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Line 322: per_assignments_f asg,

318: hr_organization_units o,
319: hr_organization_information i,
320: hr_locations l,
321: hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl,
322: per_assignments_f asg,
323: pay_balance_types pbt,
324: pay_run_result_values target,
325: pay_run_results rr,
326: pay_balance_feeds_f feed,

Line 348: FROM per_assignments_f asg_d

344: AND asg.effective_start_date <= c_period_end_date
345: AND asg.effective_end_date >= c_period_start_date
346: AND asg.effective_start_date = (
347: SELECT max(asg_d.effective_start_date)
348: FROM per_assignments_f asg_d
349: WHERE asg_d.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
350: AND asg_d.effective_start_date <= c_period_end_date )
351: AND scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
352: AND pbt.balance_name IN ( 'PAYE Tax Deductions' , 'Child Support Deductions' ,