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Line 64: ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn.

60: NULL from 91382 to 91832
61: 06-APR-00 pbodla 115.22 - Bug 3294/1096790 When formula called
62: in write_ctfn enrt_ctfn_typ_cd passed
63: as context. To access DBI's on
64: ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn.
65: 09-May-00 lmcdonal 115.23 If a choice already has the ctfn type
66: attached, don't write another one.
67: 14-May-00 gperry 115.24 Replaced header wiped by previous
68: version.

Line 140: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn

136: l_write_ctfn boolean := false;
138: cursor c1 is
139: select 'x'
140: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn
141: where elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
142: and enrt_ctfn_typ_cd = p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
143: and nvl(enrt_bnft_id,-1) = nvl(p_enrt_bnft_id,-1);
144: l_dummy varchar2(1);

Line 923: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,

919: select distinct epe.pgm_id,
920: epe.pl_typ_id,
921: epe.pl_id,
922: ecc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
923: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,
924: ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
925: where epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
926: and epe.elctbl_flag = 'Y'
927: and epe.ctfn_rqd_flag = 'Y'

Line 1011: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,

1007: ecc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd,
1008: ecc.elctbl_chc_ctfn_id,
1009: ecc.object_version_number,
1010: ecc.business_group_id
1011: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,
1012: ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
1013: where epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
1014: and epe.pl_id = p_pl_id
1015: and epe.elctbl_flag = 'Y'

Line 1034: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,

1030: ecc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd,
1031: ecc.elctbl_chc_ctfn_id,
1032: ecc.object_version_number,
1033: ecc.business_group_id
1034: from ben_elctbl_chc_ctfn ecc,
1035: ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
1036: where epe.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
1037: and epe.pl_id = p_pl_id
1038: and epe.elctbl_flag = 'Y'