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Line 2474: from per_assignments_f paf

2470: l_rule_rec c_rule%rowtype;
2471: --
2472: cursor per_asn is
2473: select assignment_id,organization_id
2474: from per_assignments_f paf
2475: where paf.person_id = p_person_id
2476: and paf.assignment_type <> 'C'
2477: and paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
2478: and paf.business_group_id + 0= p_business_group_id

Line 2530: -- Get assignment ID,organization_id form per_assignments_f table.

2526: p_message_count := null;
2527: --
2528: if p_person_id is not null then
2529: --
2530: -- Get assignment ID,organization_id form per_assignments_f table.
2531: --
2532: open per_asn;
2533: fetch per_asn into l_asn;
2534: if per_asn%notfound then