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2 /* $Header: PAXIPUBS.pls 120.3.12020000.2 2012/07/19 10:05:12 admarath ship $ */
4 ------------
6 --  Procedures/Functions for use by Clients are included in this file.
7 --
8 --
10 ----------------------------
12 --
13 --  1. Procedure Name:	get_budget_amount returns the budgetted cost and
14 --			revenue	amount for the project/top task id specified.
15 --     Usage:		get_budget_amount(project_id, task_id, revenue, cost)
16 --
17 --     Parameters:
18 --
19 --			 X2_project_id : project_id of project to get budget
20 --				         IN Variable
21 --
22 --			 X2_task_id    : Top task id of the project
23 --				         IN Variable
24 --
25 --			 X2_revenue_amount : Revenue budget amount
26 --					 OUT Variable ,
27 --
28 --			 X2_cost_amount : Cost budget amount
29 --					 OUT Variable
30 --
31 --                       P_cost_budget_type_code : IN Variable
32 --                                                 Cost Budget type code
33 --				                   You may specify if
34 --						   a different cost budget is
35 --						   to be used other than the
36 --						   default 'AC'.
37 --
38 --                       P_rev_budget_type_code  : IN Variable
39 --                                                 Cost Budget type code
40 --				                   You may specify if
41 --						   a different cost budget is
42 --						   to be used other than the
43 --						   default 'AR'.
44 --
45                           /* Added for Fin Plan impact */
46 --                       P_cost_plan_type_id     : IN Variable
47 --                                                 Unique identifier of the
48 --				                   plan type used for calculating
49 --						   Cost plan amount.
50 --
51 --                       P_rev_plan_type_id      : IN Variable
52 --                                                 Unique identifier of the
53 --				                   plan type used for calculating
54 --						   Revenue plan amount.
55                           /* Till here */
56 --
57 --                       X_cost_budget_type_code : OUT Variable
58 --                                                 Contains the
59 --						   cost_budget_type_code
60 --						   used.
61 --
62 --                       X_rev_budget_type_code  : OUT Variable
63 --                                                 Contains the
64 --						   revenue_budget_type_code
65 --						   used.
66 --
67 -- 			 X_error_message	 : OUT Variable
68 --						   Error message if any, will
69 --						   be returned.
70 --
71 --			 X_status		 : OUT Variable
72 --						   Status
73 --
74 --  2. Procedure Name:	get_amount
75 --                      *** We recommended that you use the views
77 --			PA_BILLING_INV_TRANSACTIONS_V to select transaction
78 --			amounts.  Get_amount will not be supported in future
79 --			versions ***
80 --
81 --
82 --     Usage: 		get_amount(... , amount, status);
83 --			amount will get the revenue, cost or bill amount
84 --     			as specified by the parameters listed below.
85 --			status will get any error status returned by
86 --			the procedure.
87 --
88 --     Parameters: 	You must specify X_project_id.
89 --			Specify X_request_id if you want amounts for this
90 --			run only.
91 --			You must also specify X_calling_process. For the first
92 --			four values you may send in exactly the same value as
93 --			is passed into your stored procedure eg.
94 --			X_project_id => X_project_id, X_request_id =>X_req..etc
95 --
96 --     			X_project_id:  	If this value is specified, the
97 --					procedure will retrieve amounts for
98 --					this project only.
99 --   			X_request_id:   If specified only amounts being
100 --					processed in the current run
101 --                 			will be retrieved.
102 --			X_calling_process: Can have a value of 'Revenue'
103 --					or 'Invoice'. If this value is
104 --					left blank it defaults to 'Revenue'.
105 --    			X_calling_place: Can have a value of 'REG' or 'ADJ'.
106 --					You may send in the parameter that
107 --					was sent in to your procedure. The
108 --					behaviour of get_amounts will vary
109 --					as described below:
110 --					If you send in this value as:
111 --					X_calling_place => X_calling_place
112 --					then the behaviour will be as follows:
113 --					Regular Section: Only +ve amounts
114 --					Adjustment Section: Only -ve amounts
115 --					Pre/Post Section: All amount
116 --
117 --					If you send in NULL or ignore this
118 --					parameter (it defaults to NULL),
119 --					then All amounts will be returned in
120 --					all cases.
121 --   			X_which_amount: Can have value of R, I, C or B.
122 --					Default is R.
123 -- 		   			R: Revenue amount
124 --		   			I: Invoice amount
125 --		   			C: Raw Cost amount
126 --		   			B: Burden Cost amount
127 --			X_amount:	Output parameter to hold amount
128 --					returned
129 --			X_status:	Output parameter to hold error status
130 --					returned.
131 --    			X_top_task_id: 	If you wish to retreive totals only
132 --					for all tasks below a particular
133 --					top_task, specify this value.
134 --   			X_system_linkage: Only amounts for specified
135 --					system linkage will be retrieved.
136 --
137 --					The three parameters below must either
138 --					all or none be specified:
139 --   			X_cost_base:    Only amounts for expenditure_types
140 --					related to specified cost base will be
141 --					retrieved.
142 --			X_CP_structure: Since cost_base only makes sense in
143 --					the context of a cost plus structure
144 --					and cost base type, this must be
145 --					specified, whenever cost base is
146 --					specified.
147 --			X_CB_type:	Similarly, cost_base_type must be
148 --					specified if a cost base is specified.
149 --
150 --  Note: If you are using request_id and want to get detail figures, you will
151 --        get figures for cost/rev/invoice from ei's that have been revenue
152 --	  distributed/billed in this run. If your distribution rule is
153 --	  COST/COST or COST/EVENT or EVENT/EVENT, you will not get any figures,
154 --	  since the ei's do not get any rdl's in these cases.
155 --
156 --  10. Procedure Name:  insert_message
157 --
158 --			Inserts a row into pa_billing_messages. This
159 --			is of use in debugging what happened when the Users
160 --			procedure executed.
161 --
162 --			The only 2 required parameters are
163 --			x_inserting_procedure_name and x_message.
164 --
165 -- 11. Procedure Name:	insert_event
166 --
167 --     Purpose:         Inserts rows into table pa_events subject to
168 --			the following validation:
169 --     			- Event_type must have an event_type_classification of
170 --			  'AUTOMATIC'.
171 --     			- Completion date of event must be before
172 --			  accrue_through_date
173 --     			- If the Bill Extn Id belongs to an Invoice Type extn,
174 --			  then both revenue and invoice amount can be positive
175 --			  but if there is a +ve revenue amount, the invoice
176 -- 			  amount must be greater than 0.
177 --     			- Project Id be supplied, or an error message will be
178 --			  returned.
179 --     			- Also for each of the above validations, an error
180 --			  message will be returned.
181 --			- One of X_rev_amt or X_bill_amt must be non_zero
182 --			  all other values will default as described below:
183 --    Parameters:                                       Defaults
184 --                      X_rev_amt                       0
185 --			X_bill_amt                      0
186 --			X_project_id                    current project
187 --			X_event_type                    from Billing Ext Dflt
188 --			X_top_task_id                   NULL
189 --			X_organization_id               From Task/Proj Org
190 --			X_completion_date               sysdate or X_accrue_thr
191 --                     	X_event_description             default event descr
192 --			X_attribute_category            NULL
193 --                      X_attribute1-10                 NULL
194 --
195 --   Audit fields can be used for storing additional audit info for events
196 --
197 --                      X_audit_amount1-10              Audit Amounts
198 --			X_audit_cost_budget_type_code   cost budget type code
199 --                      X_audit_rev_budget_type_code    revenue budget type code
200 -- 			X_error_message	 	        error message returned
201 --			X_status		        status returned
203 procedure get_budget_amount(
204 			 X2_project_id               NUMBER,
205 			 X2_task_id                  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
206 			 X2_revenue_amount       OUT NOCOPY REAL,
207 			 X2_cost_amount          OUT NOCOPY REAL,
208                          P_cost_budget_type_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
209                          P_rev_budget_type_code  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
210                          P_cost_plan_type_id     IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin Plan impact */
211                          P_rev_plan_type_id      IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin Plan impact */
212                          X_cost_budget_type_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
213                          X_rev_budget_type_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
214  			 X_error_message	 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
215 			 X_status		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
216 			);
219 procedure get_amount(	X_project_id 	NUMBER,
220 			X_request_id	NUMBER,
221 			X_calling_process VARCHAR2,
222 			X_calling_place VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
223 			X_which_amount	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'R',
224 			X_amount OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
225 			X_top_task_id 	NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
226 			X_system_linkage VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
227 			X_cost_base	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
228 			X_CP_structure	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
232 PROCEDURE insert_message (X_inserting_procedure_name 	VARCHAR2,
233 			X_message			VARCHAR2,
234 			X_attribute1			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
235 			X_attribute2			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
236 			X_attribute3			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
237 			X_attribute4			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
238 			X_attribute5			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
239 			X_attribute6			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
240 			X_attribute7			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
241 			X_attribute8			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
242 			X_attribute9			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
243 			X_attribute10			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
244 			X_attribute11			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
245 			X_attribute12			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
246 			X_attribute13			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
247 			X_attribute14			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
248 			X_attribute15			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
249  			X_error_message	 		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
250 			X_status		 	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
251 		        );
253 PROCEDURE insert_event (X_rev_amt			REAL DEFAULT NULL,
254 			X_bill_amt			REAL DEFAULT NULL,
255 			X_project_id			NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
256 			X_event_type			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
257 			X_top_task_id			NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
258 			X_organization_id		NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
259 			X_completion_date		DATE DEFAULT NULL,
260                        	X_event_description		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
261 			X_event_num_reversed		NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
262 			X_attribute_category		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
263                         X_attribute1			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
264                         X_attribute2			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
265                         X_attribute3			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
266                         X_attribute4			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
267                         X_attribute5			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
268                         X_attribute6			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
269                         X_attribute7			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
270                         X_attribute8			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
271                         X_attribute9			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
272                         X_attribute10			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
273                         X_audit_amount1	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
274                         X_audit_amount2	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
275                         X_audit_amount3	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
276                         X_audit_amount4	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
277                         X_audit_amount5	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
278                         X_audit_amount6	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
279                         X_audit_amount7	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
280                         X_audit_amount8	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
281                         X_audit_amount9	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
282                         X_audit_amount10	IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
283 			X_audit_cost_budget_type_code IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
284 			X_audit_rev_budget_type_code  IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
288                         X_uom_code      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
285                         X_inventory_org_id	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
286                         X_inventory_item_id	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
287                         X_quantity_billed	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
289                         X_unit_price     	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
290                         X_reference1      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
291                         X_reference2      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
292                         X_reference3      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
293                         X_reference4      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
294                         X_reference5      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
295                         X_reference6      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
296                         X_reference7      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
297                         X_reference8      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
298                         X_reference9      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
299                         X_reference10      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
300                         X_txn_currency_code  	           IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
301                         X_project_rate_type                IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
302 			X_project_rate_date		   IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
303                         X_project_exchange_rate        	   IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
304                         X_project_func_rate_type           IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
305 			X_project_func_rate_date	   IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
306                         X_project_func_exchange_rate       IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
307                         X_funding_rate_type                IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
308 			X_funding_rate_date	           IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
309                         X_funding_exchange_rate            IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
310                         X_zero_revenue_amount_flag         IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,  /* Funding MRC Changes */
311                         X_audit_cost_plan_type_id          IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin plan impact */
312                         X_audit_rev_plan_type_id           IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin plan impact */
313  			X_error_message	 	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
314 			X_status	 	OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
315 			);
317 function GET_MRC_FOR_FUND_FLAG return boolean;
319 -- Following APIs added for FP_M changes for Customer at Top Task
320 -- If the project is implemented with Top Task Customer enabled then
321 -- return the value as 'Y'
322 Function Get_Top_Task_Customer_Flag (
323    	P_Project_ID  IN NUMBER
324 ) Return Varchar2 ;
326 -- If the project is implemented with Invoice Method Override Flag enabled then
327 -- return the value as 'Y'
328 Function Get_Inv_Method_Override_Flag (
329    	P_Project_ID  IN NUMBER
330 ) Return Varchar2 ;
331 -- End of APIs added for FP_M changes
334 --ER 14089913
335 PROCEDURE insert_event2 (X_rev_amt			REAL DEFAULT NULL,
336 			X_bill_amt			REAL DEFAULT NULL,
337 			X_project_id			NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
338 			X_event_type			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
339 			X_top_task_id			NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
340 			X_organization_id		NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
341 			X_completion_date		DATE DEFAULT NULL,
342                        	X_event_description		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
343 			X_event_num_reversed		NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
344 			X_attribute_category		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
345                         X_attribute1			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
346                         X_attribute2			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
347                         X_attribute3			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
348                         X_attribute4			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
349                         X_attribute5			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
350                         X_attribute6			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
351                         X_attribute7			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
352                         X_attribute8			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
353                         X_attribute9			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
354                         X_attribute10			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
355                         X_audit_amount1	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
356                         X_audit_amount2	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
357                         X_audit_amount3	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
358                         X_audit_amount4	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
359                         X_audit_amount5	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
360                         X_audit_amount6	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
361                         X_audit_amount7	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
362                         X_audit_amount8	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
363                         X_audit_amount9	        IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
364                         X_audit_amount10	IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
365 			X_audit_cost_budget_type_code IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
366 			X_audit_rev_budget_type_code  IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
367                         X_inventory_org_id	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
368                         X_inventory_item_id	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
369                         X_quantity_billed	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
370                         X_uom_code      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
371                         X_unit_price     	IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
372                         X_reference1      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
373                         X_reference2      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
374                         X_reference3      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
375                         X_reference4      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
376                         X_reference5      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
377                         X_reference6      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
378                         X_reference7      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
379                         X_reference8      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
380                         X_reference9      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
381                         X_reference10      	IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
382                         X_txn_currency_code  	           IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
383                         X_project_rate_type                IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
384 			X_project_rate_date		   IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
385                         X_project_exchange_rate        	   IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
386                         X_project_func_rate_type           IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
387 			X_project_func_rate_date	   IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
388                         X_project_func_exchange_rate       IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
389                         X_funding_rate_type                IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
390 			X_funding_rate_date	           IN      DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
391                         X_funding_exchange_rate            IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
392                         X_zero_revenue_amount_flag         IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,  /* Funding MRC Changes */
393                         X_audit_cost_plan_type_id          IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin plan impact */
394                         X_audit_rev_plan_type_id           IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, /* Added for Fin plan impact */
395 			X_event_id              OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
396  			X_error_message	 	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
397 			X_status	 	OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
398 			);
402 END pa_billing_pub;