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Line 65: | available in oe_order_headers_all table for some orders,

61: | 06/03/02 mannamra Bugfix: 2380273 - Replaced HZ_PARTY_RELATIONSHIPS
62: | with HZ_RELATIONSHIPS to improve query
63: | performance.
64: | 06/10/02 mannamra Bugfix: 2387181 - During cancel_order value for sold_to_contact is not
65: | available in oe_order_headers_all table for some orders,
66: | so using the value in last_updated_by column
67: | to identify the appropriate recipient of
68: | the cancel order notification.
69: | 06/18/02 mannamra Bugfix: 2417011 - Obsoleted getfirstname_for_quote API because

Line 172: from oe_order_headers_all oh,

168: invaddr.state bill_to_state,
169: invaddr.postal_code bill_to_postal_code,
170: invaddr.country bill_to_country,
171: oh.transactional_curr_code
172: from oe_order_headers_all oh,
173: hz_parties sold_to_party,
174: hz_cust_accounts sold_to_account,
175: hz_locations shipaddr,
176: hz_party_sites shp_party_site,

Line 296: from oe_order_headers_all

292: AND owner_table_id = p_party_id;
294: cursor c_order_curr_code(c_order_id number) is
295: select transactional_curr_code
296: from oe_order_headers_all
297: where header_id = c_order_id;
298: rec_order_curr_code c_order_curr_code%rowtype;
300: cursor c_curr_symbol(p_currCode VARCHAR2) IS

Line 2739: from oe_order_headers_all o,

2735: p.person_first_name,
2736: p.person_last_name,
2737: p.party_type,
2738: o.sold_to_contact_id
2739: from oe_order_headers_all o,
2740: hz_cust_Account_roles r,
2741: hz_relationships l,
2742: hz_parties p
2743: where o.header_id = c_order_id

Line 2758: oe_order_headers_all o,

2754: p.person_last_name,
2755: p.person_middle_name
2757: from hz_cust_accounts a,
2758: oe_order_headers_all o,
2759: hz_parties p
2760: where o.sold_to_org_id = a.cust_account_id
2761: and a.party_id = p.party_id
2762: and o.header_id = c_order_id;

Line 2772: oe_order_headers_all o,

2768: p.person_first_name ,
2769: p.person_middle_name,
2770: p.person_last_name
2771: from hz_parties p,
2772: oe_order_headers_all o,
2773: fnd_user f,
2774: hz_relationships r
2775: where o.last_updated_by = f.user_id
2776: and f.customer_id = r.party_id

Line 2836: --sold_to_contact_id in oe_order_headers_all is the account_id

2832: exit when c_b2c_contact%notfound;
2833: END LOOP;
2835: IF (l_party_type = 'ORGANIZATION') then --B2B user, determine party_id of type 'RELATIONSHIP'
2836: --sold_to_contact_id in oe_order_headers_all is the account_id
2837: --of the organization owning the order
2838: FOR rec_b2b_contact IN c_b2b_contact(p_order_id) LOOP
2839: ----DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('Order id is: '||p_order_id);
2840: l_sold_to_contact := rec_b2b_contact.sold_to_contact_id;

Line 2986: from oe_order_headers_all i

2984: --select the order number here
2985: select order_number into l_order_num
2986: from oe_order_headers_all i
2987: where header_id = p_order_id;
2990: IF (IBE_UTIL.G_DEBUGON = l_true) THEN

Line 6621: from oe_order_headers_all o,

6617: l.party_id contact_party_id,
6618: p.person_first_name,
6619: p.person_last_name,
6620: p.party_type
6621: from oe_order_headers_all o,
6622: hz_cust_Account_roles r,
6623: hz_relationships l,
6624: hz_parties p
6625: where o.header_id = pOrder

Line 8362: from oe_order_headers_all oh

8358: oe_totals_grp.Get_PayNow_Total(oh.header_id,null,'ALL') PayNow_order_total,
8359: oh.transactional_curr_code,
8360: oe_totals_grp.Get_Order_Total(oh.header_id,null,'ALL') order_total,
8361: oh.order_number
8362: from oe_order_headers_all oh
8363: where oh.header_id = c_order_id;
8364: g_macd_ord_rec c_macd_order_header%ROWTYPE;
8365: l_rec_charge_tbl OE_OE_TOTALS_SUMMARY.Rec_Charges_Tbl_Type;

Line 9620: from oe_order_headers_all o,

9616: l.party_id contact_party_id,
9617: p.person_first_name,
9618: p.person_last_name,
9619: p.party_type
9620: from oe_order_headers_all o,
9621: hz_cust_Account_roles r,
9622: hz_relationships l,
9623: hz_parties p
9624: where o.header_id = c_order_id

Line 9700: from oe_order_headers_all o,

9696: l.party_id contact_party_id,
9697: p.person_first_name,
9698: p.person_last_name,
9699: p.party_type
9700: from oe_order_headers_all o,
9701: hz_cust_Account_roles r,
9702: hz_relationships l,
9703: hz_parties p
9704: where o.header_id = c_Order_id

Line 9782: from oe_order_headers_all o,

9778: p.person_first_name,
9779: p.person_last_name,
9780: p.party_type,
9781: p.person_title
9782: from oe_order_headers_all o,
9783: hz_cust_Account_roles r,
9784: hz_relationships l,
9785: hz_parties p
9786: where o.header_id = c_order_id