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Line 2872: l_old_arrival_set_id oe_order_lines_all.arrival_set_id%TYPE;

2868: IF p_x_line_rec.operation = Oe_Globals.G_Opr_Update THEN
2869: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Operation is.... UPDATE on line: '
2870: || p_x_line_rec.line_id);
2872: l_old_arrival_set_id oe_order_lines_all.arrival_set_id%TYPE;
2873: BEGIN
2874: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Location 11...');
2875: SELECT l.arrival_set_id
2876: INTO l_old_arrival_set_id

Line 2877: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

2873: BEGIN
2874: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Location 11...');
2875: SELECT l.arrival_set_id
2876: INTO l_old_arrival_set_id
2877: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
2878: WHERE l.line_id = p_x_line_rec.line_id;
2879: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: l_old_arrival_set = ' || l_old_arrival_set_id);
2881: IF Nvl(l_old_arrival_set_id, Fnd_Api.G_Miss_Num) <> Fnd_Api.G_Miss_Num

Line 2954: oe_order_lines_all l

2950: -- Get existing arrival set.
2951: SELECT set_name
2952: INTO l_old_arrival_set
2953: FROM oe_sets s,
2954: oe_order_lines_all l
2955: WHERE s.set_type = 'ARRIVAL_SET'
2956: AND l.arrival_set_id = s.set_id
2957: AND l.line_id = p_x_line_rec.line_id;

Line 3913: l_old_ship_set_id oe_order_lines_all.ship_set_id%TYPE;

3909: IF p_x_line_rec.operation = Oe_Globals.G_Opr_Update THEN
3910: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Operation is.... UPDATE on line: '
3911: || p_x_line_rec.line_id);
3913: l_old_ship_set_id oe_order_lines_all.ship_set_id%TYPE;
3914: BEGIN
3915: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Location 1...');
3916: SELECT l.ship_set_id
3917: INTO l_old_ship_set_id

Line 3918: FROM oe_order_lines_all l

3914: BEGIN
3915: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: Location 1...');
3916: SELECT l.ship_set_id
3917: INTO l_old_ship_set_id
3918: FROM oe_order_lines_all l
3919: WHERE l.line_id = p_x_line_rec.line_id;
3920: oe_debug_pub.ADD(' cnv line null to miss: l_old_ship_set = ' || l_old_ship_set_id);
3922: IF Nvl(l_old_ship_set_id, Fnd_Api.G_Miss_Num) <> Fnd_Api.G_Miss_Num

Line 3991: oe_order_lines_all l

3987: -- Get existing ship set.
3988: SELECT set_name
3989: INTO l_old_ship_set
3990: FROM oe_sets s,
3991: oe_order_lines_all l
3992: WHERE s.set_type = 'SHIP_SET'
3993: AND l.ship_set_id = s.set_id
3994: AND l.line_id = p_x_line_rec.line_id;