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Line 4: * Use this routine to get hz locations bo

1: PACKAGE BODY pos_hz_location_bo_pkg AS
2: /* $Header: POSSPLOCB.pls 120.1 2010/11/25 12:10:26 puppulur noship $ */
3: /*#
4: * Use this routine to get hz locations bo
5: * @param p_api_version The version of API
6: * @param p_init_msg_list The Initialization message list
7: * @param p_party_id The party_id
8: * @param x_hz_location_bo The pos hz locations bo

Line 8: * @param x_hz_location_bo The pos hz locations bo

4: * Use this routine to get hz locations bo
5: * @param p_api_version The version of API
6: * @param p_init_msg_list The Initialization message list
7: * @param p_party_id The party_id
8: * @param x_hz_location_bo The pos hz locations bo
9: * @param x_return_status The return status
10: * @param x_msg_count The message count
11: * @param x_msg_data The message data
12: * @rep:scope public

Line 146: FROM hz_locations hz,

142: hz.date_validated,
143: hz.do_not_validate_flag,
144: NULL)
145: BULK COLLECT INTO l_pos_hz_location_bo
146: FROM hz_locations hz,
147: ap_suppliers ap,
148: ap_supplier_sites_all ss
149: WHERE ap.party_id = p_party_id
150: AND ss.vendor_id = ap.vendor_id

Line 174: * Use this routine to create hz locations bo

170: x_msg_count := 1;
171: x_msg_data := SQLCODE || SQLERRM;
172: END get_hz_location_bo;
173: /*#
174: * Use this routine to create hz locations bo
175: * @param p_api_version The version of API
176: * @param p_init_msg_list The Initialization message list
177: * @param p_location_rec The hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type
178: * @param x_location_id The location id

Line 305: * Use this routine to create hz locations bo

301: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count,
302: p_data => x_msg_data);
303: END;
304: /*#
305: * Use this routine to create hz locations bo
306: * @param p_api_version The version of API
307: * @param p_init_msg_list The Initialization message list
308: * @param p_location_rec The hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type
309: * @param x_object_version_number The object version number