ele.creator_type = 'SP'; --11779749
Line: 924

    SELECT SUM (comp.change_amount_n) tamt
      FROM per_pay_proposal_components comp
     WHERE comp.pay_proposal_id = v_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 930

    SELECT per.business_group_id
         , per.base_salary
         , per.base_salary_currency
         , initcap(base_salary_frequency) base_salary_frequency
         , pay_annulization_factor
         , fte_factor
      FROM ben_cwb_person_info per
     WHERE per.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 941

    SELECT dsgn.NAME
         , dsgn.group_pl_id
      FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE dsgn.pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.pl_id = dsgn.group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.group_oipl_id = -1
       AND dsgn.oipl_id = dsgn.group_oipl_id
       AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
Line: 952

    SELECT dsgn.NAME
         , dsgn.group_oipl_id
      FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE dsgn.pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.pl_id = dsgn.group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.oipl_id = dsgn.group_oipl_id
       AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND dsgn.oipl_id <> -1;
Line: 963

    SELECT dsgn.NAME
         , dsgn.pl_id
      FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE dsgn.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND dsgn.oipl_id = -1
       AND dsgn.pl_id <> dsgn.group_pl_id;
Line: 973

    SELECT dsgn.NAME
         , dsgn.oipl_id
      FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
     WHERE dsgn.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
       AND dsgn.pl_id <> dsgn.group_pl_id
       AND dsgn.oipl_id <> -1;
Line: 983

    SELECT   COUNT (*) amount
           , action_status_cd
        FROM ben_person_actions act
       WHERE act.benefit_action_id = v_benefit_action_id
         AND act.action_status_cd IN ('P', 'E', 'U')
    GROUP BY action_status_cd;
Line: 994

     SELECT  pil.per_in_ler_id
            ,nvl(info.custom_name,info.full_name) full_name
       FROM  ben_per_in_ler pil
            ,ben_cwb_person_groups pgroup
            ,ben_cwb_person_info info
      WHERE pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
        AND pil.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
        AND pgroup.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
        AND pgroup.group_oipl_id = -1
        AND ( nvl(pgroup.access_cd,'UP') = 'UP' OR approval_cd = 'AP' )
        AND info.group_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
        AND NOT EXISTS (
            SELECT NULL
            FROM ben_cwb_group_hrchy h, ben_per_in_ler p
                 ,ben_cwb_person_rates r
            WHERE h.mgr_per_in_ler_id =  pil.per_in_ler_id
            AND h.lvl_num > 0
            AND p.per_in_ler_id = h.emp_per_in_ler_id
            AND p.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
            AND p.group_pl_id = pil.group_pl_id
            AND p.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
            AND r.group_per_in_ler_id = h.emp_per_in_ler_id
            AND r.oipl_id = -1
            AND r.elig_flag = 'Y'
        AND NOT EXISTS (
            SELECT NULL
            FROM ben_per_in_ler p
            WHERE p.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
            AND p.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
            AND p.group_pl_id = pil.group_pl_id
            AND p.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
            AND NOT EXISTS (
             SELECT NULL
             FROM ben_cwb_group_hrchy h
             WHERE h.mgr_per_in_ler_id = p.per_in_ler_id
Line: 1035

     SELECT emp_per_in_ler_id
       FROM  ben_per_in_ler pil
            ,ben_cwb_group_hrchy hrchy
      WHERE hrchy.mgr_per_in_ler_id = v_mgr_per_in_ler_id
        AND hrchy.lvl_num > 0
        AND pil.per_in_ler_id = hrchy.emp_per_in_ler_id
        AND pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
        AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1049

     SELECT dsgn.pl_annulization_factor,
       FROM ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn,
            ben_cwb_person_info info
      WHERE dsgn.group_pl_id = v_group_pl_id
        AND dsgn.group_pl_id = dsgn.pl_id
        AND dsgn.oipl_id = -1
        AND dsgn.lf_evt_ocrd_dt = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
        AND info.group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1065

     SELECT input_currency_code
       FROM pay_element_types_f
      WHERE element_type_id =  v_element_type_id
        AND v_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1075

        select pet.element_name||': '||piv.name
        , processing_type
        , input_currency_code
          from pay_input_values_f piv,
               pay_element_types_f pet
         where piv.input_value_id = v_input_value_id
           and piv.element_type_id = v_element_type_id
           and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
           and v_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
           and v_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 1091

          select eev.screen_entry_value
          from pay_element_entries_f ee,
               pay_element_entry_values_f eev
          where ee.assignment_id = v_assignment_id
          and ee.element_type_id = v_element_type_id
          and v_effective_date between ee.effective_start_date and ee.effective_end_date
          and eev.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id
          and eev.input_value_id = v_input_value_id
          and eev.effective_start_date = ee.effective_start_date
          and eev.effective_end_date = ee.effective_end_date
          and eev.screen_entry_value is not null
          order by ee.effective_start_date;
Line: 1106

        select proposed_salary_n
          from per_pay_proposals
          where pay_proposal_id = v_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1113

     select perf.performance_rating
       from per_performance_reviews perf
      where perf.person_id = v_person_id
        and perf.review_date = v_effective_date;
Line: 1121

 select asgn.job_id
      , job.name job
      , asgn.position_id
      , pos.name position
      , asgn.grade_id
      , grade.name grade
      , asgn.people_group_id
      , people_group.group_name
      , asgn.ass_attribute1
      , asgn.ass_attribute2
      , asgn.ass_attribute3
      , asgn.ass_attribute4
      , asgn.ass_attribute5
      , asgn.ass_attribute6
      , asgn.ass_attribute7
      , asgn.ass_attribute8
      , asgn.ass_attribute9
      , asgn.ass_attribute10
      , asgn.ass_attribute11
      , asgn.ass_attribute12
      , asgn.ass_attribute13
      , asgn.ass_attribute14
      , asgn.ass_attribute15
      , asgn.ass_attribute16
      , asgn.ass_attribute17
      , asgn.ass_attribute18
      , asgn.ass_attribute19
      , asgn.ass_attribute20
      , asgn.ass_attribute21
      , asgn.ass_attribute22
      , asgn.ass_attribute23
      , asgn.ass_attribute24
      , asgn.ass_attribute25
      , asgn.ass_attribute26
      , asgn.ass_attribute27
      , asgn.ass_attribute28
      , asgn.ass_attribute29
      , asgn.ass_attribute30
 from per_all_assignments_f asgn
    , per_jobs_tl job
    , hr_all_positions_f_tl pos
    , per_grades_tl grade
    , pay_people_groups people_group
 where assignment_id = v_assignment_id
 and v_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
 and job.job_id(+) = asgn.job_id
 and job.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and pos.position_id(+) = asgn.position_id
 and pos.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and grade.grade_id(+) = asgn.grade_id
 and grade.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and people_group.people_group_id(+) = asgn.people_group_id;
Line: 1177

 select job.name job
      , pos.name position
      , grade.name grade
      , people_group.group_name
 from ben_transaction asgn
    , per_jobs_tl job
    , hr_all_positions_f_tl pos
    , per_grades_tl grade
    , pay_people_groups people_group
 where asgn.transaction_id = v_transaction_id
 and asgn.transaction_type = v_transaction_type
 and job.job_id(+) = asgn.attribute5
 and job.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and pos.position_id(+) = asgn.attribute6
 and pos.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and grade.grade_id(+) = asgn.attribute7
 and grade.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
 and people_group.people_group_id(+) = asgn.attribute8;
Line: 1199

SELECT trans.transaction_id,
FROM ben_transaction trans,
  ben_cwb_pl_dsgn dsgn
WHERE trans.transaction_id IN
   FROM ben_cwb_person_rates rates
   WHERE group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id)
AND trans.transaction_type = 'CWBPPOVDT' || to_char(v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,'yyyy/mm/dd');
Line: 1212

    Select null
      From fnd_concurrent_requests fnd
     Where request_id = v_request_id
       and status_code = 'E';
Line: 1225

 WHERE GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID = v_group_per_in_ler_id
 AND PL_ID = v_pl_id
 AND OIPL_ID = v_oipl_id
 AND LF_EVT_OCRD_DT = v_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
 AND GROUP_PL_ID = v_group_pl_id
 AND GROUP_OIPL_ID = v_group_oipl_id
Line: 1237

select new_assgn_ovn, new_perf_event_id, new_perf_review_id
from ben_cwb_person_info
where group_per_in_ler_id = v_group_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1347

      write_h('All Employees are processed for this manager and eligible for status update');
Line: 1349

      write_h('Some Employees are not processed for this manager and not eligible for status update');
Line: 1366

         write_m('Access and approval cd update for '||l_pils_for_access.full_name);
Line: 1368

                                        (p_group_per_in_ler_id       => l_pils_for_access.per_in_ler_id
                                       , p_group_pl_id               => p_group_pl_id
                                       , p_group_oipl_id             => -1
                                       , p_access_cd                 => 'RO'
                                       , p_approval_date             => sysdate
                                       , p_approval_cd               => 'PR'
                                       , p_object_version_number     => l_grp_ovn.object_version_number
Line: 1385

       write_m('Access and approval cd not update for '||l_pils_for_access.full_name || ' as status is not UP');
Line: 1412

  , p_person_selected     IN   NUMBER
  , p_business_group_id   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
    l_actions                 c_actions%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1474

    g_exec_param_rec.persons_selected :=
                               g_exec_param_rec.persons_errored + g_exec_param_rec.persons_proc_succ;
Line: 1498

                                           , p_per_slctd                 => g_exec_param_rec.persons_selected
                                           , p_per_proc                  => g_exec_param_rec.lf_evt_closed
                                           , p_per_unproc                => g_exec_param_rec.lf_evt_not_closed
                                           , p_per_proc_succ             => g_exec_param_rec.persons_proc_succ
                                           , p_per_err                   => g_exec_param_rec.persons_errored
                                           , p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
                                           , p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
Line: 1586

  PROCEDURE insert_person_actions (
    p_per_actn_id_array     IN   g_number_type
  , p_per_id                IN   g_number_type
  , p_group_per_in_ler_id   IN   g_number_type
  , p_benefit_action_id     IN   NUMBER
  , p_is_placeholder        IN   g_number_type
    l_num_rows   NUMBER := p_per_actn_id_array.COUNT;
Line: 1596

    g_proc := 'insert_person_actions';
Line: 1597

    write('Time before inserting person actions '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 1600

      INSERT INTO ben_person_actions
                 , person_id
                 , ler_id
                 , benefit_action_id
                 , action_status_cd
                 , object_version_number
                 , NON_PERSON_CD
           VALUES (p_per_actn_id_array (l_count)
                 , p_per_id (l_count)
                 , p_group_per_in_ler_id (l_count)
                 , p_benefit_action_id
                 , 'U'
                 , 1
                 , decode(p_is_placeholder (l_count),1,'Y','N')
Line: 1618

      write_m ('Time before inserting ben batch ranges '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 1619

    INSERT INTO ben_batch_ranges
               , benefit_action_id
               , range_status_cd
               , starting_person_action_id
               , ending_person_action_id
               , object_version_number
         VALUES (ben_batch_ranges_s.NEXTVAL
               , p_benefit_action_id
               , 'U'
               , p_per_actn_id_array (1)
               , p_per_actn_id_array (l_num_rows)
               , 1
Line: 1634

   write_m ('Time at end of insert person actions '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 1674

       INSERT INTO ben_cwb_rpt_detail
                 , person_rate_id
                 , pl_id
                 , person_id
                 , country_code
                 , group_per_in_ler_id
                 , oipl_id
                 , group_pl_id
                 , group_oipl_id
                 , ws_mgr_id
                 , lf_evt_ocrd_dt
                 , full_name
                 , employee_number
                 , business_group_id
                 , business_group_name
                 , manager_name
                 , pl_name
                 , opt_name
                 , amount
                 , units
                 , performance_rating
                 , assignment_changed_flag
                 , status_cd
                 , lf_evt_closed_flag
                 , error_or_warning_text
                 , cwb_rpt_detail_id
  , base_salary_currency
  , currency
  , base_salary
  , elig_salary
  , percent_of_elig_sal
  , base_sal_freq
  , pay_ann_factor
  , pl_ann_factor
  , conversion_factor
  , adjusted_amount
  , prev_sal
  , new_sal
  , pay_proposal_id
  , pay_basis_id
  , element_entry_id
  , exchange_rate
  , effective_date
  , reason
  , eligibility
  , fte_factor
  , element_input_value
  , amount_posted
  , assignment_id
  , element_entry_value_id
  , input_value_id
  , element_type_id
  , eev_screen_entry_value
  , elmnt_processing_type
  , uom_precision
  , ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
  , posted_rating
  , rating_type
  , rating_date
  , prior_job
  , posted_job
  , proposed_job
  , prior_position
  , posted_position
  , proposed_position
  , prior_grade
  , posted_grade
  , proposed_grade
  , prior_group
  , posted_group
  , proposed_group
  , prior_flex1
  , posted_flex1
  , proposed_flex1
  , prior_flex2
  , posted_flex2
  , proposed_flex2
  , prior_flex3
  , posted_flex3
  , proposed_flex3
  , prior_flex4
  , posted_flex4
  , proposed_flex4
  , prior_flex5
  , posted_flex5
  , proposed_flex5
  , prior_flex6
  , posted_flex6
  , proposed_flex6
  , prior_flex7
  , posted_flex7
  , proposed_flex7
  , prior_flex8
  , posted_flex8
  , proposed_flex8
  , prior_flex9
  , posted_flex9
  , proposed_flex9
  , prior_flex10
  , posted_flex10
  , proposed_flex10
  , prior_flex11
  , posted_flex11
  , proposed_flex11
  , prior_flex12
  , posted_flex12
  , proposed_flex12
  , prior_flex13
  , posted_flex13
  , proposed_flex13
  , prior_flex14
  , posted_flex14
  , proposed_flex14
  , prior_flex15
  , posted_flex15
  , proposed_flex15
  , prior_flex16
  , posted_flex16
  , proposed_flex16
  , prior_flex17
  , posted_flex17
  , proposed_flex17
  , prior_flex18
  , posted_flex18
  , proposed_flex18
  , prior_flex19
  , posted_flex19
  , proposed_flex19
  , prior_flex20
  , posted_flex20
  , proposed_flex20
  , prior_flex21
  , posted_flex21
  , proposed_flex21
  , prior_flex22
  , posted_flex22
  , proposed_flex22
  , prior_flex23
  , posted_flex23
  , proposed_flex23
  , prior_flex24
  , posted_flex24
  , proposed_flex24
  , prior_flex25
  , posted_flex25
  , proposed_flex25
  , prior_flex26
  , posted_flex26
  , proposed_flex26
  , prior_flex27
  , posted_flex27
  , proposed_flex27
  , prior_flex28
  , posted_flex28
  , proposed_flex28
  , prior_flex29
  , posted_flex29
  , proposed_flex29
  , prior_flex30
  , posted_flex30
  , proposed_flex30
  , asgn_change_reason
  , pending_workflow
  , new_rpt
  , prev_eev_screen_entry_value)
           VALUES (benutils.g_benefit_action_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_rate_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pl_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id
                 ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).country_code
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).group_per_in_ler_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).oipl_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).group_pl_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).group_oipl_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).ws_mgr_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).lf_evt_ocrd_date
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).full_name
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).emp_number
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).business_group_id
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).business_group_name
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).manager_name
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pl_name
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).opt_name
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).amount
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).units
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).performance_rating
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).assignment_changed
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).status
                 , g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).lf_evt_closed
                 , l_message_text
                 , ben_cwb_rpt_detail_s.NEXTVAL
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).base_salary_currency
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).currency
  ,  round(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).base_salary*g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pay_ann_factor/g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pl_ann_factor,
     nvl(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).uom_precision,2))
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).elig_salary
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).percent_of_elig_sal
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).base_sal_freq
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pay_ann_factor
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pl_ann_factor
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).conversion_factor
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).adjusted_amount
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prev_sal
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).new_sal
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pay_proposal_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pay_basis_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).element_entry_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).exchange_rate
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).effective_date
  ,  substr(hr_general.decode_lookup('PROPOSAL_REASON',g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).reason),1,30)   -- bug : 7042887/10149579
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).eligibility
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).fte_factor
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).element_input_value
  ,  nvl(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).amount_posted,0)
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).assignment_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).element_entry_value_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).input_value_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).element_type_id
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).eev_screen_entry_value
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).elmnt_processing_type
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).uom_precision
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).ws_sub_acty_typ_cd
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_rating,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).rating_type,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).rating_date,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_job,1,700)			--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_job,1,700)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_job,1,700)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_position,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_position,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_position,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_grade,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_grade,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_grade,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_group,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_group,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_group,1,240)		--sg
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex1,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex1,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex1,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex2,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex2,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex2,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex3,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex3,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex3,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex4,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex4,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex4,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex5,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex5,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex5,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex6,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex6,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex6,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex7,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex7,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex7,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex8,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex8,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex8,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex9,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex9,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex9,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex10,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex10,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex10,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex11,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex11,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex11,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex12,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex12,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex12,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex13,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex13,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex13,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex14,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex14,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex14,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex15,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex15,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex15,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex16,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex16,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex16,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex17,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex17,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex17,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex18,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex18,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex18,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex19,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex19,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex19,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex20,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex20,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex20,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex21,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex21,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex21,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex22,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex22,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex22,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex23,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex23,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex23,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex24,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex24,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex24,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex25,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex25,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex25,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex26,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex26,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex26,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex27,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex27,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex27,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex28,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex28,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex28,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex29,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex29,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex29,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prior_flex30,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).posted_flex30,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).proposed_flex30,1,30)
  ,  substr(g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).asgn_change_reason,1,30)
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).pending_workflow
  ,  'Y'
  ,  g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).prev_eev_screen_entry_value);
Line: 2010

        INSERT INTO ben_cwb_rpt_detail
                   , person_rate_id
                   , person_id
                   , country_code
                   , business_group_id
                   , business_group_name
                   , status_cd
                   , lf_evt_closed_flag
                   , cwb_rpt_detail_id
             VALUES (benutils.g_benefit_action_id
                   , -9999
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).person_id
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).country_code
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).bg_id
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).bg_name
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).status
                   , g_cache_cwb_sum_person (g_cache_cwb_rpt_person (i).person_id).lf_evt_closed
                   , ben_cwb_rpt_detail_s.NEXTVAL
Line: 2076

      INSERT INTO ben_cwb_rpt_detail (
      VALUES (
Line: 2371

        write_h ('selected per_in_ler_id ' || pil_rec.per_in_ler_id || ' for closing');
Line: 2372

                                         (p_per_in_ler_id             => pil_rec.per_in_ler_id
                                        , p_per_in_ler_stat_cd        => 'PROCD'
                                        , p_procd_dt                  => l_procd_dt
                                        , p_voidd_dt                  => l_voidd_dt
                                        , p_strtd_dt                  => l_strtd_dt
                                        , p_object_version_number     => pil_rec.object_version_number
                                        , p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
Line: 2410

      write_h ('selected the group_per_in_ler_id ' || p_group_per_in_ler_id || ' for closing');
Line: 2419

                                        (p_per_in_ler_id             => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                       , p_per_in_ler_stat_cd        => 'PROCD'
                                       , p_procd_dt                  => l_procd_dt
                                       , p_voidd_dt                  => l_voidd_dt
                                       , p_strtd_dt                  => l_strtd_dt
                                       , p_object_version_number     => l_pil_ovn.object_version_number
                                       , p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
Line: 2438

                                           (p_group_per_in_ler_id       => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                           , p_post_process_stat_cd      => 'PR'
                                           , p_object_version_number     => l_info_ovn.object_version_number
Line: 2445

      ben_cwb_audit_api.update_per_record(p_per_in_ler_id => p_group_per_in_ler_id);
Line: 2613

          'This employee had a recent update to Base Salary '
          || 'or Pay Basis. The new salary could not be posted.'
          || ' Either delete the recent update and rerun this process,'
          || 'or apply the new salary manually. ';
Line: 2645

          WRITE ('Inserting salary proposal...');
Line: 2646

          write_m ('Time before inserting the salary proposal '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 2648

                                              (p_pay_proposal_id               => l_pay_proposal_id
                                             , p_assignment_id                 => asg_rec.assignment_id
                                             , p_business_group_id             => per_bg_rec.business_group_id
                                             , p_change_date                   => l_effective_date
                                             , p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
                                             , p_multiple_components           => 'Y'
                                             , p_approved                      => 'N'
                                             , p_validate                      => FALSE
                                             , p_element_entry_id              => l_ele_ent_id
                                             , p_inv_next_sal_date_warning     => l_dummy1
                                             , p_proposed_salary_warning       => l_dummy2
                                             , p_approved_warning              => l_dummy3
                                             , p_payroll_warning               => l_dummy4
Line: 2687

            WRITE('Error in insert_salary_proposal : '||SQLERRM);
Line: 2700

         write_m ('Time after inserting the salary proposal '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 2776

            WRITE ('Inserting salary proposal component...');
Line: 2777

            write_h ('==============Inserting Salary component ========');
Line: 2785

            write_m ('Time before inserting the salary proposal components '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 2812

                                              (p_component_id              => l_component_id
                                             , p_pay_proposal_id           => l_pay_proposal_id
                                             , p_business_group_id         => per_bg_rec.business_group_id
                                             , p_approved                  => 'Y'
                                             , p_component_reason          => sal_rate_rec.component_reason
                                             , p_change_amount_n           => l_sal_incr
                                             , p_object_version_number     => l_component_ovn
Line: 2823

              WRITE('Error in insert_proposal_component : '||SQLERRM);
Line: 2837

            write_m('Time after inserting the salary proposal components '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 2845

                                        (p_group_per_in_ler_id        => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                       , p_pl_id                      => sal_rate_rec.pl_id
                                       , p_oipl_id                    => sal_rate_rec.oipl_id
                                       , p_pay_proposal_id            => l_pay_proposal_id
                                       , p_comp_posting_date          => l_effective_date
                                       , p_object_version_number      => l_rate_ovn.object_version_number
Line: 2920

                                           (p_pay_proposal_id               => l_pay_proposal_id
                                          , p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
                                          , p_proposed_salary_n             => (l_prev_sal
                                                                                + tot_com_amt_rec.tamt)
                                          , p_approved                      => 'Y'
                                          , p_inv_next_sal_date_warning     => l_dummy1
                                          , p_proposal_reason               => l_sal_factors.salary_change_reason
                                          , p_proposed_salary_warning       => l_dummy2
                                          , p_approved_warning              => l_dummy3
                                          , p_payroll_warning               => l_dummy4
Line: 2935

              WRITE('Error in update_salary_proposal : '||SQLERRM);
Line: 3077

          'This employee had a recent update to Base Salary '
          || 'or Pay Basis. The new salary could not be posted.'
          || ' Either delete the recent update and rerun this process,'
          || 'or apply the new salary manually. ';
Line: 3100

        g_actn := 'Inserting salary proposal for non_comp_salary';
Line: 3102

        write_h ('==============Inserting Salary proposal========');
Line: 3110

        write_m ('Time before inserting the salary proposal '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 3135

                                               (p_pay_proposal_id               => l_pay_proposal_id
                                              , p_assignment_id                 => asg_rec.assignment_id
                                              , p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
                                              , p_change_date                   => p_effective_date
                                              , p_proposal_reason               => p_salary_change_reason
                                              , p_proposed_salary_n             => (l_prev_sal
                                                                                    + p_ws_val
                                                                                   --l_sal_incr --p_ws_val
                                              , p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
                                              , p_multiple_components           => 'N'
                                              , p_approved                      => 'Y'
                                              , p_validate                      => FALSE
                                              , p_element_entry_id              => l_ele_ent_id
                                              , p_inv_next_sal_date_warning     => l_dummy1
                                              , p_proposed_salary_warning       => l_dummy2
                                              , p_approved_warning              => l_dummy3
                                              , p_payroll_warning               => l_dummy4
Line: 3182

            WRITE('Exception at insert_salary_proposal : '||SQLERRM);
Line: 3195

         write_m ('Time after inserting the salary proposal '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 3208

                                        (p_group_per_in_ler_id        => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                       , p_pl_id                      => p_pl_id
                                       , p_oipl_id                    => p_oipl_id
                                       --, p_element_entry_value_id     => l_ele_ent_id
                                       , p_pay_proposal_id            => l_pay_proposal_id
                                       , p_object_version_number      => l_rate_ovn.object_version_number
Line: 3324

                                         (p_group_per_in_ler_id        => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                        , p_pl_id                      => p_pl_id
                                        , p_oipl_id                    => p_oipl_id
                                        , p_element_entry_value_id     => p_element_entry_value_id
                                        , p_object_version_number      => l_rate_ovn.object_version_number
Line: 3334

        WRITE('Exception at update_person_rate : '||SQLERRM);
Line: 3378

      select post_zero_salary_increase
      from ben_cwb_pl_dsgn
      where pl_id = p_group_pl_id
      and lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_date
      and group_oipl_id = -1;
Line: 3922

                                      (p_group_per_in_ler_id       => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                     , p_pl_id                     => rt_rec.pl_id
                                     , p_oipl_id                   => rt_rec.oipl_id
                                     , p_comp_posting_date         => l_effective_date
                                     , p_object_version_number     => l_rate_ovn.object_version_number);
Line: 3980

    l_perf_txn                   ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn%ROWTYPE;
Line: 3981

    l_asg_txn                    ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn%ROWTYPE;
Line: 4114

      OPEN ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn (l_emp_num_and_emp_name.assignment_id,
                                     ben_cwb_asg_update.g_ws_perf_rec_type||to_char(l_perf_revw_strt_dt, 'yyyy/mm/dd')
Line: 4118

      FETCH ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn INTO l_perf_txn;
Line: 4119

      CLOSE ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn;
Line: 4123

      OPEN ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn (l_emp_num_and_emp_name.assignment_id,
                                     ben_cwb_asg_update.g_ws_asg_rec_type||to_char(l_asg_updt_eff_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd'));
Line: 4126

      FETCH ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn INTO l_asg_txn;
Line: 4127

      CLOSE ben_cwb_asg_update.g_txn;
Line: 4187

         ben_cwb_asg_update.process_rating (p_person_id             => p_person_id
                                          , p_txn_rec               => l_perf_txn
                                          , p_business_group_id     => l_emp_num_and_emp_name.business_group_id
                                          , p_audit_log             => p_audit_log
                                          , p_process_status        => l_rating_status
                                          , p_group_per_in_ler_id   => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                          , p_effective_date        => l_perf_revw_strt_dt
Line: 4282

Line: 4286

Line: 4360

        ben_cwb_asg_update.process_promotions (p_person_id             => p_person_id
                                             , p_asg_txn_rec           => l_asg_txn
                                             , p_business_group_id     => l_emp_num_and_emp_name.business_group_id
                                             , p_audit_log             => p_audit_log
                                             , p_process_status        => l_promotion_status
                                             , p_group_per_in_ler_id   => p_group_per_in_ler_id
                                             , p_effective_date        => l_asg_updt_eff_date
Line: 4443

         write ('Found a rank which needs to be updated...');
Line: 4458

       WRITE ('Found a rank which need not be updated...');
Line: 4764

                                               (p_person_action_id          => p_person_action_id
                                              , p_action_status_cd          => 'P'
                                              , p_object_version_number     => p_object_version_number
                                              , p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
Line: 4798

                                               (p_person_action_id          => p_person_action_id
                                              , p_action_status_cd          => 'E'
                                              , p_object_version_number     => p_object_version_number
                                              , p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
Line: 4952

        write_h (' and Ending Person Action id ' || l_end_person_action_id || ' is selected');
Line: 4956

        UPDATE ben_batch_ranges ran
           SET ran.range_status_cd = 'P'
         WHERE ran.range_id = l_range_id;
Line: 4963

Line: 4991

      WRITE ('Number of Persons selected in this range ' || g_cache_person_process.COUNT);
Line: 5096

  , p_person_selection_rule_id IN        NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
  , p_use_rate_start_date IN             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
    -- local variable declaration.
    l_effective_date          DATE;
Line: 5117

    ps_rec                    c_person_selection%ROWTYPE;
Line: 5127

    pl_rec c_placeholder_selection%ROWTYPE;
Line: 5168

    g_exec_param_rec.persons_selected := 0;
Line: 5241

                                              , p_program_update_date        => SYSDATE
                                              , p_bft_attribute1             => l_process_compents
                                              , p_bft_attribute3             => p_employees_in_bg
                                              , p_bft_attribute4             => p_manager_id
Line: 5248

    g_actn := 'Inserting Person Actions...';
Line: 5250

    write_m ('Time before processing the person selections '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 5252

    OPEN c_placeholder_selection (p_pl_id
                           , l_lf_evt_orcd_date
                           , p_person_id
                           , p_manager_id
                           , p_employees_in_bg
                           , l_effective_date
Line: 5261

      FETCH c_placeholder_selection
       INTO pl_rec;
Line: 5264

      EXIT WHEN c_placeholder_selection%NOTFOUND;
Line: 5269

        If p_person_selection_rule_id is not NULL then
                      (p_person_id               => l_person_id
                      ,p_business_group_id       => pl_rec.business_group_id
                      ,p_person_selection_rule_id=> p_person_selection_rule_id
                      ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
                      ,p_return                  => l_person_ok
                      ,p_err_message             => l_err_message );
Line: 5304

      SELECT ben_person_actions_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_person_action_ids (l_num_rows)
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 5325

        insert_person_actions (p_per_actn_id_array       => l_person_action_ids
                             , p_per_id                  => l_person_ids
                             , p_group_per_in_ler_id     => l_per_in_ler_ids
                             , p_benefit_action_id       => l_benefit_action_id
                             , p_is_placeholder          => l_is_placeholder
Line: 5332

Line: 5333

Line: 5334

Line: 5335

Line: 5345

    CLOSE c_placeholder_selection;
Line: 5347

    OPEN c_person_selection (p_pl_id
                           , l_lf_evt_orcd_date
                           , p_person_id
                           , p_manager_id
                           , p_employees_in_bg
                           , l_effective_date
Line: 5356

      FETCH c_person_selection
       INTO ps_rec;
Line: 5359

      EXIT WHEN c_person_selection%NOTFOUND;
Line: 5364

        If p_person_selection_rule_id is not NULL then
                      (p_person_id               => l_person_id
                      ,p_business_group_id       => ps_rec.business_group_id
                      ,p_person_selection_rule_id=> p_person_selection_rule_id
                      ,p_effective_date          => l_effective_date
                      ,p_return                  => l_person_ok
                      ,p_err_message             => l_err_message );
Line: 5400

      SELECT ben_person_actions_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO l_person_action_ids (l_num_rows)
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 5421

        insert_person_actions (p_per_actn_id_array       => l_person_action_ids
                             , p_per_id                  => l_person_ids
                             , p_group_per_in_ler_id     => l_per_in_ler_ids
                             , p_benefit_action_id       => l_benefit_action_id
                             , p_is_placeholder          => l_is_placeholder
Line: 5428

Line: 5429

Line: 5430

Line: 5431

Line: 5435

    CLOSE c_person_selection;
Line: 5437

    g_person_selected := l_num_rows;
Line: 5438

    WRITE ('Total no of person selected - ' || g_person_selected);
Line: 5439

    g_actn := 'Inserting the last range of persons if exists...';
Line: 5441

    write_m ('Time after processing the person selections '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam'));
Line: 5447

      insert_person_actions (p_per_actn_id_array       => l_person_action_ids
                           , p_per_id                  => l_person_ids
                           , p_group_per_in_ler_id     => l_per_in_ler_ids
                           , p_benefit_action_id       => l_benefit_action_id
                           , p_is_placeholder          => l_is_placeholder
Line: 5454

Line: 5455

Line: 5456

Line: 5457

Line: 5466

Line: 5500

      WRITE ('<< No Person got selected with above selection criteria >>');
Line: 5545

    write_h ('||p_person_selected-      ' || l_num_persons);
Line: 5548

               , p_person_selected       => l_num_persons
               , p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
Line: 5583

			, p_person_selected       => l_num_persons
			, p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
Line: 5596

			, p_person_selected       => l_num_persons
			, p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
Line: 5614

			, p_person_selected       => l_num_persons
			, p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id
Line: 5631

			, p_person_selected       => l_num_persons
			, p_business_group_id     => p_bg_id