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4 --
1 Package pay_retro_status_internal AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pyrtsbsi.pkh 120.2.12010000.2 2010/02/19 09:37:59 pgongada ship $ */
5 -- Global constants
6 --
8 -- Constants for the owner type.
12 --
9 g_user   constant varchar2(10) := 'U'; -- User
10 g_system constant varchar2(10) := 'S'; -- System
13 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 -- |-----------------------< get_unprocessed_retro_asg >----------------------|
15 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 -- {Start Of Comments}
17 --
18 -- Description:
19 -- This function returns the unprocessed retro assignment ID for the specified
20 -- assignment. If no record is found, this returns null.
21 --
22 -- Prerequisites:
23 --   None.
24 --
25 -- In Parameters:
26 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
27 --   p_assignment_id                Yes  Number   Assignment ID.
28 --
29 -- Post Success:
30 --   The procedure will return the following value:
31 --   Name                           Type     Description
32 --   N/A                            Number   Retro Assignment ID
33 --
34 -- Post Failure:
35 --
36 -- Access Status:
37 --   Internal Development Use Only.
38 --
39 -- {End Of Comments}
40 --
41 function get_unprocessed_retro_asg
42   (p_assignment_id                 in     number
43   ) return number;
45 --
46 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 -- |------------------------< create_super_retro_asg >------------------------|
48 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 -- {Start Of Comments}
50 --
51 -- Description:
52 -- This procedure creates an unprocessed retro assignment that supersedes
53 -- an existing unprocessed retro assignment.
54 --
55 -- Prerequisites:
56 --   None.
57 --
58 -- In Parameters:
59 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
60 --   p_assignment_id                Yes  Number   Assignment ID.
61 --   p_reprocess_date               Yes  Date     Reprocess Date.
62 --   p_start_date                   Yes  Date     Start Date.
63 --   p_approval_status              No   Varchar2 Approval Status.
64 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
65 --
66 -- Post Success:
67 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
68 --   Name                           Type     Description
69 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Number   Retro Assignment ID
70 --
71 -- Post Failure:
72 --   The procedure will not create a retro assignment and raises an error.
73 --
74 -- Access Status:
75 --   Internal Development Use Only.
76 --
77 -- {End Of Comments}
78 --
79 procedure create_super_retro_asg
80   (p_assignment_id                 in     number
81   ,p_reprocess_date                in     date
82   ,p_start_date                    in     date     default null
83   ,p_approval_status               in     varchar2 default null
84   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
85   ,p_retro_assignment_id              out nocopy   number
86   );
88 --
89 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 -- |---------------------------< update_retro_asg >---------------------------|
91 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- {Start Of Comments}
93 --
94 -- Description:
95 -- This procedure updates a retro assignment.
96 --
97 -- Prerequisites:
98 --   None.
99 --
100 -- In Parameters:
101 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
102 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Yes  Number   Retro Assignment ID.
103 --   p_reprocess_date               No   Date     Reprocess Date.
104 --   p_start_date                   No   Date     Start Date.
105 --   p_approval_status              No   Varchar2 Approval Status.
106 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
107 --
108 -- Post Success:
109 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
110 --   Name                           Type     Description
111 --
112 -- Post Failure:
113 --   The procedure will not update a retro assignment and raises an error.
114 --
115 -- Access Status:
116 --   Internal Development Use Only.
117 --
118 -- {End Of Comments}
119 --
120 procedure update_retro_asg
121   (p_retro_assignment_id           in     number
122   ,p_reprocess_date                in     date     default hr_api.g_date
123   ,p_start_date                    in     date     default hr_api.g_date
124   ,p_approval_status               in     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
125   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
126   );
128 --
129 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- |---------------------------< delete_retro_asg >---------------------------|
131 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- {Start Of Comments}
133 --
134 -- Description:
135 -- This procedure deletes a retro assignment. If the retro assignment is
136 -- superseding another retro assignment, this procedure will reverse it to
137 -- the previous version.
138 --
139 -- Prerequisites:
140 --   None.
141 --
142 -- In Parameters:
143 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
144 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Yes  Number   Retro Assignment ID.
145 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
146 --   p_delete_sys_retro_asg         No   Varchar2 Indicate to delete the
147 --                                                system create retro asg.
148 --
149 -- Post Success:
150 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
151 --   Name                           Type     Description
152 --   p_replaced_retro_asg_id        Number   Retro assignment replaced by
153 --                                           the deleted retro assignment.
154 --
155 -- Post Failure:
156 --   The procedure will not delete a retro assignment and raises an error.
157 --
158 -- Access Status:
159 --   Internal Development Use Only.
160 --
161 -- {End Of Comments}
162 --
163 procedure delete_retro_asg
164   (p_retro_assignment_id           in     number
165   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
166   ,p_delete_sys_retro_asg          in     varchar2 default 'N'
167   ,p_replaced_retro_asg_id            out nocopy   number
168   );
173 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 --
171 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 -- |-----------------------< delete_retro_asg_cascade >-----------------------|
174 -- {Start Of Comments}
175 --
176 -- Description:
177 -- This procedure deletes a retro assignment. If the retro assignment is
178 -- superseding another retro assignment, all of the previous versions are
179 -- deleted as well.
180 --
181 -- Prerequisites:
182 --   None.
183 --
184 -- In Parameters:
185 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
186 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Yes  Number   Retro Assignment ID.
187 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
188 --
189 -- Post Success:
190 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
191 --   Name                           Type     Description
192 --
193 -- Post Failure:
194 --   The procedure will not delete a retro assignment and raises an error.
195 --
196 -- Access Status:
197 --   Internal Development Use Only.
198 --
199 -- {End Of Comments}
200 --
201 procedure delete_retro_asg_cascade
202   (p_retro_assignment_id           in     number
203   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
204   );
206 --
207 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 -- |-------------------------< maintain_retro_entry >-------------------------|
209 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 -- {Start Of Comments}
211 --
212 -- Description:
213 -- This procedure creates or updates an retro entry for the specified retro
214 -- assignment.
215 --
216 --
217 -- Prerequisites:
218 --   None.
219 --
220 -- In Parameters:
221 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
222 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Yes  Number   Retro Assignment ID.
223 --   p_element_entry_id             Yes  Number   Element Entry ID.
224 --   p_reprocess_date               Yes  Date     Reprocess Date.
225 --   p_effective_date               No   Date     Effective Date.
226 --   p_retro_component_id           No   Number   Retro Component ID.
227 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
228 --   p_system_reprocess_date        No   Date     System reprocess date.
229 --   p_entry_param_name             No   Varchar2 Entry parameter name to
230 --                                                indicate which entry is
231 --                                                being processed.
232 --
233 -- Post Success:
234 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
235 --   Name                           Type     Description
236 --
237 -- Post Failure:
238 --   The procedure will not create or update a retro entry and raises an
239 --   error.
240 --
241 -- Access Status:
242 --   Internal Development Use Only.
243 --
244 -- {End Of Comments}
245 --
246 procedure maintain_retro_entry
247   (p_retro_assignment_id           in     number
248   ,p_element_entry_id              in     number
249   ,p_reprocess_date                in     date
250   ,p_effective_date                in     date     default null
251   ,p_retro_component_id            in     number   default null
252   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
253   ,p_system_reprocess_date         in     date     default hr_api.g_eot
254   ,p_entry_param_name              in     varchar2 default null
255   );
257 --
258 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 -- |--------------------------< delete_retro_entry >--------------------------|
260 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 -- {Start Of Comments}
262 --
263 -- Description:
264 -- This procedure deletes a retro entry.
265 --
266 --
267 -- Prerequisites:
268 --   None.
269 --
270 -- In Parameters:
271 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
272 --   p_retro_assignment_id          Yes  Number   Retro Assignment ID.
273 --   p_element_entry_id             Yes  Number   Element Entry ID.
274 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner type.
275 --
276 -- Post Success:
277 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
278 --   Name                           Type     Description
279 --
280 -- Post Failure:
281 --   The procedure will not delete a retro entry and raises an error.
282 --
283 -- Access Status:
284 --   Internal Development Use Only.
285 --
286 -- {End Of Comments}
287 --
288 procedure delete_retro_entry
289   (p_retro_assignment_id           in     number
290   ,p_element_entry_id              in     number
291   ,p_owner_type                    in     varchar2 default g_user
292   );
293 --
294 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 -- |------------------------< update_reprocess_date >-------------------------|
296 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 -- {Start Of Comments}
298 --
299 -- Description:
300 -- This procedure is used to update the reprocess date of the system created
301 -- retro assignments by creating new retro assignment with the new reprocess
302 -- date and superseding the system created retro assignment with the newly
303 -- created retro assignment.
304 --
305 -- Prerequisites:
306 --   Please make sure that this procedure is used where the user login
307 --   information is established so that the WHO columns are populated properly.
308 --   If this procedure is called from a standalone script, it is advisable to
309 --   make the following call once before calling this procedure.
310 --
311 --     fnd_global.apps_initialize
312 --       (user_id      => <User ID>
313 --       ,resp_id      => <Responsibility ID>
314 --       ,resp_appl_id => <Responsibility Application ID>
315 --       );
316 --
317 -- In Parameters:
318 --   Name                           Reqd Type     Description
319 --   p_assignment_id                Yes  Number   Assignment ID
320 --   p_reprocess_date               Yes  Date     Reprocess Date of the retro
321 --                                                assignment.
322 --                                                The date must be equal to or
323 --                                                earlier than the earliest
324 --                                                retro entry reprocess date.
325 --   p_owner_type                   No   Varchar2 Owner Type
326 --
327 -- Post Success:
328 --   The procedure will set the following out parameters:
329 --   Name                           Type     Description
330 --   p_new_retro_asg_id             Number   Newly created Retro Assignment ID
331 --
332 -- Post Failure:
333 --   The procedure will not create or update a retro assignment and raises an
334 --   error.
335 --
336 -- {End Of Comments}
337 procedure update_reprocess_date(
338 p_assignment_id in number
339 ,p_reprocess_date in date
340 ,p_owner_type in varchar2 default g_user
341 ,p_retro_asg_id out nocopy number);
342 --
343 end pay_retro_status_internal;