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Line 10: -- OKL_TXL_ASSETS_V

6: -- Procedure Name : create_salvage_value_trx
7: -- Description : The main body of the package. This procedure gets a table of line ids along with the new
8: -- salvage values as parameter. It then validates the new SV to make sure that it is less than
9: -- the current SV and then creates salvage value transactions in OKL_TRX_ASSETS_V and
11: -- Business Rules :
12: -- Parameters : p_assets_tbl
13: -- Version : 1.0
14: -- History : SECHAWLA 03-JAN-03 2683876

Line 76: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, okl_txl_assets_v l

72: -- SECHAWLA 07-FEB-03 Bug # 2789656 : Changed the cursor to select asset_number instead of count(*)
73: -- This cursor is used to check if a pending salvage value writedown transaction already exists for a financial asset.
74: CURSOR l_assettrx_csr(p_kle_id NUMBER) IS
75: SELECT l.asset_number
76: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, okl_txl_assets_v l
77: WHERE h.id = l.tas_id
78: AND h.tsu_code = 'ENTERED'
79: AND h.tas_type = 'FSC'
80: AND l.kle_id = p_kle_id;