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1 package body ar_transfer_document as
2 /*$Header: ARTRSDCB.pls 120.7 2011/06/23 07:18:16 chuansha ship $ */
4   function validateSource(p_doc_rec in out nocopy ar_document_transfers%rowtype) return boolean is
5     cursor trx is
6       select 'x' from ra_customer_trx where customer_trx_id = p_doc_rec.source_id;
7     l_exists varchar2(1);
8     l_retcode boolean := false;
9   begin
10     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateSource(+)'); end if;
11     if p_doc_rec.source_table = 'RA_CUSTOMER_TRX' then
12       open trx; fetch trx into l_exists; close trx;
13       if l_exists is null then l_retcode := false;
14       else l_retcode := true; end if;
15     else
16       l_retcode := false;
17     end if;
19     if not l_retcode then
20       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_INV_SRC_TBL_ID');
21       fnd_message.set_token('DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_ID', p_doc_rec.document_transfer_id);
22       p_doc_rec.status := 'FAILED';
23       p_doc_rec.exception_type := 'SYSTEM';
24       p_doc_rec.exception_message := fnd_message.get;
25     end if;
26     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('STATUS:'||p_doc_rec.status); end if;
27     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateSource(-)'); end if;
28     return l_retcode;
29   end;
31   function validateTpSource(p_doc_rec in out nocopy ar_document_transfers%rowtype) return boolean is
32     cursor tp is
33       select 'x' from hz_party_sites where party_site_id = p_doc_rec.tp_source_id;
34     l_exists varchar2(1);
35     l_retcode boolean := false;
36   begin
37     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateTpSource(+)'); end if;
38     if p_doc_rec.tp_source_table = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES' then
39       open tp; fetch tp into l_exists; close tp;
40       if l_exists is null then l_retcode := false;
41       else l_retcode := true; end if;
42     else
43       l_retcode := false;
44     end if;
46     if not l_retcode then
47       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_INV_TP_SRC_TBL_ID');
48       fnd_message.set_token('DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_ID', p_doc_rec.document_transfer_id);
49       p_doc_rec.status := 'FAILED';
50       p_doc_rec.exception_type := 'SYSTEM';
51       p_doc_rec.exception_message := fnd_message.get;
52     end if;
53     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('STATUS:'||p_doc_rec.status); end if;
54     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateTpSource(-)'); end if;
55     return l_retcode;
56   end;
58   function validateEventName(p_doc_rec in out nocopy ar_document_transfers%rowtype) return boolean is
59     cursor event is
60       select 'x' from wf_events where name = p_doc_rec.event_name and status = 'ENABLED' and type = 'EVENT';
61     l_exists varchar2(1);
62     l_retcode boolean := false;
63   begin
64     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateEventName(+)'); end if;
65     open event; fetch event into l_exists; close event;
66     if l_exists is null then l_retcode := false;
67     else l_retcode := true; end if;
68     if not l_retcode then
69       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_INV_BUS_EVENT');
70       fnd_message.set_token('EVENT_NAME', p_doc_rec.event_name);
71       fnd_message.set_token('DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_ID', p_doc_rec.document_transfer_id);
72       p_doc_rec.status := 'FAILED';
73       p_doc_rec.exception_type := 'AR';
74       p_doc_rec.exception_message := fnd_message.get;
75     end if;
76     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('STATUS:'||p_doc_rec.status); end if;
77     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateEventName(-)'); end if;
78     return l_retcode;
79   end;
81   function validateTrx(p_doc_rec in out nocopy ar_document_transfers%rowtype) return boolean is
83     l_exists varchar2(1);
84     l_retcode boolean := false;
86     cursor ecxTrx is
87       select 'x'
88       from ecx_transactions trx,
89            ecx_ext_processes proc,
90            ecx_tp_headers tph,
91            ecx_tp_details tpd
92       where trx.transaction_type = p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_type and
93             trx.transaction_subtype = p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_subtype and
94             trx.party_type = p_doc_rec.ecx_party_type and
95             proc.direction = 'OUT' and
96             trx.transaction_id = proc.transaction_id and
97             tph.tp_header_id = tpd.tp_header_id and
98             tpd.ext_process_id = proc.ext_process_id and
99 	    tph.party_type = p_doc_rec.ecx_party_type and
100 	    ( tph.party_site_id,tph.party_id ) in
101 	    ( select /* cardinality( sites 1) */
102 	             sites.party_site_id,
103 	             sites.party_id
104               from hz_party_sites sites
105 	      where sites.party_site_id = p_doc_rec.tp_source_id
106 	    );
109   begin
110     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
111       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateTrx(+)');
112       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_type:'||p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_type);
113       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_subtype:'||p_doc_rec.ecx_trx_subtype);
114       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_doc_rec.ecx_party_type:'||p_doc_rec.ecx_party_type);
115       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('p_doc_rec.tp_source_id:'||p_doc_rec.tp_source_id);
116     end if;
118     open ecxTrx; fetch ecxTrx into l_exists; close ecxTrx;
119     if l_exists is null then l_retcode := false;
120     else l_retcode := true; end if;
121     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('l_exists:'||l_exists); end if;
122     if not l_retcode then
123       fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_INV_TP_SETUP');
124       fnd_message.set_token('DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_ID', p_doc_rec.document_transfer_id);
125       p_doc_rec.status := 'FAILED';
126       p_doc_rec.exception_type := 'AR';
127       p_doc_rec.exception_message := fnd_message.get;
128     end if;
129     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('STATUS:'||p_doc_rec.status); end if;
130     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validateTrx(-)'); end if;
131     return l_retcode;
132   end;
134   procedure validate_document_record(p_doc_rec in out nocopy ar_document_transfers%rowtype) is
135   begin
136     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validate_document_record(+)'); end if;
137     if not validateSource(p_doc_rec) then return; end if;
138     if not validateTpSource(p_doc_rec) then return; end if;
139     if not validateEventName(p_doc_rec) then return; end if;
140     if not validateTrx(p_doc_rec) then return; end if;
141     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.validate_document_record(-)');end if;
142   end;
144   procedure notifyToAr(p_event_name in varchar2,
145                        p_subject in varchar2,
146                        p_doc_pkg in varchar2,
147                        p_doc_proc in varchar2,
148                        p_request_id in number,
149                        p_exception_type in varchar2) is
150   l_url varchar2(200);
152   begin
153     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notifyAr(+)'); end if;
155     l_url := 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?akRegionCode=ARDOCTRSPG'||'&'||
156                                  'akRegionApplicationId=222'||'&'||
157                                  'Query=Y'||'&'||
158                                  'ExceptionType=AR';
159     ar_notification_standard.raiseNotificationEvent(
160                              p_event_name => p_event_name,
161                              p_subject    => p_subject,
162                              p_doc_pkg    => p_doc_pkg,
163                              p_doc_proc   => p_doc_proc,
164                              p_role_name  => 'FND_RESP222:'||to_char(fnd_global.resp_id),
165                              p_url        => l_url,
166                              p_user_area1 => p_request_id,
167                              p_user_area2 => p_exception_type);
168     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notifyAr(-)'); end if;
169   end;
171   procedure notifyToSysadmin(p_event_name in varchar2,
172                              p_subject in varchar2,
173                              p_doc_pkg in varchar2,
174                              p_doc_proc in varchar2,
175                              p_request_id in number,
176                              p_exception_type in varchar2) is
177   cursor role_csr is
178     select 'FND_RESP1:'||to_char(responsibility_id) role_name
179     from fnd_responsibility_tl
180     where application_id = 1;
181   l_url varchar2(200);
182   begin
183     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notifyToSysadmin(+)'); end if;
184     l_url := 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?akRegionCode=ARDOCTRSPG'||'&'||
185                                  'akRegionApplicationId=222'||'&'||
186                                  'Query=Y'||'&'||
187                                  'ExceptionType=SYSTEM';
188     for l_role_rec in role_csr loop
189       ar_notification_standard.raiseNotificationEvent(
190                              p_event_name => p_event_name,
191                              p_subject    => p_subject,
192                              p_doc_pkg    => p_doc_pkg,
193                              p_doc_proc   => p_doc_proc,
194                              p_role_name  => l_role_rec.role_name,
195                              p_url        => l_url,
196                              p_user_area1 => p_request_id,
197                              p_user_area2 => p_exception_type);
198     end loop;
199     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notifyToSysadmin(-)'); end if;
200   end;
202   procedure notify(p_event_name in varchar2,
203                    p_subject in varchar2,
204                    p_doc_pkg in varchar2,
205                    p_doc_proc in varchar2,
206                    p_request_id in number,
207                    p_exception_type in varchar2) is
208   begin
209     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notify(+)'); end if;
210     if p_exception_type = 'SYSTEM' then
211       notifyToSysadmin(p_event_name,
212                        p_subject,
213                        p_doc_pkg,
214                        p_doc_proc,
215                        p_request_id,
216                        p_exception_type);
217     elsif p_exception_type = 'AR' then
218       notifyToAr(      p_event_name,
219                        p_subject,
220                        p_doc_pkg,
221                        p_doc_proc,
222                        p_request_id,
223                        p_exception_type);
224     else
225       notifyToSysadmin(p_event_name,
226                        p_subject,
227                        p_doc_pkg,
228                        p_doc_proc,
229                        p_request_id,
230                        p_exception_type);
231     end if;
232     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.notify(-)'); end if;
233   end;
235   procedure transfer_documents(errbuf    out NOCOPY varchar2,
236                                retcode   out NOCOPY varchar2) is
238     cursor doc_trs is
239       select * from ar_document_transfers where status = 'WAITING';
241     cursor err_trs is
242       select distinct exception_type from ar_document_transfers
243       where status = 'FAILED'
244       --bug 6667346
245       and request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id;
247     l_subject varchar2(100);
248     l_sqlerrm varchar2(1000);
249     l_ok_rec boolean := false;
250     l_trx_type varchar2(100);
251     l_trx_subtype varchar2(100);
252     l_msgid VARCHAR2(200);
254   begin
255     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.transfer_documents(+)'); end if;
256     for doc_rec in doc_trs loop
257       doc_rec.request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
258       validate_document_record(doc_rec);
259       if doc_rec.status = 'WAITING' then
260         ar_doc_transfer_standard.raiseTransferEvent(
261             p_event_name      => doc_rec.event_name,
262             p_trx_type        => doc_rec.ecx_trx_type,
263             p_trx_sub_type    => doc_rec.ecx_trx_subtype,
264             p_party_id        => null,
265             p_party_site_id   => doc_rec.tp_source_id,
266             p_party_type      => doc_rec.ecx_party_type,
267             p_doc_transfer_id => doc_rec.document_transfer_id);
268         /* Bug 8320506 Updating to status STARTED in order to prevent duplication*/
269             doc_rec.status := 'STARTED';
270             doc_rec.document_msgid := l_msgid;
271             doc_rec.last_submission_date := sysdate;
272             doc_rec.exception_type := null;
273             doc_rec.exception_message := null;
274             ar_document_transfer_pkg.updateRow(doc_rec);
275       else
276         ar_document_transfer_pkg.updateRow(doc_rec);
277       end if;
278     end loop;
279     for err_rec in err_trs loop
280       if l_subject is null then
281         fnd_message.set_name('AR','AR_DOC_TRS_SBJ');
282         fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', fnd_global.conc_request_id);
283         l_subject := fnd_message.get;
284       end if;
285       notify(p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.ar.transmit.notification',
286              p_subject => l_subject,
287              p_doc_pkg => 'AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT',
288              p_doc_proc => 'BUILD_BATCH_ERROR_MESSAGE',
289              p_request_id => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
290              p_exception_type => err_rec.exception_type);
291     end loop;
292     retcode := 0;
293     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.transfer_documents(-)'); end if;
295   exception
296    when others then
297      l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm(sqlcode) || fnd_global.newline ||
298                    'Location: AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.transfer_documents()'||fnd_global.newline||
299                    'Time: '||to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH:MI:SS');
300      retcode := 2;
301      fnd_message.set_name('AR','AR_DOC_TRS_SBJ');
302      fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST_ID', fnd_global.conc_request_id);
303      l_subject := fnd_message.get;
304      if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
305       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENTS.transfer_documents()EXCEPTION:'||l_sqlerrm);
306      end if;
307      ar_notification_standard.notifyToSysadmin(l_subject,
308                                                l_sqlerrm);
309   end;
311   procedure build_batch_error_message_clob(	document_id	in	varchar2,
312 						display_type	in	varchar2,
313 						document	in out NOCOPY	CLOB,
314 						document_type	in out NOCOPY	varchar2) is
315   l_buffer    varchar2(1000);
316   l_item_type varchar2(30);
317   l_item_key  varchar2(30);
318   l_request_id number;
319   l_exception_type varchar2(30);
321   cursor err_csr is
322     select exception_message from ar_document_transfers
323     where exception_type = l_exception_type;
324     --where request_id = l_request_id and exception_type = l_exception_type;
326   begin
327     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
328       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.build_batch_error_message(+)');
329     end if;
330     fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_BODY');
331     WF_NOTIFICATION.WriteToClob(document,fnd_message.get||fnd_global.newline||fnd_global.newline);
332     ar_notification_standard.parseDocumentId(document_id, l_item_type, l_item_key);
333     l_request_id := wf_engine.getItemAttrText(itemType => l_item_type,
334                                               itemKey  => l_item_key,
335                                               aname    => 'USER_AREA1');
336     l_exception_type := wf_engine.getItemAttrText(itemType => l_item_type,
337                                                   itemKey  => l_item_key,
338                                                   aname    => 'USER_AREA2');
339     for err_rec in err_csr loop
340       WF_NOTIFICATION.WriteToClob(document, err_rec.exception_message||fnd_global.newline);
341     end loop;
342     document_type := 'text/plain';
343     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
344       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.build_batch_error_message(-)');
345     end if;
346   end;
348   procedure build_batch_error_message(	document_id	in	varchar2,
349 					display_type	in	varchar2,
350 					document	in out NOCOPY	varchar2,
351 					document_type	in out NOCOPY	varchar2) is
352   l_buffer    varchar2(32000);
353   l_item_type varchar2(30);
354   l_item_key  varchar2(30);
355   l_request_id number;
356   l_exception_type varchar2(30);
358   cursor err_csr is
359     select exception_message from ar_document_transfers
360     --where exception_type = l_exception_type;
361     --bug 6667346
362     where request_id = l_request_id and exception_type = l_exception_type;
364   begin
365     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
366       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.build_batch_error_message(+)');
367     end if;
368     fnd_message.set_name('AR', 'AR_DOC_TRS_BODY');
370     ar_notification_standard.parseDocumentId(document_id, l_item_type, l_item_key);
371     l_request_id := wf_engine.getItemAttrText(itemType => l_item_type,
372                                               itemKey  => l_item_key,
373                                               aname    => 'USER_AREA1');
374     l_exception_type := wf_engine.getItemAttrText(itemType => l_item_type,
375                                                   itemKey  => l_item_key,
376                                                   aname    => 'USER_AREA2');
377     for err_rec in err_csr loop
378       l_buffer := l_buffer ||err_rec.exception_message||fnd_global.newline;
379     end loop;
380     document := fnd_message.get||fnd_global.newline||fnd_global.newline ||
381                 l_buffer;
382     document_type := 'text/plain';
384     if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then
385       ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT.build_batch_error_message(-)');
386     end if;
387   end;
390 begin
391   if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT(+)'); end if;
392   if ar_doc_transfer_standard.isDebugOn then ar_doc_transfer_standard.debug('AR_TRANSFER_DOCUMENT(-)'); end if;
393 end;