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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

    SELECT distinct card_program_id FROM ap_credit_card_trxns_all
    WHERE  (p_start_date IS NULL OR transaction_date IS NULL OR transaction_date >= p_start_date)
    AND (p_end_date IS NULL OR transaction_date IS NULL OR transaction_date <= p_end_date)
    AND validate_code <> 'Y'
    AND validate_request_id = p_request_id; --Bug#14084710 Show notification only for present request id
Line: 32

  select ap_ccard_notification_id_s.nextval into l_event_key
  from dual;
Line: 53

     select ap_ccard_notification_id_s.nextval into l_event_key from dual;
Line: 99

    stmt := 'select validate_code, count(*) '||
            'from ap_credit_card_trxns_all '||
            'where validate_code not in (''Y'', ''N'', ''UNTESTED'') ';
Line: 236

    SELECT distinct card_program_id FROM ap_cards_all WHERE request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 247

	select ap_ccard_notification_id_s.nextval into l_event_key from dual;
Line: 266

	select ap_ccard_notification_id_s.nextval into l_event_key from dual;
Line: 296

    select det.card_id, card.card_program_id -- , det.name, det.employee_number, det.national_identifier
    from ap_card_details det, ap_cards_all card
    where det.card_id = card.card_id
    and card.request_id = l_request_id;
Line: 306

      select card_emp_matching_rule into l_match_rule
      from ap_card_programs_all
      where card_program_id = crec.card_program_id;
Line: 353

    select c.card_id, max(emp.employee_id) as employee_id
    from ap_cards_all ca, ap_card_details c, ap_card_emp_candidates emp
    where c.card_id = emp.card_id
    and ca.card_id = c.card_id
    and ca.request_id = l_request_id
    group by c.card_id
    having count(*) = 1;
Line: 403

    select count(*) into l_exist from dual
    where exists (select 1 from ap_cards_all where request_id = l_request_id);
Line: 445

    select count(*) into l_exist from dual
    where exists (select 1 from ap_cards_all where request_id = l_request_id and employee_id is null);
Line: 496

    select count(*) into l_exist1 from dual
    where exists (select 1 from ap_credit_card_trxns_all where request_id = l_request_id and validate_code <> 'Y');
Line: 498

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_exist2 FROM dual
      WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM ap_credit_card_trxns_all
                    WHERE (l_card_program_id IS NULL OR card_program_id = l_card_program_id)   -- Bug 6829024(sodash)
                    AND (l_start_date IS NULL OR transaction_date IS NULL OR transaction_date >= l_start_date)
                    AND (l_end_date IS NULL OR transaction_date IS NULL OR transaction_date <= l_end_date)
                    AND validate_code <> 'Y'
Line: 545

    select count(*) into l_count
    from ap_cards_all
    where request_id = l_request_id;
Line: 640

      select user_name into user_name
      from fnd_user
      where user_id in (select requested_by from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS where
      request_id = nvl(l_request_id,fnd_global.user_id));
Line: 690

       select sysadmin_role_name, admin_employee_id into l_role_name, l_person_id
       from ap_card_programs_all
       where card_program_id = l_card_program_id;
Line: 700

        select name into l_role_name
        from wf_roles
        where orig_system = 'PER'
          and orig_system_id = l_person_id;
Line: 760

    select card_program_name into l_name
    from ap_card_programs_all
    where card_program_id = l_id;