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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

   PROCEDURE insert_fa_whatif_itf (
      x_errbuf                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    , x_retcode                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    , p_request_id               IN       NUMBER
    , p_checkbox_check           IN       VARCHAR2
    , p_book_type_code           IN       fa_books.book_type_code%TYPE
    , p_number_of_periods        IN       NUMBER
    , p_asset_id                 IN       fa_books.asset_id%TYPE
    , p_period_name              IN       fa_deprn_periods.period_name%TYPE
    , p_first_begin_prd          IN       fa_deprn_periods.period_name%TYPE
    , p_dep_amt                  IN       NUMBER
    , p_dep_amt_annual           IN       NUMBER
    , p_date_placed_in_service   IN       fa_books.date_placed_in_service%TYPE
    , p_life_in_months           IN       fa_books.life_in_months%TYPE
    , p_original_cost            IN       fa_books.original_cost%TYPE
    , p_asset_number             IN       fa_additions_b.asset_number%TYPE
    , p_description              IN       fa_additions.description%TYPE
    , p_tag_number               IN       fa_additions_b.tag_number%TYPE
    , p_serial_number            IN       fa_additions_b.serial_number%TYPE
    , p_location                 IN       fa_locations_kfv.concatenated_segments%TYPE
    , p_expense_account          IN       gl_code_combinations_kfv.concatenated_segments%TYPE
    , p_round_value              IN       NUMBER
    , p_deprn_value              IN       NUMBER
    , p_flag                     IN       VARCHAR2
      CURSOR lcr_deprn_periods (
         p_book_type_code           IN       fa_books.book_type_code%TYPE
       , p_period_name              IN       fa_deprn_periods.period_name%TYPE
          * CURSOR
          *  lcr_deprn_periods
          * DESCRIPTION
          *  Cursor lcr_deprn_periods is a private cursor of procedure whatif_main.
          *  Cursor will return the end_date
          * PARAMETERS
          * ==========
          * NAME               TYPE     DESCRIPTION
          * -----------------  -------- ------------------------------------------
          * p_book_type_code
          * p_period_name
          *             *
          * None
          *  None
          * CALLED BY
          *  load
         SELECT fcp.end_date
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 126

         SELECT LAST_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (fcp.end_date, p_counter))
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 145

          *  Cursor lcr_distribution is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.
          *  Cursor will return distribution records
          * PARAMETERS
          * ==========
          * NAME               TYPE     DESCRIPTION
          * -----------------  -------- ------------------------------------------
          * p_book_type_code
          * p_asset_id
          * None
          *  None
          * CALLED BY
          *  insert_fa_whatif_itf
         SELECT fdh.units_assigned
              , papf.full_name
              , papf.employee_number
         FROM   fa_distribution_history fdh
              , per_all_people_f papf
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fdh.book_type_code = fbc.distribution_source_book
         AND    fdh.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fdh.assigned_to = papf.person_id(+);
Line: 206

      *  insert_fa_whatif_itf
         SELECT cp1.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_fiscal_year fy
              , fa_book_controls fb
              , fa_calendar_types fc
              , fa_calendar_periods cp1
         WHERE  cp.period_name = p_start_period
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fc.calendar_type
         AND    cp.start_date >= fy.start_date
         AND    cp.end_date <= fy.end_date
         AND    fy.fiscal_year_name = fb.fiscal_year_name
         AND    cp1.period_num = 1
         AND    fb.deprn_calendar = cp1.calendar_type
         AND    cp1.start_date >= cp.start_date
         AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 238

          *  Cursor lcr_periods is a private cursor of procedure insert_fa_whatif_itf.
          *  Cursor will return the Peiord
          * PARAMETERS
          * ==========
          * NAME               TYPE     DESCRIPTION
          * -----------------  -------- ------------------------------------------
          * p_book_type_code
          * p_end_date
          * None
          *  None
          * CALLED BY
          *  insert_fa_whatif_itf
         SELECT fcp.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.end_date = p_end_date;
Line: 306

Line: 364

         'SELECT months_between(''' || l_first_period_date
         || ''',''' || l_start_period_date
         || ''') counter
                    FROM DUAL';
Line: 424

      SELECT DECODE (SIGN (l_first_period_date - l_start_period_date)
                   , -1, l_start_period_date
                   , l_first_period_date
      INTO   l_last_date
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 431

      SELECT DECODE (SIGN (l_first_period_date - l_start_period_date)
                   , -1, l_first_period_date
                   , l_start_period_date
      INTO   l_start_date
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 449

            'SELECT FCP.period_name
                        FROM   fa_calendar_periods FCP
                         , fa_calendar_types   FCT
                         , fa_book_controls    FBC
                        WHERE  FBC.book_type_code = '''
            || p_book_type_code
            || '''
                        AND    FCP.calendar_type   = FCT.calendar_type
                    AND    FCP.calendar_type   = FBC.deprn_calendar
                AND    FCP.end_date BETWEEN '''
            || l_start_date || ''' AND ''' || l_last_date || '''';
Line: 484

                  INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf
                             , book_type_code
                             , asset_id
                             , period_name
                             , depreciation
                             , new_depreciation
                             , current_method
                             , current_cost
                             , current_life
                             , units
                             , employee_name
                             , employee_number
                             , created_by
                             , creation_date
                             , last_update_date
                             , last_updated_by
                             , last_update_login
                             , date_placed_in_service
                             , asset_number
                             , description
                             , tag_number
                             , serial_number
                             , LOCATION
                             , expense_acct
                  VALUES      (p_request_id
                             , p_book_type_code
                             , p_asset_id
                             , l_whatif_period_tbl (i).period_name
                             , 0
                             , 0
                             , 'STL'
                             , p_original_cost
                             , p_life_in_months
                             , lr_distribution.units_assigned
                             , lr_distribution.full_name
                             , lr_distribution.employee_number
                             , gn_user_id
                             , SYSDATE
                             , SYSDATE
                             , gn_user_id
                             , gn_login_id
                             , p_date_placed_in_service
                             , p_asset_number
                             , p_description
                             , p_tag_number
                             , p_serial_number
                             , p_location
                             , p_expense_account
Line: 538

                  UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
                  SET accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
                  WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl (i).period_name
                  AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                  AND    request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 550

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = 0
                 , new_depreciation = 0
                 , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
                 , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name
                 , employee_number = lr_distribution.employee_number
                 , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value           --p_deprn_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl (i).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id
               AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 566

         UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
           SET    depreciation      = p_round_value*5
                  , new_depreciation  = p_round_value*5
                  , units             = lr_distribution.units_assigned
        , employee_name     = lr_distribution.full_name
              , employee_number   = lr_distribution.employee_number
              , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value - l_round_value
           WHERE  period_name       = l_whatif_period_tbl2(i).period_name
           AND    book_type_code    = p_book_type_code
           AND    request_id        = p_request_id;
Line: 583

         'SELECT FCP.period_name
                        FROM   fa_calendar_periods FCP
                         , fa_calendar_types   FCT
                         , fa_book_controls    FBC
                        WHERE  FBC.book_type_code = '''
         || p_book_type_code
         || '''
                        AND    FCP.calendar_type   = FCT.calendar_type
                    AND    FCP.calendar_type   = FBC.deprn_calendar
                AND    FCP.end_date BETWEEN '''
         || l_date || ''' AND ''' || l_end_date || '''';
Line: 602

        select round(months_between(l_start_period_date, l_first_period_date),0)
        INTO l_count
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 638

               INSERT INTO fa_whatif_itf
                          , book_type_code
                          , asset_id
                          , period_name
                          , depreciation
                          , new_depreciation
                          , current_method
                          , current_cost
                          , current_life
                          , units
                          , employee_name
                          , employee_number
                          , created_by
                          , creation_date
                          , last_update_date
                          , last_updated_by
                          , last_update_login
                          , date_placed_in_service
                          , asset_number
                          , description
                          , tag_number
                          , serial_number
                          , LOCATION
                          , expense_acct
               VALUES      (p_request_id
                          , p_book_type_code
                          , p_asset_id
                          , l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i).period_name
                          , p_dep_amt
                          , p_dep_amt
                          , 'STL'
                          , p_original_cost
                          , p_life_in_months
                          , lr_distribution.units_assigned
                          , lr_distribution.full_name
                          , lr_distribution.employee_number
                          , gn_user_id
                          , SYSDATE
                          , SYSDATE
                          , gn_user_id
                          , gn_login_id
                          , p_date_placed_in_service
                          , p_asset_number
                          , p_description
                          , p_tag_number
                          , p_serial_number
                          , p_location
                          , p_expense_account
Line: 692

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 704

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = 0
                 , new_depreciation = 0
                 , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
                 , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name
                 , employee_number = lr_distribution.employee_number
                 , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i-l_count).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id
               AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 719

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = p_round_value * 5          --l_round_value*5
                 , new_depreciation = p_round_value * 5
                 , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
                 , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name
                 , employee_number = lr_distribution.employee_number
                 , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value - l_round_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i-l_count).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id
               AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 733

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = p_dep_amt
                 , new_depreciation = p_dep_amt
                 , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
                 , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name
                 , employee_number = lr_distribution.employee_number
                 , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i-l_count).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id
               AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 746

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = (FLOOR (p_dep_amt_annual) - p_dep_amt * 11)
                 , new_depreciation =
                                   (FLOOR (p_dep_amt_annual) - p_dep_amt * 11
                 , units = lr_distribution.units_assigned
                 , employee_name = lr_distribution.full_name
                 , employee_number = lr_distribution.employee_number
                 , accumulated_deprn = l_deprn_value - l_round_value
               WHERE  period_name = l_whatif_period_tbl2 (i-l_count).period_name
               AND    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
               AND    request_id = p_request_id
               AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 774

   END insert_fa_whatif_itf;
Line: 818

         SELECT user_profile_option_name
         FROM   fnd_profile_options_vl
         WHERE  profile_option_name = p_option_name;
Line: 855

         SELECT fb.book_type_code
              , cp.period_name
              , fy.fiscal_year
              , fb.asset_id
              , fb.last_update_date
              , fb.last_updated_by
              , fb.last_update_login
              , fb.original_cost
              , fb.life_in_months
              , fb.date_placed_in_service
              , fb.period_counter_fully_reserved
              , fa.asset_number
              , fa.description
              , fa.tag_number
              , fa.serial_number
              , flk.concatenated_segments LOCATION
              , gcck.concatenated_segments expense_account
              , (fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5
                - FLOOR ((fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5) round_value
              --  , CEIL(((FB.cost - FB.salvage_value)*FB.basic_rate)/12) Deprn_Value
         ,      ROUND ((fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 60) deprn_value
              , (fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5 annual_deprn_value
         FROM   fa_books fb
              , fa_book_controls fbc
               ,fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_fiscal_year fy
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_additions fa
              , fa_distribution_history fdh
              , fa_locations_kfv flk
              , gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck
         WHERE  fa.asset_id = fb.asset_id
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fdh.asset_id = fa.asset_id
         --    AND   FDH.book_type_code               = FB.book_type_code -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fbc.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fbc.distribution_source_book = fdh.book_type_code
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fdh.location_id = flk.location_id
         AND    gcck.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fy.fiscal_year_name = fbc.fiscal_year_name
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    cp.start_date >= fy.start_date
                and cp.end_date  <= fy.end_date
         AND    fb.period_counter_fully_reserved = (fy.fiscal_year * fct.number_per_fiscal_year + cp.period_num)
         AND    fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fb.period_counter_fully_reserved IS NOT NULL
         AND    fb.deprn_method_code <> 'JP-STL-EXTND'
         AND    fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount > 1;
Line: 942

         SELECT fdp.period_counter
         FROM   fa_deprn_periods fdp
         WHERE  fdp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fdp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 982

         SELECT cp1.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_fiscal_year fy
              , fa_book_controls fb
              , fa_calendar_types fc
              , fa_calendar_periods cp1
         WHERE  cp.period_name = p_start_period
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fc.calendar_type
         AND    cp.start_date >= fy.start_date
         AND    cp.end_date <= fy.end_date
         AND    fy.fiscal_year_name = fb.fiscal_year_name
         AND    cp1.period_num = 1
         AND    fb.deprn_calendar = cp1.calendar_type
         AND    cp1.start_date > cp.start_date
         AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1032

         SELECT CEIL ((fb.COST - fds.deprn_reserve) / 60)
         FROM   fa_books fb
              , fa_deprn_summary fds
         WHERE  fds.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
         AND    fb.asset_id = fds.asset_id
         AND    fds.period_counter = p_period_counter
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL;
Line: 1075

         SELECT LAST_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (fcp.end_date, p_counter))
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 1115

         SELECT fcp.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.end_date = p_end_date;
Line: 1157

         SELECT deprn_reserve
         INTO   ln_acc_deprn
         FROM   (SELECT   ROWNUM a
                        , deprn_reserve
                 FROM     fa_deprn_summary
                 WHERE    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                 AND      asset_id = p_asset_id
                 ORDER BY deprn_reserve DESC)
         WHERE  ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1167

         SELECT max(nvl(deprn_reserve,0))
         INTO   ln_acc_deprn
         FROM   fa_deprn_summary
         WHERE  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    asset_id = p_asset_id;
Line: 1249

                           (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                          , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                          , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                          , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                          , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                          , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                          , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                          , p_period_name                 => p_start_period
                          , p_first_begin_prd             => l_first_eligible_period
                          --  ,p_dep_amt                => l_deprn_amount
                        ,   p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                          , p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                          , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                          , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                          , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                          , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                          , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                          , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                          , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                          , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                          , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                          , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                          , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                        ,   p_flag                        => 'N'
Line: 1285

                           (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                          , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                          , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                          , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                          , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                          , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                          , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                          , p_period_name                 => p_start_period
                        ,   p_first_begin_prd             => p_first_begin_period
                          --   ,p_dep_amt                => l_deprn_amount
                        ,   p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                          , p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                          , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                          , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                          , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                          , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                          , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                          , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                          , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                          , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                          , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                          , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                          , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                        ,   p_flag                        => 'N'
Line: 1324

                        (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                       , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                       , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                       , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                       , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                       , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                       , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                       , p_period_name                 => p_start_period
                       , p_first_begin_prd             => l_first_eligible_period
                       --   ,p_dep_amt                => l_deprn_amount
                     ,   p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                       , p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                       , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                       , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                       , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                       , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                       , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                       , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                       , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                       , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                       , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                       , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                       , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                     ,   p_flag                        => 'N'
Line: 1423

         SELECT user_profile_option_name
         FROM   fnd_profile_options_vl
         WHERE  profile_option_name = p_option_name;
Line: 1457

         SELECT fb.book_type_code
              , fb.COST                                              -- change
              , fb.basic_rate                                        -- change
              , fb.asset_id
              , fb.last_update_date
              , fb.last_updated_by
              , fb.last_update_login
              , fb.original_cost
              , fb.life_in_months
              , fb.date_placed_in_service
              , fb.period_counter_fully_reserved
              , fa.asset_number
              , fa.description
              , fa.tag_number
              , fa.serial_number
              , flk.concatenated_segments LOCATION
              , gcck.concatenated_segments expense_account
              --    ,(CEIL(((FB.cost - FB.salvage_value)*FB.basic_rate)/12)-((FB.cost - FB.salvage_value)*FB.basic_rate)/12) Round_Value
                  --   , CEIL(((FB.cost - FB.salvage_value)*FB.basic_rate)/12) Acc_Deprn_Value
                 --    ,CEIL((FB.allowed_deprn_limit_amount -1)/60) Deprn_value
         ,      (fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5
                - FLOOR ((fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5) round_value
              , ROUND ((fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 60) deprn_value
              , (fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount - 1) / 5 annual_deprn_value
              , fb.adjusted_cost
              , fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
         FROM   fa_books fb
              , fa_book_controls fbc -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
              , fa_additions fa
              , fa_distribution_history fdh
              , fa_locations_kfv flk
              , gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck
         WHERE  fa.asset_id = fb.asset_id
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fdh.asset_id = fa.asset_id
         --    AND   FDH.book_type_code               = FB.book_type_code -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fbc.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fbc.distribution_source_book = fdh.book_type_code
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fdh.location_id = flk.location_id
         AND    gcck.code_combination_id = fdh.code_combination_id
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         AND    fb.period_counter_fully_reserved IS NULL
         AND    fdh.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         -- As per Bug No .7183390 (For Tax Books)
         AND    fb.deprn_method_code <> 'JP-STL-EXTND'
         AND    fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount > 1;
Line: 1539

         SELECT fdp.period_counter
         FROM   fa_deprn_periods fdp
         WHERE  fdp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fdp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 1577

         SELECT cp1.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_fiscal_year fy
              , fa_book_controls fb
              , fa_calendar_types fc
              , fa_calendar_periods cp1
         WHERE  cp.period_name = p_start_period
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type
         AND    cp.calendar_type = fc.calendar_type
         AND    cp.start_date >= fy.start_date
         AND    cp.end_date <= fy.end_date
         AND    fy.fiscal_year_name = fb.fiscal_year_name
         AND    cp1.period_num = 1
         AND    fb.deprn_calendar = cp1.calendar_type
         AND    cp1.start_date >= cp.start_date     -- BUG# 7264516: Added = condition
         AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1627

         SELECT CEIL ((fb.COST - fds.deprn_reserve) / 60)
         -- need to change for variable
         FROM   fa_books fb
              , fa_deprn_summary fds
         WHERE  fds.book_type_code = fb.book_type_code
         AND    fb.asset_id = fds.asset_id
         AND    fds.period_counter = p_period_counter
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL;
Line: 1672

         SELECT LAST_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (fcp.end_date, p_counter))
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 1714

         SELECT LAST_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (fcp.end_date, p_counter))
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    p_end_date BETWEEN fcp.start_date AND fcp.end_date;
Line: 1754

         SELECT fcp.period_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.end_date = p_end_date;
Line: 1793

         SELECT fcp.end_date
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods fcp
              , fa_calendar_types fct
              , fa_book_controls fbc
         WHERE  fbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
         AND    fcp.calendar_type = fbc.deprn_calendar
         AND    fcp.period_name = p_period_name;
Line: 1833

         SELECT fb.deprn_method_code
         FROM   fa_books fb
         WHERE  fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         AND    fb.deprn_method_code LIKE '%STL%';
Line: 1896

      SELECT period_name
      INTO   lc_period
      FROM   fa_deprn_periods
      WHERE  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      AND    period_close_date IS NULL;
Line: 1904

      select period_name
      into l_last_deprn_run_pc
      FROM  (
         select period_name
         from fa_deprn_periods
         where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         and deprn_run = 'Y'
         order by period_counter desc)
      where rownum = 1;
Line: 1923

                           , TO_DATE (p_start_period, 'MM-RRRR'))
      INTO   l_temp
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2015

                        SELECT ADD_MONTHS (l_date_extn_end, i-1)
                        -- SELECT ADD_MONTHS(l_date_extn_end,i-1) (For Bug : 6971130)
                        INTO   l_extended_date
                        FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2084

                        SELECT ADD_MONTHS (l_date_extn_end, i-1)
                        --SELECT ADD_MONTHS(l_date_extn_end,i-1) (For Bug : 6971130)
                        INTO   l_extended_date
                        FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2217

                              (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                             , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                             , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                             , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                             , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                             , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                             , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                             , p_period_name                 => lc_period
                             , p_first_begin_prd             => l_first_eligible_period
                           ,   p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                           ,   p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                             , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                             , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                             , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                             , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                             , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                             , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                             , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                             , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                             , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                             , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                             , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                           ,   p_flag                        => 'Y'
Line: 2253

                              (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                             , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                             , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                             , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                             , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                             , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                             , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                             , p_period_name                 => lc_period
                           ,   p_first_begin_prd             => p_first_begin_period
                             , p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                           ,   p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                             , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                             , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                             , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                             , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                             , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                             , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                             , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                             , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                             , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                             , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                             , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                           ,   p_flag                        => 'Y'
Line: 2291

                           (x_errbuf                      => lc_errmsg
                          , x_retcode                     => ln_retcode
                          , p_request_id                  => p_request_id
                          , p_checkbox_check              => p_full_rsrv_checkbox
                          , p_book_type_code              => p_book_type_code
                          , p_number_of_periods           => p_number_of_periods
                          , p_asset_id                    => lr_books.asset_id
                          , p_period_name                 => lc_period
                        ,   p_first_begin_prd             => l_first_eligible_period
                        ,   p_dep_amt                     => lr_books.deprn_value
                        ,   p_dep_amt_annual              => lr_books.annual_deprn_value
                          , p_date_placed_in_service      => lr_books.date_placed_in_service
                          , p_life_in_months              => lr_books.life_in_months
                          , p_original_cost               => lr_books.original_cost
                          , p_asset_number                => lr_books.asset_number
                          , p_description                 => lr_books.description
                          , p_tag_number                  => lr_books.tag_number
                          , p_serial_number               => lr_books.serial_number
                          , p_location                    => lr_books.LOCATION
                          , p_expense_account             => lr_books.expense_account
                          , p_round_value                 => lr_books.round_value
                          , p_deprn_value                 => ln_acc_deprn
                        ,   p_flag                        => 'Y'
Line: 2389

         SELECT fb.period_counter_fully_reserved
              , fb.asset_id
         FROM   fa_books fb
         WHERE  fb.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         AND    fb.date_ineffective IS NULL
         AND    fb.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
         AND    fb.asset_id = p_asset_id
         AND    fb.deprn_method_code <> 'JP-STL-EXTND'
         AND    fb.allowed_deprn_limit_amount > 1;
Line: 2480

         SELECT   request_id
                , book_type_code
                , asset_id
                , asset_number
                , description
                , tag_number
                , serial_number
                , period_name
                , fiscal_year
                , expense_acct
                , LOCATION
                , units
                , employee_name
                , employee_number
                , asset_key
                , current_cost
                , current_prorate_conv
                , current_method
                , current_life
                , current_basic_rate
                , current_adjusted_rate
                , current_salvage_value
                , depreciation
                , new_depreciation
                , created_by
                , creation_date
                , last_update_date
                , last_updated_by
                , last_update_login
                , date_placed_in_service
                , CATEGORY
                , accumulated_deprn
                , bonus_depreciation
                , new_bonus_depreciation
                , current_bonus_rule
                , period_num
                , currency_code
         FROM     fa_whatif_itf
         WHERE    request_id = x_request_id
         AND      book_type_code = x_book
         AND      asset_id = x_asset_id
         AND      EXISTS (
                     SELECT fiscal_year
                     FROM   fa_whatif_itf
                     WHERE  request_id = x_request_id
                     AND    book_type_code = x_book
                     AND    asset_id = x_asset_id)
         ORDER BY fiscal_year ASC;
Line: 2535

         SELECT cp1.period_name period_name
              , fa_jp_tax_extn_pvt.ret_counter (x_book_type, cp1.period_name)
              , cp1.period_num
              , bc.fiscal_year_name
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_book_controls bc
              , fa_deprn_periods dp
              , fa_calendar_periods cp1
              , (SELECT MAX (cp.start_date) max_start_date
                 FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                      , fa_calendar_periods cp1
                      , fa_book_controls bc
                      , fa_deprn_periods dp
                 WHERE  dp.book_type_code = x_book_type
                 AND    dp.period_close_date IS NULL
                 AND    dp.calendar_period_open_date <= cp.start_date
                 AND    cp.calendar_type = bc.deprn_calendar
                 AND    bc.book_type_code = x_book_type
                 AND    bc.deprn_calendar = cp1.calendar_type
                 AND    cp.start_date >= cp1.start_date
                 AND    cp1.period_name = x_start_period
                 AND    ROWNUM <= x_num_periods) x
         WHERE  dp.book_type_code = x_book_type
         AND    dp.period_close_date IS NULL
         AND    dp.calendar_period_open_date <= cp.start_date
         AND    cp.calendar_type = bc.deprn_calendar
         AND    bc.book_type_code = x_book_type
         AND    bc.deprn_calendar = cp1.calendar_type
         AND    cp1.start_date >= cp.start_date
         AND    cp.period_name = x_start_period
         AND    cp1.start_date <= x.max_start_date;
Line: 2572

         SELECT th.asset_id
         FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
              , fa_deprn_periods dp
              , fa_transaction_headers th
              , fa_book_controls bc
         WHERE  dp.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
         AND    cp.calendar_type = bc.deprn_calendar
         AND    th.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
         AND    th.transaction_date_entered BETWEEN cp.start_date AND cp.end_date
         AND    th.date_effective BETWEEN dp.period_open_date
                                      AND NVL (dp.period_close_date
                                             , th.date_effective)
         AND    bc.book_type_code = x_book_type
         AND    cp.period_name <> dp.period_name
         AND    th.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION';
Line: 2642

Line: 2643

Line: 2653

            SELECT number_per_fiscal_year
            INTO   h_nop
            FROM   fa_calendar_types fc
                 , fa_book_controls fb
            WHERE  fc.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
            AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book;
Line: 2695

            SELECT period_name
            INTO   lc_period
            FROM   fa_deprn_periods
            WHERE  book_type_code = x_book
            AND    period_close_date IS NULL;
Line: 2707

            SELECT fc.period_name
            INTO   l_dtin_serv
            FROM   fa_calendar_periods fc
                 , fa_book_controls fb
            WHERE  fc.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
            AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
            AND    TRUNC (TO_DATE (x_dtin_serv, 'dd/mm/rrrr'))
                      BETWEEN fc.start_date
                          AND fc.end_date;
Line: 2739

                     SELECT COUNT (1)
                        INTO ln_temp1
                      FROM fa_deprn_summary
                      WHERE asset_id = x_asset_id
                        AND deprn_source_code = 'DEPRN';
Line: 2769

                     SELECT COUNT (1)
                     INTO   ln_temp1
                     FROM   fa_deprn_summary
                     WHERE  asset_id = x_asset_id
                     AND    deprn_source_code = 'DEPRN';
Line: 2815

            SELECT DECODE (adjusted_cost
                         , COST, 1
                         , 0
            INTO   l_tmp
            FROM   fa_books
            WHERE  book_type_code = x_book
            AND    date_ineffective IS NULL
            AND    period_counter_fully_reserved IS NULL
            AND    asset_id = x_asset_id;
Line: 2849

                  SELECT deprn_amount
                       , ROUND (deprn_reserve, 0)
                  INTO   l_dep
                       , g_dep
                  FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
                       , fa_deprn_periods fdp
                  WHERE  fds.period_counter = fdp.period_counter
                  AND    fds.book_type_code = fdp.book_type_code
                  AND    fds.asset_id = x_asset_id
                  AND    fdp.book_type_code = x_book
                  AND    fdp.period_name =
                            (SELECT cp.period_name
                             FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                  , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                  , fa_book_controls fb
                             WHERE  cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
                             AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
                             AND    fb.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
                             AND    cp.period_num = 1
                             AND    fy.fiscal_year =
                                       (SELECT fy.fiscal_year
                                        FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                             , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                             , fa_book_controls fb
                                        WHERE  cp.period_name = lc_period
                                        AND    cp.calendar_type =
                                        AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
                                        AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                        AND    cp.start_date
                                                  BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                      AND fy.end_date)
                             AND    cp.start_date BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                      AND fy.end_date);
Line: 3008

                     SELECT period_num
                     INTO   l_per_dum
                     FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
                          , fa_deprn_periods fdp
                     WHERE  fdp.book_type_code = fds.book_type_code
                     AND    fdp.period_counter = fds.period_counter
                     AND    fds.book_type_code = x_book
                     AND    fds.asset_id = x_asset_id
                     AND    fds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
Line: 3096

                        SELECT deprn_amount
                             , ROUND (deprn_reserve, 0)
                        INTO   l_dep
                             , g_dep
                        FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
                             , fa_deprn_periods fdp
                        WHERE  fds.period_counter = fdp.period_counter
                        AND    fds.book_type_code = fdp.book_type_code
                        AND    fds.asset_id = x_asset_id
                        AND    fdp.book_type_code = x_book
                        AND    fdp.period_name =
                                  (SELECT cp.period_name
                                   FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                        , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                        , fa_book_controls fb
                                   WHERE  cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
                                   AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
                                   AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                   AND    cp.period_num = 1
                                   AND    fy.fiscal_year =
                                             (SELECT fy.fiscal_year
                                              FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                                   , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                                   , fa_book_controls fb
                                              WHERE  cp.period_name =
                                              AND    cp.calendar_type =
                                              AND    fb.book_type_code =
                                              AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                              AND    cp.start_date
                                                        BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                            AND fy.end_date)
                                   AND    cp.start_date BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                            AND fy.end_date);
Line: 3147

                           SELECT fdp.period_counter
                           INTO   ln_stcnt
                           FROM   fa_deprn_periods fdp
                           WHERE  fdp.period_name =
                                     (SELECT cp.period_name
                                      FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                           , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                           , fa_book_controls fb
                                      WHERE  cp.calendar_type =
                                      AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
                                      AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                      AND    cp.period_num = 1
                                      AND    fy.fiscal_year =
                                                (SELECT fy.fiscal_year
                                                 FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                                      , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                                      , fa_book_controls fb
                                                 WHERE  cp.period_name =
                                                 AND    cp.calendar_type =
                                                 AND    fb.book_type_code =
                                                 AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                                 AND    cp.start_date
                                                           BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                               AND fy.end_date)
                                      AND    cp.start_date BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                               AND fy.end_date)
                           AND    fdp.book_type_code = x_book;
Line: 3184

                           SELECT deprn_amount
                                , ytd_deprn
                                , deprn_reserve
                           INTO   l_dep
                                , y_dep
                                , g_dep
                           FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
                                , fa_deprn_periods fdp
                           WHERE  fds.period_counter = fdp.period_counter
                           AND    fds.book_type_code = fdp.book_type_code
                           AND    fds.asset_id = x_asset_id
                           AND    fdp.book_type_code = x_book
                           AND    fdp.period_counter = l_opn_cntr - 1;
Line: 3231

                        SELECT deprn_amount
                             , deprn_reserve
                        INTO   l_dep
                             , g_dep
                        FROM   fa_deprn_summary fds
                             , fa_deprn_periods fdp
                        WHERE  fds.period_counter = fdp.period_counter
                        AND    fds.book_type_code = fdp.book_type_code
                        AND    fds.asset_id = x_asset_id
                        AND    fdp.book_type_code = x_book
                        AND    fdp.period_name =
                                  (SELECT cp.period_name
                                   FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                        , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                        , fa_book_controls fb
                                   WHERE  cp.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
                                   AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book
                                   AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                   AND    cp.period_num = 1
                                   AND    fy.fiscal_year =
                                             (SELECT fy.fiscal_year
                                              FROM   fa_calendar_periods cp
                                                   , fa_fiscal_year fy
                                                   , fa_book_controls fb
                                              WHERE  cp.period_name =
                                              AND    cp.calendar_type =
                                              AND    fb.book_type_code =
                                              AND    fb.fiscal_year_name =
                                              AND    cp.start_date
                                                        BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                            AND fy.end_date)
                                   AND    cp.start_date BETWEEN fy.start_date
                                                            AND fy.end_date);
Line: 3277

                        SELECT DECODE (adjusted_cost
                                     , COST, 1
                                     , 0
                        INTO   l_tmp
                        FROM   fa_books
                        WHERE  book_type_code = x_book
                        AND    date_ineffective IS NULL
                        AND    period_counter_fully_reserved IS NULL
                        AND    asset_id = x_asset_id;
Line: 3474

               UPDATE fa_whatif_itf
               SET depreciation = lt_whatitf (j).depreciation
                 , new_depreciation = lt_whatitf (j).new_depreciation
                 , accumulated_deprn = lt_whatitf (j).accumulated_deprn
               WHERE  period_name = lt_whatitf (j).period_name
               AND    asset_id = x_asset_id
               AND    book_type_code = x_book
               AND    request_id = lt_whatitf (j).request_id;
Line: 3505

      SELECT period_num
      INTO   h_periodnum
      FROM   fa_calendar_periods fc
           , fa_book_controls fb
      WHERE  fc.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
      AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book_type
      AND    period_name = x_period;
Line: 3529

      SELECT (ffy.fiscal_year * fct.number_per_fiscal_year + fc.period_num)
      INTO   l_dtcntr1
      FROM   fa_calendar_periods fc
           , fa_book_controls fb
           , fa_fiscal_year ffy
           , fa_calendar_types fct
      WHERE  fc.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
      AND    fb.book_type_code = x_book_typ
      AND    ffy.fiscal_year_name = fb.fiscal_year_name
      AND    ffy.fiscal_year_name = fct.fiscal_year_name
      AND    fc.calendar_type = fct.calendar_type
      AND    fct.calendar_type = fb.deprn_calendar
      AND    fc.start_date >= ffy.start_date
      AND    fc.end_date <= ffy.end_date
      AND    fc.period_name = x_periodname;