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APPS.WF_ITEM dependencies on WF_ACTIVITY

Line 54: onDemandFlag wf_activity_attributes.text_default%type;

51: is
52: rootid number;
53: status varchar2(8);
54: onDemandFlag wf_activity_attributes.text_default%type;
55: begin
56: -- Check for refresh
57: if ((itemtype = wf_item.c_itemtype) and
58: (itemkey = wf_item.c_itemkey)) then

Line 108: select text_default into onDemandFlag from wf_activity_attributes

104: -- ondemand is true if the name process #ONDEMANDATTR attribute exist,
105: -- otherwise, it is false.
106: --
107: begin
108: select text_default into onDemandFlag from wf_activity_attributes
109: where activity_item_type = c_itemtype
110: and activity_name = c_root_activity
111: and activity_version=c_root_activity_version
112: and name = '#ONDEMANDATTR';

Line 479: onDemandFlag wf_activity_attributes.text_default%type;

476: rootversion number;
477: rootid number;
479: onDemandFlag wf_activity_attributes.text_default%type;
480: --
481: status PLS_INTEGER;
482: wiaIND NUMBER;
483: wiavIND NUMBER;

Line 493: rootversion := Wf_Activity.Version(itemtype, wflow, actdate);

489: where WIA.ITEM_TYPE = itype;
491: begin
493: rootversion := Wf_Activity.Version(itemtype, wflow, actdate);
495: if (itemkey <> wf_engine.eng_synch) then
496: -- NORMAL: Insert new item and attributes directly in the db
497: insert into WF_ITEMS (

Line 534: select text_default into onDemandFlag from wf_activity_attributes

530: --
531: --ondemand flag
532: --
533: begin
534: select text_default into onDemandFlag from wf_activity_attributes
535: where activity_item_type = c_itemtype
536: and activity_name = c_root_activity
537: and activity_version=c_root_activity_version
538: and name = '#ONDEMANDATTR';