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1 package body BOMPCHDU as
2 /* $Header: BOMCHDUB.pls 115.3 99/07/16 05:11:38 porting shi $ */
3 /*============================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation    Belmont, California, USA          |
5 |                        All rights reserved.                                 |
6 |                        Oracle Manufacturing                                 |
7 +=============================================================================+
8 |									      |
9 | FILE NAME   : BOMCHDUB.pls						      |
10 | DESCRIPTION :								      |
11 |               This file creates packaged functions that check for matching  |
12 |		configurations.						      |
13 |									      |
14 |		BOMPCHDU.is_base_demand_row -- Checks whether a given row in  |
15 |		mtl_demand has already been found to be a duplicate.	      |
16 |									      |
17 |		BOMPCHDU.bomfchdu_check_dupl_config -- Checks through each    |
18 |		row in mtl_demand which has been marked to be processed.      |
19 |		Depending on profile settings, it may call a custom function  |
20 |		for pre-existing configurations or use the matching function  |
21 |		from match and reserve.  Then, it does an in batch match on   |
22 |		the configurations.					      |
23 |									      |
24 |		BOMPCHDU.existing_dupl_match -- for a given demand_id, it     |
25 |		searches BOM ATO Configurations for a matching configuration. |
26 |									      |
27 |		BOMPCHDU.check_dupl_batch_match -- for a given demand_id, it  |
28 |		checks the other rows to be processed whether any has an      |
29 |		identical configuration.  If any of the other rows are 	      |
30 |		identical, their dupl_config_demand_id or dupl_config_item_id |
31 |		is updated accordingly.					      |
32 |									      |
33 |									      |
34 | HISTORY     :  							      |
35 |               06/13/93  Chung Wei Lee  Initial version		      |
36 |		08/16/93  Chung Wei Lee	 Added more comments		      |
37 |		08/23/93  Chung Wei Lee  Added codes to check dup new config  |
38 |		11/08/93  Randy Roupp    Added sql_stmt_num logic             |
39 |		11/09/93  Randy Roupp    Changed is_base_demand_row function  |
40 |		01/14/94  Nagaraj        Handle the case if d1.primary_uom_   |
41 |					 quantity is zero		      |
42 |               02/21/94  Manish Modi    Moved bomfcdec_ch_du_ext_config to   |
43 |                                        BOMPCEDC.			      |
44 |		11/01/95  Edward Lee	 Re-wrote package to use a matching   |
45 |					 function similar to the one in       |
46 |					 BOMPMCFG which drives off of so_lines|
47 |					 Also added a check for existing      |
48 |					 configurations in BOM ATO Configs.   |
49 =============================================================================*/
51 function is_base_demand_row(
52         input_demand_id  in      number,
53         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,   /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
54         message_name    out     VARCHAR2,   /* 30 bytes to hold returned name*/
55         table_name      out     VARCHAR2    /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
56         )
57 return integer
58 is
59 	l_demand_count  number;
60 	l_dup_demand_id   number;
61 	l_dup_item_id	number;
62         sql_stmt_num    number;
63 begin
64 	/*
65 	** Check  whether the passed demand row is a duplicated demand row
66 	** for other demand row/rows already
67 	*/
68         sql_stmt_num := 30;
69 	select duplicated_config_demand_id, duplicated_config_item_id into
70 		l_dup_demand_id, l_dup_item_id
71 	from mtl_demand
72 	where demand_id = input_demand_id
73 	and config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
74         and config_status = 20
75 	and rownum = 1;       /* demand_id is a duplicated_config_demand_id
76                                        for an active demand row */
77 	 if (l_dup_demand_id is null and l_dup_item_id is null) then
78                 return(1); /* need to continue duplicate check */
79         else
80                 return(0); /* no need continuing duplicate check */
81         end if;
82 exception
84 		return(0);
85 	when OTHERS THEN
86         	error_message := 'ibdr:' || to_char(sql_stmt_num) || ':' ||
87                                   substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
88                 message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
89                 table_name := 'MTL_DEMAND';
91 	        return(2);    /* Error condition */
93 end;
96 function bomfchdu_check_dupl_config (
97         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,
98         message_name    out     VARCHAR2,
99         table_name      out     VARCHAR2,
100 	nobatch		in	number	default 0
101         )
102 return integer
103 is
104         sql_stmt_num     number;
105 	/*
106 	** Declare cursor for fetching demand lines to be checked
107 	*/
108 	CURSOR cc IS
109 		select demand_id, demand_source_line
110 		from mtl_demand D,
111 		     mtl_sales_orders S
112 		where D.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
113 		and D.duplicated_config_item_id is NULL
114 		and D.demand_source_header_id = S.sales_order_id
115 		order by S.segment1 desc,D.user_line_num desc;
117 	l_demand_id		number;
118 	l_demand_source_line	number;
119 	l_config_item_id	number;
120 	status			number;
121 	CK_EXT_ERROR		exception;
122 	CK_NEW_ERROR		exception;
123 	CK_MR_ERROR		exception;
124 	match_profile		VARCHAR2(100);
125 	message			VARCHAR2(100);
127 begin
128 	sql_stmt_num := 5;
130 /*
131        select nvl(substr(profile_option_value,1,30),'0') into match_profile
132         from fnd_profile_option_values val,fnd_profile_options op
133         where op.profile_option_name = 'BOM:CHECK_DUPL_CONFIG'
134         and   val.level_id = 10001
135         and   val.profile_option_id = op.profile_option_id;
136 */
138         match_profile:=FND_PROFILE.Value('BOM:CHECK_DUPL_CONFIG');
140 	message_name := 'Just about to open cursor.';
141 	sql_stmt_num :=6;
142 	open cc;
143 	/*
144 	** Loop through all the processing demand records
145 	** 	Check for an existing matching configuration
146 	**	Check for matching configuration demand
147 	*/
148 	loop
149 		sql_stmt_num :=7;
150 		fetch cc into l_demand_id,l_demand_source_line;
151 		exit when (cc%notfound);
152 		/*
153 		** Search whether this row has already been found
154 		** to be a duplicate
155 		*/
156 	sql_stmt_num :=8;
157 	status := BOMPCHDU.is_base_demand_row(
158 			l_demand_id,
159 			error_message,
160 			message_name,
161 			table_name);
162 			/* Proceed only if dupl_config_item_id and */
163 			/* dupl_config_demand_id still null.       */
164 	if (status = 1) then
165 		sql_stmt_num :=9;
166 		if (match_profile = '1') then
167 		/*
168 		** Keep old hook to check for for existing
169 		** Configurations in Item/BOM/Rtg tables
170 		** '1' = CHECK_DUPL_CONFIG is YES, so use customer hook
171 		*/
173 		    status := BOMPCEDC.bomfcdec_ch_du_ext_config(
174 				l_demand_id,
175 				l_config_item_id,
176 				error_message,
177 				message_name,
178 				table_name);
179 		     if (status = 1) then
180 		           if (l_config_item_id is not NULL) then
181                                 sql_stmt_num := 10;
182 			        update mtl_demand
183 			        set duplicated_config_item_id= l_config_item_id
184 			        where demand_id = l_demand_id;
185 		           end if;  /* end of if config_item is not NULL */
186 		      else
187 			   raise CK_NEW_ERROR;  /* if status not 1 */
188 		      end if;  /* end of if status = 1 */
189 	  	  else    /* if match_profile is NOT 'YES' */
190 		      if (match_profile = '3') then
192 			         /*  Match_profile = '3' means
193 				 **  Match and Reserve, so use new
194 				 **  existing_dupl_match to check for existing
195 				 **  configuration in BAC */
197 			   status := BOMPCHDU.existing_dupl_match(
198 				l_demand_id,
199 				l_config_item_id,
200 				error_message,
201                         	message_name,
202                         	table_name);
203 			    if (status <> 1) then
204 				 raise CK_MR_ERROR;  /* if status not 1 */
205 			    end if;  /* status = 1 */
207 			end if;  /* match_profile = MATCH and  RESERVE = 1 */
209 		    end if;  /* on the local_profile_check */
210 			/*
211 			** Now, we check the other orders in this
212 			** batch, and set their fuplicate_config_id
213 			** if they match.
214 			*/
215 		   sql_stmt_num :=21;
216 		   if (nobatch=0) then
217 		     status := BOMPCHDU.check_dupl_batch_match(
218 			l_demand_id,
219 			l_config_item_id,
220 			l_demand_source_line,
221 			error_message,
222                        	message_name,
223                        	table_name);
224 		   end if;
225 	else
226 		status:=1;  /* if not base demand row, reset */
227 	end if;  /* on the base_demand_row */
228 	end loop;
229 	close cc;
231 	return(1);
232 exception
233 	when CK_EXT_ERROR then
234 			return (status);
235 	when CK_MR_ERROR then
236 			return (status);
237 	when CK_NEW_ERROR then
238 			return (status);
239 	when OTHERS then
240 			status := sql_stmt_num;   /*sqlcode;  */
241 	        error_message := 'bcdc:' || to_char(sql_stmt_num) || ':' ||
242                                   substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
243         	table_name := 'MTL_DEMAND';
244 		return (status);
246 end;
250 function existing_dupl_match (
251 	input_demand_id in	number,
252 	dupl_item_id  	out	number,
253         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,
254         message_name    out     VARCHAR2,
255         table_name      out     VARCHAR2
256         )
257 return integer
258 is
259 stmt_num	   number;
260 cfm_value          number;
261 match_results	   number;
262 my_match	   number;
264 begin
265 	/*
266 	** This function searches
267         ** for an existing configuration that meets the requirements
268 	** of orders being processed in this run of Create Configuration
269         ** cfm_routing_flag indicates the type of routing used to create
270         ** existing configurations. Matching configurations must have
271         ** same values of cfm_routing_flag
272         */
274 	select NVL(cfm_routing_flag,0) into cfm_value
275         from   mtl_demand md,
276               bom_operational_routings bor
277         where  md.inventory_item_id = bor.assembly_item_id(+)
278         and    md.organization_id   = bor.organization_id(+)
279         and    bor.alternate_routing_designator(+)  is NULL
280         and    md.demand_id         = input_demand_id;
284 	stmt_num :=60;
285 	update mtl_demand m
286 	set m.duplicated_config_item_id = (
287 	select BAC1.config_item_id
288 	  from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC1, /* the duplicate  */
289 	       so_lines_all solp, /* Parent of ATO Model if any */
290 	       so_lines_all sol1, /* processing     */
291 	       mtl_system_items msi,
292                bom_operational_routings bor,
293 	       bom_parameters bp
294 	  where BAC1.base_model_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
295 	  and   BAC1.organization_id = sol1.warehouse_id
296 	  and   BAC1.component_item_id = sol1.inventory_item_id
297 	  and   bp.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
298           and   NVL(BAC1.cfm_routing_flag,0) = cfm_value
299 	  and   solp.line_id = nvl(sol1.link_to_line_id,sol1.line_id)
300 	  and   msi.organization_id = BAC1.organization_id
301 	  and   msi.inventory_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
302 	  and   msi.inventory_item_status_code <> bp.bom_delete_status_code
303 	  and   not exists (select 'X'
304 		    from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
305 		    where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
306 		    and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
307 		    and   sol5.inventory_item_id not in
308 		   (select BAC2.component_item_id
309 		    from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC2 /* duplicates */
310 		    where BAC2.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
311 		    and   BAC2.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
312 		    and   BAC2.component_item_id = sol5.inventory_item_id
313 		    and   BAC2.component_code =
314 			decode(sol1.link_to_line_id,NULL,sol5.component_code,
315 			  substrb(sol5.component_code,
316 				lengthb(solp.component_code)+2))
317 	            and   BAC2.COMPONENT_QUANTITY =
318 	             ((sol5.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0))/
319 		     (sol1.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol1.cancelled_quantity,0)))
320 		    )
321 			    )
322 	  and exists(select 'X'
323                  from BOM_ATO_CONFIGURATIONS BAC3  /* duplicates */
324                  where BAC3.config_item_id = BAC1.config_item_id
325                  and   BAC3.component_item_id <> BAC1.component_item_id
326                  having count(*) = (select count (*)
327                     from so_lines_all sol7  /* processing  */
328                     where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
329                     and   sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
330                    		     )
331 	           )
332           and    sol1.line_id = m.demand_source_line
333 	  and    rownum = 1
334 			                        )
335 	  where m.demand_id = input_demand_id
336 	  and   m.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
337 	  and   m.demand_type = 1
338 	  and   m.duplicated_config_item_id is NULL;
342 	select duplicated_config_item_id into match_results
343 		from mtl_demand
344 		where config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
345 		and demand_id = input_demand_id;
346 		  /* **** is this REALLY necessary? just updated it*** */
348 	if (match_results is not null) then
349 		stmt_num := 70;
350 		update bom_ato_configurations
351 		set last_referenced_date = SYSDATE
352 		where config_item_id = match_results;
354 	end if;
356 	dupl_item_id := match_results;
357 	return (1);
359 exception
361 	error_message := 'BOMPCHDU' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
362                          substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
363         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
364         table_name := 'MTL_DEMAND';
365 	return (0);
369 	return(0);
370 	when OTHERS THEN
372 	error_message := 'BOMPCHDU' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
373                          substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
374         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
375         table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';
376 	return(0);
377 end;
380 function check_dupl_batch_match (
381 	input_demand_id in	number,
382 	dupl_item_id    	number,
383 	copy_line_id	in	number,
384         error_message   out     VARCHAR2,  /* 70 bytes to hold returned msg */
385         message_name    out     VARCHAR2, /* 30 bytes to hold returned name */
386         table_name      out     VARCHAR2  /* 30 bytes to hold returned tbl */
387 	)
388 return integer
389 is
390 stmt_num	   number;
391 dupl_demand_id	   number;
392 temp_item_id	   number;
394 begin
395 	temp_item_id := dupl_item_id;
396 	if (dupl_item_id is null) then
397 		temp_item_id := NULL;
398 		dupl_demand_id := input_demand_id;
399 	end if;
401 	temp_item_id := dupl_item_id;
402 	stmt_num :=100;
404         update mtl_demand m
405           set m.duplicated_config_item_id = temp_item_id,
406 	      m.duplicated_config_demand_id = dupl_demand_id
407 	  where m.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
408 	        and m.demand_id in (
409 	  select m1.demand_id
410 	  from  so_lines_all soldp, /* parent of duplicate */
411 		so_lines_all solp,  /* parent of other lines */
412 	 	so_lines_all sol1,  /* processing other lines */
413 		so_lines_all sold,   /* current -- duplicate */
414 		mtl_demand m1
415 	  where sol1.line_id=m1.demand_source_line
416 	  and  	m1.config_group_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
417 	  and	m1.demand_id <> input_demand_id
418 	  and   sold.line_id = copy_line_id
419 	  and  	sold.inventory_item_id = sol1.inventory_item_id +0
420 	  and   sold.warehouse_id = sol1.warehouse_id
421 	  and   solp.line_id = nvl(sol1.link_to_line_id,sol1.line_id)
422   	  and   soldp.line_id = nvl(sold.link_to_line_id,sold.line_id)
423 	  and   m1.config_status = 20
424 	  and   m1.duplicated_config_item_id is null
425 	  and   m1.duplicated_config_demand_id is null
426           and exists(select 'X'
427                  from so_lines_all sold3  /* duplicates */
428                  where sold3.ato_line_id = sold.line_id
429                  and  sold3.ordered_quantity>nvl(sold3.cancelled_quantity,0)
430                  having count(*) = (select count (*)
431                     from so_lines_all sol7  /* processing  */
432                     where sol7.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
433                     and   sol7.ordered_quantity>nvl(sol7.cancelled_quantity,0)
434                    )
435                         )
436 	   and   not exists (select 'X'
437 		    from so_lines_all sol5 /* current */
438 		    where sol5.ato_line_id = sol1.line_id
439 		    and sol5.ordered_quantity > nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0)
440 		    and   sol5.inventory_item_id not in
441 		   (select sold2.inventory_item_id
442 		    from so_lines_all sold2   /* duplicates */
443 		    where sold2.ato_line_id = sold.line_id
444 		    and sold2.component_code = sol5.component_code
445 		    and decode(sold.link_to_line_id,NULL,sold2.component_code,
446 			  substrb(sold2.component_code,
447 				lengthb(soldp.component_code)+2)) =
448 			decode(sol1.link_to_line_id,NULL,sol5.component_code,
449 			  substrb(sol5.component_code,
450 				lengthb(solp.component_code)+2))
451 	             and
452 		     ((sold2.ordered_quantity-nvl(sold2.cancelled_quantity,0))/(sold.ordered_quantity-nvl(sold.cancelled_quantity,0))) =
453 	             ((sol5.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol5.cancelled_quantity,0))/
454 		     (sol1.ordered_quantity-nvl(sol1.cancelled_quantity,0)))
456 		    )
457 			   )
458 	);
459         return (1);
461 exception
464 	error_message := 'BOMPCHDU:' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
465                          substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
466         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
467         table_name := 'MTL_DEMAND';
468 	return (0);
472 	return(0);
473 	when OTHERS THEN
475 	error_message := 'BOMPCHDU' || to_char(stmt_num) || ':' ||
476                          substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
477         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_PROCESS_ERROR';
478         table_name := 'SO_LINES_ALL';
479 	return(0);
480 end;
484 end BOMPCHDU;