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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

   select 1
     from pa_project_parties pp
    where pp.project_id = p_project_id
      and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
      and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id
      and pp.end_date_active is NULL;
Line: 43

   select start_date_active, end_date_active
     from pa_project_parties
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
      and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id
     order by start_date_active;   /* Important to process in order. Please do not remove. */
Line: 86

       	      select max(end_date_active)
                into l_member_end_date_active
                from pa_project_parties
               where project_id = p_project_id
	         and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
		 and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id;
Line: 123

                  select min(start_date_active)
                    into l_min_member_start_date
		    from pa_project_parties
                   where project_id = p_project_id
                     and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
		     and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id;
Line: 325

                  select min(start_date_active)
                    into l_min_member_start_date
		    from pa_project_parties
                   where project_id = p_project_id
                     and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
		     and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id;
Line: 527

                  select min(start_date_active)
                    into l_min_member_start_date
		    from pa_project_parties
                   where project_id = p_project_id
                     and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
		     and project_role_id = p_proj_role_id;
Line: 737

    select p.project_id
      from pa_projects_all p
     where p.segment1 between p_project_num_from and p_project_num_to
       and p.carrying_out_organization_id = nvl(p_project_org, p.carrying_out_organization_id)
       and p.project_type = nvl(p_project_type, p.project_type);
Line: 744

   select distinct t.task_manager_person_id
     from pa_tasks t
    where t.project_id = p_project_id
      and t.task_manager_person_id is not null;
Line: 751

   select 1
     from pa_tasks t
    where t.project_id = p_project_id
      and t.task_manager_person_id = p_task_manager_person_id
      and t.completion_date is NULL;
Line: 759

   select 1
     from pa_project_parties
    where project_id = p_project_id
      and resource_source_id = p_task_manager_person_id
      and project_role_id = p_project_role;
Line: 808

   select project_role_type
     into l_role_type
     from pa_project_role_types
    where project_role_id = p_project_role;
Line: 842

	      select min(nvl(t.start_date,l_project_start_date)), max(completion_date)
                into l_start_date_active, l_end_date_active
	        from pa_tasks t
	       where t.project_id = l_selprojs_rec.project_id
	         and t.task_manager_person_id = l_seltaskmgrs_rec.task_manager_person_id;
Line: 990

  select segment1
    into l_proj_num
    from pa_projects_all
   where project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 995

  select employee_name
    into l_emp_name
    from pa_employees_res_v
   where person_id = p_task_manager_person_id;
Line: 1000

  select length(p_message)
    into len_msg
    from dual;
Line: 1042

    SELECT IMP.Set_Of_Books_ID
    INTO   l_sob_id
    FROM   PA_Implementations IMP;
Line: 1046

    SELECT SUBSTRB(GL.Name, 1, 30)
    INTO   l_sob_name
    FROM   GL_Sets_Of_Books GL
    WHERE  GL.Set_Of_Books_ID = l_sob_id;
Line: 1053

    SELECT  ' '||rpad(l_sob_name,30,' ')||lpad(l_tmp_str,75,' ')||sysdate
    INTO    l_tblock
    FROM    DUAL;
Line: 1062

    SELECT lpad(l_tmp_str,66+length(l_tmp_str)/2,' ')
    INTO l_tblock
Line: 1082

   SELECT l_tmp_str||'   '||l_tmp_str2||'   '||l_tmp_str3
     INTO l_tblock