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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

Select sum(actinfo.action_information12) total_pay
from   pay_action_information actinfo
,      pay_assignment_actions aa
,      pay_payroll_actions pa
where  actinfo.action_information_category = 'FR_SOE_EE_TOTALS'
and    actinfo.action_context_id = aa.assignment_action_id
and    aa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
and    pa.effective_date
   between trunc(p_last_day_paid,'MM') and last_day(p_last_day_paid)
and    pa.payroll_action_id =
   (select max(pa1.payroll_action_id)
    from pay_payroll_actions pa1
    ,    pay_assignment_actions aa1
    ,    pay_action_information actinfo1
    where actinfo1.action_information_category = 'FR_SOE_EE_TOTALS'
    and   actinfo1.action_context_id = aa.assignment_action_id
    and   aa1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and   aa1.payroll_action_id = pa1.payroll_action_id
    and   pa1.effective_date
   between trunc(p_last_day_paid,'MM') and last_day(p_last_day_paid)
Line: 118

Select a.assignment_id			assignment_id
,      p.first_name 			first_name
,      p.last_name			last_name
,      estorg.name 			establishment_name
,      estinfo.org_information2	        SIRET
,      estinfo.org_information3	        NAF
,      comporg.name			company_name
-- Employee Address
,      addr.address_line1 		addr_road
,      addr.address_line2 		addr_complement
,      addr.region_3			addr_small_town
,      addr.postal_code			addr_postal_code
,      addr.town_or_city		addr_town_or_city
-- Company Address
,      comploc.address_line_1 		compaddr_road
,      comploc.address_line_2 		compaddr_complement
,      comploc.region_3			compaddr_small_town
,      comploc.postal_code		compaddr_postal_code
,      comploc.town_or_city		compaddr_town_or_city
-- Establishment Address
,      estloc.address_line_1 		estaddr_road
,      estloc.address_line_2 		estaddr_complement
,      estloc.region_3			estaddr_small_town
,      estloc.postal_code		estaddr_postal_code
,      estloc.town_or_city		estaddr_town_or_city
,      decode(pds.pds_information11,'LAST_DAY_WORKED'
                    , fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pds.pds_information10)
 	              , pds.actual_termination_date) last_day_paid
from   per_all_people_f p
,      per_all_assignments_f a
,      per_periods_of_service pds
,      hr_organization_information estinfo
,      hr_all_organization_units estorg
,      hr_all_organization_units comporg
,      per_addresses addr
,      hr_locations comploc
,      hr_locations estloc
where (l_assignment_id is not null and
        a.assignment_id = l_assignment_id)
-- Ensure that the last day paid is between the start and end dates
-- entered as parameters
-- N.B. Last Day Paid is taken as Last Day Worked if Final Payment Schedule
-- is LAST_DAY_WORKED, otherwise Actual Termination Date.
and    decode(pds.pds_information11,'LAST_DAY_WORKED'
                    , fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pds.pds_information10)
 	              , pds.actual_termination_date)
  between p_start_date and p_end_date
-- Use the Last Day Paid (Last Day Worked or ATD) to determine the date
-- effectivity of the Person and Assignment records
and    decode(pds.pds_information11,'LAST_DAY_WORKED'
                    , fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pds.pds_information10)
 	              , pds.actual_termination_date)
   between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date
and    p.person_id = a.person_id
and    decode(pds.pds_information11,'LAST_DAY_WORKED'
                    , fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pds.pds_information10)
 	              , pds.actual_termination_date)
   between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
and    a.period_of_service_id = pds.period_of_service_id
-- Get Establishment Details
and    a.establishment_id = estorg.organization_id
and    estinfo.org_information_context = 'FR_ESTAB_INFO'
and    estorg.organization_id = estinfo.organization_id
-- Get Company Details
and    to_number(estinfo.org_information1) = comporg.organization_id
-- Get Person Address Details
and    p.person_id = addr.person_id(+)
and    addr.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
-- Get Company Address Details
and    comporg.location_id = comploc.location_id(+)
-- Get Establishment Address Details
and    estorg.location_id = estloc.location_id(+)
order by p.last_name;
Line: 220

Select sum(actinfo.action_information12) total_pay
from   pay_action_information actinfo
,      pay_assignment_actions aa
,      pay_payroll_actions pa
where  actinfo.action_information_category = 'FR_SOE_EE_TOTALS'
and    actinfo.action_context_id = aa.assignment_action_id
and    aa.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
and    pa.effective_date
   between trunc(p_last_day_paid,'MM') and last_day(p_last_day_paid)
and    pa.effective_date =
   (select max(pa1.effective_date)
    from pay_payroll_actions pa1
    ,    pay_assignment_actions aa1
    where aa1.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
    and   aa1.payroll_action_id = pa1.payroll_action_id
    and   pa1.effective_date
   between trunc(p_last_day_paid,'MM') and last_day(p_last_day_paid)
Line: 243

select amend.assignment_id
from hr_assignment_set_amendments amend
where amend.assignment_set_id = p_assignment_set_id
and amend.include_or_exclude = 'I';