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1 package body fnd_help as
2 /* $Header: AFMLHLPB.pls 120.6 2012/02/28 15:59:49 ctilley ship $ */
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- GetLangCode (PRIVATE)
6 --   Parse the langpath and return the language code (ie "US")
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 function GetLangCode(
9   langpath in varchar2)
10 return varchar2
11 is
12   delim     number;
13   langcode  varchar2(4);
14 begin
15   delim := instr(langpath, '@');
16   if (delim = 0) then
17     langcode := upper(langpath);   -- no localization code tacked on
18   else
19     langcode := upper(substr(langpath, 1, delim-1));
20   end if;
21   return(langcode);
22 end;
24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 -- GetLocalizationCode (PRIVATE)
26 --   Parse the langpath and return the localization code (ie "@UK")
27 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 function GetLocalizationCode(
29   langpath in varchar2)
30 return varchar2
31 is
32   delim  number;
33   hlc    varchar2(100);
34 begin
35   delim := instr(langpath, '@');
36   if (delim = 0) then
37     hlc := '';
38   else
39     hlc := upper(substr(langpath, delim));
40   end if;
41   return(hlc);
42 end;
44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- Get_As_File (PRIVATE)
46 --   Look up document via filename
47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 function Get_As_File(
49   file      in varchar2,
50   app       in varchar2,
51   langpath  in varchar2,
52   file_id  out nocopy varchar2)
53 return boolean
54 is
55   hlc           varchar2(100);
56   langcode      varchar2(4);
57   results_head  varchar2(100);
58   found         boolean := FALSE;
59   fid           number;
61   cursor file_languages is
62     select distinct
63            l.description    longlang,
64            hd.language      lang,
65            hd.title         title,
66            hd.file_name     fn
67     from   fnd_help_documents hd,
68            fnd_languages_vl   l
69     where  hd.file_name    = file
70     and    hd.application  = app
71     and    l.language_code = hd.language
72     order by l.description;
74 begin
75   hlc := GetLocalizationCode(langpath);
76   langcode := GetLangCode(langpath);
78   -------------------------------------
79   -- First, look in current language --
80   -------------------------------------
81   begin
82     select hd.file_id into fid
83     from   fnd_help_documents hd
84     where  hd.application  = app
85     and    hd.file_name    = file
86     and    hd.language     = langcode
87     and    rownum=1
88     and    hd.custom_level =
89 	  (select max(hd2.custom_level)
90 	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2
91 	   where  hd2.file_name   = hd.file_name
92 	   and    hd2.language    = hd.language
93   	   and    hd2.application = hd.application);
95     file_id := fid;
96     return TRUE;
98   exception
99     when no_data_found then
100       null;
101     when others then
102       return FALSE;
103   end;
105   ----------------------------------------------------------
106   -- If the file is a .GIF file, it may not be translated --
107   -- For this special case (bug 1762401) we'll look in US --
108   ----------------------------------------------------------
109   if (langcode <> 'US' AND substr(file, -3) = 'GIF') then
110     begin
111       select hd.file_id into fid
112       from   fnd_help_documents hd
113       where  hd.application  = app
114       and    hd.file_name    = file
115       and    hd.language     = 'US'
116       and    rownum=1
117       and    hd.custom_level =
118   	  (select max(hd2.custom_level)
119   	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2
120   	   where  hd2.file_name   = hd.file_name
121   	   and    hd2.language    = hd.language
122     	   and    hd2.application = hd.application);
124       file_id := fid;
125       return TRUE;
127     exception
128       when no_data_found then
129         null;
130       when others then
131         return FALSE;
132     end;
133   end if;
134 return FALSE;
135 exception
136   when others then
137   return FALSE;
138 end;
140 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 -- Get_As_Target (PRIVATE)
142 --   Look up document via target
143 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 function Get_As_Target(
145   target    in varchar2,
146   app       in varchar2,
147   langpath  in varchar2,
148   file_id   out nocopy  varchar2)
149 return boolean
150 is
151   results_head  varchar2(100);
152   found         boolean := FALSE;
153   hlc           varchar2(100);
154   langcode      varchar2(4) := GetLangCode(langpath);
155   fid           number;
157   cursor target_languages is
158     select distinct
159            l.description   longlang,
160            hd.language     lang,
161            hd.title        title,
162            hd.file_name    fn
163     from   fnd_help_targets   ht,
164            fnd_help_documents hd,
165            fnd_languages_vl   l
166     where  ht.file_id      = hd.file_id
167     and    ht.target_name  = target
168     and    hd.application  = app
169     and    l.language_code = hd.language
170     order by l.description;
172   cursor current_language is
173     select hd.file_id
174     from   fnd_help_targets   ht,
175            fnd_help_documents hd
176     where  ht.file_id     = hd.file_id
177     and    ht.target_name = target
178     and    hd.language    = langcode
179     and    hd.application = app
180     and    hd.custom_level =
181           (select max(hd2.custom_level)
182    	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2,
183                   fnd_help_targets ht2
184 	   where  ht2.target_name = ht.target_name
185            and    ht2.file_id     = hd2.file_id
186            and    hd2.language    = hd.language
187 	   and    hd2.application = hd.application)
188     order by hd.file_id desc;
190 begin
191   hlc := GetLocalizationCode(langpath);
192   langcode := GetLangCode(langpath);
194   -------------------------------------
195   -- First, look in current language --
196   -------------------------------------
198   begin
200   open current_language;
201   fetch current_language into fid;
202   if (current_language%notfound) then
203     raise no_data_found;
204   end if;
205   close current_language;
207    file_id := fid;
208   return TRUE;
210   exception
211     when no_data_found then
212       null;
213   end;
214   return FALSE;
215 exception
216   when others then
217   return FALSE;
218 end;
220 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 -- GetHTTPLang (PRIVATE)
222 --   Return the lang code for HTML pages that meet ADA Standards
223 --   Produces the same result as the java function
224 --   oracle.apps.fnd.i18n.util.SSOMapper.getHttpLangFromOracle.
225 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 function GetHTTPLang(
227   langpath in varchar2)
228 return varchar2
229 is
230   delim number;
231   langcode  varchar2(4);
232   httplang  varchar2(30);
233 begin
235   delim := instr(langpath, '@');
236   if (delim = 0) then
237     langcode := upper(langpath);   -- no localization code tacked on
238   else
239     langcode := upper(substr(langpath, 1, delim-1));
240   end if;
242   begin
243      select lower(iso_language)||'-'||iso_territory
244        into httplang
245      from fnd_languages where language_code = langcode;
246   exception when no_data_found then
247      httplang := langcode;
248   end;
250   return(httplang);
251 end;
254 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 -- Get_Url
256 --   Creates the URL to launch the help system with help document based
257 --   on the specified target.
258 -- IN
259 --   appsname   - app code for the document's owning application
260 --   target     - name of the help target
261 --   helpsystem - indicates whether user wants to launch full help system
262 --                if FALSE, means they just want to fetch the document.
263 --   targettype - specifies whether the target is a help target or filename.
264 --                (valid values are TARGET or FILE)
265 -- HELPCONTEXT when false, then help root is taken for the global help content, typically
266 --             represented by FND:LIBRARY.
267 --             When true, then system displays context sensitive help content.
269 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 function Get_Url(
271   appsname   in varchar2,
272   target     in varchar2,
273   HELPSYSTEM in boolean  default TRUE,
274   TARGETTYPE in varchar2 default 'TARGET',
275   CONTEXTHELP in boolean  default TRUE )
276 return varchar2
277 is
278   help_url varchar2(2000);
279   rapp varchar2(50);
280   language varchar2(50);
281   ora_language varchar2(50);
282   ora_territory varchar2(50);
283   hlc varchar2(100);
284   ind varchar2(2) := '';
285   help_target varchar2(512);
286   delim number;
287   helpAgent varchar2(2000);
288   paramChar varchar2(1);
289   rootVal varchar2(512);
290 begin
292   delim := instr(target,'#');
294   if (delim = 0) then
295     help_target := target;
296   else
297     help_target := substr(target,1,delim-1) || '%23' || substr(target,delim+1);
298   end if;
300  helpAgent := fnd_profile.value('HELP_WEB_AGENT');
301   if(helpAgent is null) then
302       help_url := fnd_profile.value('APPS_SERVLET_AGENT');
304       if (help_url is null) then
305          return(null);
306       end if;
308       if ( length(help_url) <> instr(help_url,'/',-1) )then
309          help_url := help_url || '/';
310       end if;
312       help_url:= help_url||'help';
313   else
314       help_url := helpAgent;
315   end if;
317   paramChar := '?';
319   hlc := fnd_profile.value('HELP_LOCALIZATION_CODE');
320   if (hlc is not null) then
321     hlc := '@'||hlc;
322   end if;
324   if (targettype = 'TARGET') then
325     ind := '@';
326   end if;
328   ------------------------------------------------------------
329   -- There is a legacy historical mapping between different --
330   -- applications because some share help bases with others --
331   ------------------------------------------------------------
332   rapp := upper(appsname);
333   if (rapp in ('SQLGL', 'RG')) then
334      rapp := 'GL';
335   -- Bug3770297 Added products PQP,PQH,SSP,HRI
336   elsif (rapp in ('DT', 'FF', 'PAY', 'BEN', 'GHR', 'HR','PQP','PQH','SSP','HRI')) then
337      rapp := 'PER';
338   elsif (rapp = 'SQLAP') then
339      rapp := 'AP';
340   elsif (rapp = 'OFA')then
341      rapp := 'FA';
342   elsif (rapp = 'CST')then
343      rapp := 'BOM';
344   end if;
346   select userenv('language')
347     into language
348     from dual;
350 language := substr(language,1,instr(language,'.') - 1);
351 ora_language := substr(language, 1,instr(language,'_')-1);
352 ora_territory := substr(language,instr(language,'_')+1);
354 if(CONTEXTHELP) then
355   	  rootVal := fnd_profile.value('HELP_TREE_ROOT');
356 else
357  	  rootVal := fnd_profile.VALUE_SPECIFIC('HELP_TREE_ROOT', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
358 end if;
360  return help_url || paramChar ||
361       'locale='||UTL_I18N.MAP_LOCALE_TO_ISO(ora_language,ora_territory)||
362       '&'||'group='||rootVal||':'||fnd_global.current_language||      '&'||'topic='||fnd_global.current_language||hlc||'/'||
363       rapp||'/'||ind||help_target;
365 end Get_Url;
367 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 -- Get
369 --   Get GFM identifier for help target
370 -- IN
371 --   path - Relative path of target, in the format:
372 --          /<lang>/<app>/<file>
373 --	    /<lang>/<app>/@<[app:]target>[,[app:]target,[app:]target...]
374 --
375 -- RETURNS
376 -- returns file_id of the document
377 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 function Get(
379   path in varchar2,
380   file_id out nocopy varchar2)
381 return boolean
382 is
383   lpath      varchar2(2000);
384   langpath   varchar2(105);
385   langcode   varchar2(4);
386   hlc        varchar2(100);
387   app        varchar2(50);
388   slash      number;
389   delim      number;
390   ok         boolean := FALSE;
391   bad_req    exception;
393 begin
394   if (path is null) then
395      return false;
396  end if;
398   lpath := ltrim(path, '/');
400   -- Extract language information --
401   slash := nvl(instr(lpath, '/'), 0);
402   langpath := upper(substr(lpath, 1, slash-1));
403   langcode := GetLangCode(langpath);
404   hlc := GetLocalizationCode(langpath);
405   lpath := substr(lpath, slash+1);
407   -- Extract application --
408   slash := nvl(instr(lpath, '/'), 0);
409   app := upper(substr(lpath, 1, slash-1));
410   lpath := substr(lpath, slash+1);
412   -----------------------------------------------------------------
413   -- Remainder of lpath is either the target name, file name, or --
414   -- list of targets.                                            --
415   --                                                             --
416   -- If it starts with "@", we know we are dealing with targets, --
417   -- otherwise we have got a file name.                          --
418   --                                                             --
419   -- Furthermore, we handle lists of targets differently than    --
420   -- single target names.                                        --
421   -----------------------------------------------------------------
422   if (substr(lpath, 1, 1) <> '@') then
423     ok := Get_As_File(upper(lpath), app, langpath,file_id);
424   else
425     -- we have a single target --
426     -- synch target translation with load_target() --
427     lpath := upper(translate(substr(lpath, 2),'.','_'));
429     -- append the localization code if none specified --
430     if (instr(lpath, '@') = 0) then
431       lpath := lpath||hlc;
432     end if;
434     ok := Get_As_Target(lpath, app, langpath,file_id);
436     if (ok = FALSE) then
437       -- remove the localization code and try again --
438       delim := instr(lpath, '@');
439       if (delim <> 0) then
440         lpath := substr(lpath, 1, delim-1);
441         ok := Get_As_Target(lpath, app, langpath,file_id);
442       end if;
443     end if;
444   end if;
446   if (ok = FALSE) then
447     raise bad_req;
448   end if;
449 return ok;
450 exception
451   when bad_req then
452     Fnd_Message.Set_Name('FND', 'HELP_BAD_TARGET');
453 --    Fnd_Message.Set_Token('TARGET', app||'/'||lpath);
454     Fnd_Message.Set_Token('TARGET', '');  -- Bug 3391291
455     return FALSE;
456   when others then
457     return FALSE;
458 end Get;
460 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 -- Help_Search
462 --   Implement search
463 -- IN
464 --   find_string - string to search for
465 -- IN OUT
466 --   results - array of links.
467 --
468 -- This procedure implements the Help Document search and can be called
469 -- by other folks who wish to include help documents in their own search
470 -- results.  Takes the search string, parses and reshapes it behave more
471 -- like standard browser searches, finds the matching Help Documents,
472 -- and returns them as an array of links to be displayed by the caller.
473 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
474 procedure Help_Search(
475   find_string  in     varchar2 default null,
476   scores       in out nocopy results_tab,
477   apps         in out nocopy results_tab,
478   titles       in out nocopy results_tab,
479   file_names   in out nocopy results_tab,
480   langpath     in     varchar2 default userenv('LANG'),
481   appname      in     varchar2 default null,
482   lang         in     varchar2 default null,
483   row_limit    in     number default null)
484 is
485   selc      varchar2(2000) := ' ';
486   andc      varchar2(2000) := ' ';
487   mainc     varchar2(2000);
488   orderc    varchar2(100);
489   pct       varchar2(4);
490   title     varchar2(256);
491   app       varchar2(50);
492   fn	    varchar2(256);
493   source    varchar2(256);
494   langcode  varchar2(4);
495   nlslang   varchar2(256);
496   appnameClause varchar2(80);
498   i      number;
499   rows   number :=0;
500   cur    integer;
501   atg    boolean := FALSE;
504 begin
506   if (lang is null) then
507     langcode := GetLangCode(langpath);
508   else
509     langcode := lang;
510   end if;
512   if (appname is null) then
513      appnameClause := '';
514   else
515      appnameClause := ' and hd.application = '''||appname||'''';
516   end if;
518   -- Set NLS_LANGUAGE if the language code doesn't match userenv('LANG').
519   if (langcode <> userenv('LANG')) then
520     begin
521       select ''''||nls_language||'''' into nlslang from fnd_languages
522         where language_code = langcode;
523       exception
524         when others then
525           nlslang := 'AMERICAN';
526     end;
527     dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_LANGUAGE', nlslang);
528   end if;
531     mainc := '        hd.title title,                             '||
532            '        hd.application app,                         '||
533            '        hd.file_name fn                             '||
534            ' from   fnd_lobs lob,                               '||
535            '        fnd_help_documents hd                       '||
536            ' where  lob.program_name = ''FND_HELP''             '||
537            ' and    upper(lob.file_format) = ''TEXT''           '||
538            ' and    hd.file_id = lob.file_id                    '||
539            ' and    hd.language = '''||langcode||'''            '||
540            appnameClause ||
541            ' and    hd.file_name <> ''ATGRP.GIF''               '||
542            ' and    hd.title is not null                        '||
543            ' and    hd.custom_level =                           '||
544            '   (select  /*+no_unnest*/ max(hd2.custom_level)    '||
545            '       from   fnd_help_documents hd2                '||
546            '       where  hd2.file_name = hd.file_name          '||
547            '       and    hd2.language = hd.language            '||
548            '       and    hd2.application = hd.application)     ';
551   orderc := ' order by pct desc, title ';
553   source := rtrim(find_string, ' ');
554   if (source is NULL) then
555      return;
556   end if;
558   ------------------------------------------------------------
559   -- Check for special debug indicator; when TRUE, displays --
560   -- generated where and select clauses                     --
561   ------------------------------------------------------------
563   if (instr(source, 'atgrp') = 1) then
564      atg := TRUE;
565   end if;
567   fnd_imutl.parse_search(source, selc, andc, 'LOB.FILE_DATA');
569   ------------------------------------------
570   -- Build and execute dynamic SQL cursor --
571   ------------------------------------------
572   cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
573   dbms_sql.parse(cur, selc||mainc||andc||orderc, dbms_sql.v7);
575   dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, pct,   3);
576   dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, title, 256);
577   dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 3, app,   50);
578   dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 4, fn,    256);
580   rows := dbms_sql.execute(cur);
583   i := 1;
584   while (TRUE) loop
585      rows := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur);
587   -- Bug 3315934 Added row_limit to resolve performance issues
588   -- Will display all rows if no limit is specified.
589      if (rows = 0 or (row_limit is not null and i > row_limit)) then
590 	exit;
591      end if;
593      dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, pct);
594      dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, title);
595      dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 3, app);
596      dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 4, fn);
598      scores(i) := pct;
599      titles(i) := title;
600      apps(i)   := app;
601      file_names(i) := fn;
603      i := i + 1;
604   end loop;
605   dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur);
607   if (atg = TRUE) then
609      scores(i) := 0;
610      titles(i) := 'Suprise';
611      apps(i)   := 'FND';
612      file_names(i) := 'ATGRP.GIF';
614   end if;
615 end Help_Search;
617 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
618 -- Load_Doc
619 --   Load a help document into the database (called by FNDGFH and FNDGFU)
620 --
621 --   If the help document is already there, update it.
622 --   Otherwise, insert a new one.
623 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
624 procedure Load_Doc (
625   x_file_id	  in varchar2,
626   x_language	  in varchar2,
627   x_application	  in varchar2,
628   x_file_name	  in varchar2,
629   x_custom_level  in varchar2,
630   x_title	  in varchar2,
631   x_version	  in varchar2 ) is
632   num_file_id      number := to_number(x_file_id);
633   num_custom_level number := to_number(x_custom_level);
634 begin
635   -- Bug 13689517 Adding PREPARE calls for Online patching for seed tables.
638   update fnd_help_documents set
639     title   = x_title,
640     version = x_version
641   where file_id = num_file_id;
643   if SQL%NOTFOUND then
644     insert into fnd_help_documents (
645       file_id,
646       language,
647       application,
648       file_name,
649       custom_level,
650       title,
651       version)
652     values (
653       num_file_id,
654       upper(x_language),
655       upper(x_application),
656       upper(x_file_name),
657       num_custom_level,
658       x_title,
659       x_version);
660   end if;
661 end Load_Doc;
663 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
664 -- load_target
665 --   Load a help target into the database (called by FNDGFH and FNDGFU)
666 --
667 --   x_file_id     - the file_id of the owning help document
668 --   x_target_name - the target to load
669 --
670 -- Warning!  We are modifying the target here. Therefore, all target
671 --           searches need to do the same modifications in order to
672 --           successfully find the target.  Search for keyword 'synch'.
673 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 procedure load_target (
675   x_file_id 	 in varchar2,
676   x_target_name	 in varchar2 ) is
677   num_file_id number := to_number(x_file_id);
678 begin
680   -- Bug 13689517 Adding PREPARE calls for Online patching for seed tables
683   insert into fnd_help_targets (file_id, target_name)
684   values (num_file_id, upper(translate(x_target_name,'.','_')));
686   exception
687      when dup_val_on_index then
688        return;
689 end load_target;
691 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
692 -- cull_row
693 --   Cleanup obsolete rows from fnd_lobs, fnd_help_documents, and
694 --   fnd_help_targets (called by FNDGFH and FNDGFU)
695 --
696 --   Usual case: a new version for this file_id, language, app, file_name
697 --   and custom level has been created.  Therefore, it is desirable
698 --   to remove the obsolete records to avoid querying and storing them.
699 --
700 --   Assumption: We can delete all other versions for this record
701 --               because we will always be adding the newest version.
702 --               That is, we don't have to worry about erroneously
703 --               deleting a newer version.
704 --
705 --   Additionally, since there is no other way to delete obsolete targets
706 --   AND all targets for a document are always loaded, it is safest
707 --   to ALWAYS delete ALL of the targets so that we're always up-to-date.
708 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
709 procedure cull_row (
710   x_file_id 	  in varchar2,
711   x_language      in varchar2,
712   x_application   in varchar2,
713   x_file_name 	  in varchar2,
714   x_custom_level  in varchar2 )
715 is
716   num_file_id      number := to_number(x_file_id);
717   num_custom_level number := to_number(x_custom_level);
718   cursor fileid_cursor is
719  	 select file_id from fnd_help_documents
720 	 where  upper(language)    =  upper(x_language)
721          and    upper(application) =  upper(x_application)
722          and    upper(file_name)   =  upper(x_file_name)
723          and    custom_level       =  num_custom_level
724 	 and    file_id            <> num_file_id;
725 begin
726   -- Bug 13689517 Adding PREPARE calls for Online patching for seed tables.
727   -- FND_LOBS has not been designated as a seed table so no PREPARE is needed.
731   for f in fileid_cursor loop
732      delete from fnd_help_targets   where file_id = f.file_id;
733      delete from fnd_lobs           where file_id = f.file_id;
734      delete from fnd_help_documents where file_id = f.file_id;
735   end loop;
736   -----------------------------------------------
737   -- Remove ALL help targets for this document --
738   -----------------------------------------------
739   delete from fnd_help_targets where file_id = x_file_id;
740 end cull_row;
742 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 -- delete_doc
744 --   Delete a document from the iHelp system
745 -- IN:
746 --   x_application - Application shortname of file owner
747 --   x_file_name - Name of file to delete
748 --   x_language - Language to delete (null for all)
749 --   x_custom_level - Custom level to delete (null for all)
750 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
751 procedure delete_doc (
752   x_application   in varchar2,
753   x_file_name 	  in varchar2,
754   x_language      in varchar2 default null,
755   x_custom_level  in varchar2 default null)
756 is
757   num_custom_level number := to_number(x_custom_level);
758   cursor fileid_cursor is
759  	 select fhd.file_id
760          from fnd_help_documents fhd
761          where  upper(fhd.application) =  upper(x_application)
762          and    upper(fhd.file_name)   =  upper(x_file_name)
763 	 and    upper(fhd.language)    =  upper(nvl(x_language, fhd.language))
764          and    fhd.custom_level       =  nvl(num_custom_level,
765                                               fhd.custom_level);
766 begin
769   for f in fileid_cursor loop
770     -- Delete all help targets
771     delete from fnd_help_targets fht
772     where fht.file_id = f.file_id;
774     -- Help documents...
775     delete from fnd_help_documents fhd
776     where fhd.file_id = f.file_id;
778     -- Lobs table...
779     delete from fnd_lobs
780     where file_id = f.file_id;
782   end loop;
784 end delete_doc;
786 end fnd_help;