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Line 898: from per_all_assignments_f paa,

895: cursor csr_get_organization(p_payroll_id number
896: ,p_effective_date date) is
897: select distinct paei.aei_information7 legal_entity_id
898: from per_all_assignments_f paa,
899: per_assignment_extra_info paei
900: where paa.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
901: and p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date
902: and paa.effective_end_date

Line 906: from per_all_assignments_f paa1

902: and paa.effective_end_date
903: and paa.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
904: and paei.information_type = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
905: and not exists (select 1
906: from per_all_assignments_f paa1
907: where paa1.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
908: and paa1.organization_id = paei.aei_information7
909: And p_effective_date between paa1.effective_start_date
910: and paa1.effective_end_date);

Line 1044: per_all_assignments_f paf

1040: , region_2 ee_suburb_district
1041: , town_or_city ee_town_city
1042: , postal_code ee_postal_code
1043: from per_addresses ad,
1044: per_all_assignments_f paf
1045: where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1046: and paf.person_id = ad.person_id
1047: and g_archive_effective_date between date_from and nvl(date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'))
1048: and g_archive_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date

Line 1413: from per_all_assignments_f

1409: -- Retrieve the ZA specific employee details
1410: -- Person Id
1411: select max(person_id)
1412: into l_person_id
1413: from per_all_assignments_f
1414: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
1416: -- Tax Reference Number (Income Tax Number)
1417: begin

Line 2271: per_all_assignments_f paaf,

2267: paa_pre.assignment_action_id prepaid_action_id
2268: from pay_payroll_actions ppa_pre, -- Payroll Action of Prepayment
2269: pay_assignment_actions paa_pre, -- Assignment Action of Prepayment
2270: pay_action_interlocks pai,
2271: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
2272: pay_assignment_actions paa_run, -- Assignment Action of Run
2273: pay_payroll_actions ppa_run, -- Payroll Action of Run
2274: pay_payroll_actions ppa_arch -- Payroll Action of Archiver
2275: where ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = p_pact_id

Line 2906: -- via the rows of per_all_assignments_f.organization_id

2902: ,p_effective_date => l_effective_date);
2905: -- process the additional employee legal entities not previously processed
2906: -- via the rows of per_all_assignments_f.organization_id
2908: l_addr_arch_flag := false;
2909: for rec_payroll_info in csr_payroll_info
2910: (l_payroll_id