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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 98

  SELECT  acr.tax_regime_code,
  FROM    zx_account_rates       acr,
          zx_sco_rates           rates
  WHERE   rates.tax_regime_code = acr.tax_regime_code
  AND     rates.tax = acr.tax
  AND     rates.tax_status_code = acr.tax_status_code
  AND     rates.tax_rate_code = acr.tax_rate_code
  AND     rates.active_flag = 'Y'
  AND     nvl(acr.tax_class, p_tax_class) = p_tax_class
  AND     acr.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
  AND     acr.account_segment_value = p_account_segment
  AND     p_trx_date >= rates.effective_from and
          (p_trx_date <= rates.effective_to OR rates.effective_to IS NULL)
  AND exists ( select 1 from zx_sco_taxes taxes
      where taxes.tax_regime_code = rates.tax_regime_code
        AND taxes.tax = rates.tax
        AND taxes.live_for_applicability_flag = 'Y'
        AND taxes.live_for_processing_flag = 'Y'
        AND nvl(taxes.offset_tax_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 127

  SELECT  acr.tax_regime_code,
  FROM    zx_account_rates       acr,
          zx_sco_rates           rates
  WHERE   rates.tax_regime_code = acr.tax_regime_code
  AND     rates.tax = acr.tax
  AND     rates.tax_status_code = acr.tax_status_code
  AND     rates.tax_rate_code = acr.tax_rate_code
  AND     rates.active_flag = 'Y'
  AND     nvl(acr.tax_class, p_tax_class) = p_tax_class
  AND     acr.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
  AND     acr.account_segment_value IS NULL
  AND     p_trx_date >= rates.effective_from and
          (p_trx_date <= rates.effective_to OR rates.effective_to IS NULL)
  AND exists ( select 1 from zx_sco_taxes taxes
      where taxes.tax_regime_code = rates.tax_regime_code
        AND taxes.tax = rates.tax
        AND taxes.live_for_applicability_flag = 'Y'
        AND taxes.live_for_processing_flag = 'Y'
        AND nvl(taxes.offset_tax_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 526

  SELECT  zrb.percentage_rate,
          NVL(za.tax_account_ccid, za.non_rec_account_ccid)
          -- Bug 4766614
          -- Added NVL so that when tax_account_ccid is null
          -- the API returns non_rec_account_ccid
  FROM    zx_rates_b zrb,
          zx_accounts  za
  WHERE   zrb.tax_rate_id = p_tax_rate_id
  AND     za.internal_organization_id(+) = p_org_id
  AND     za.ledger_id(+) = p_ledger_id
  AND     za.tax_account_entity_id(+) = zrb.tax_rate_id
  AND     za.tax_account_entity_code(+) = 'RATES';
Line: 677

  SELECT  NVL(tax_account_ccid, non_rec_account_ccid)
          -- Bug 4766614
          -- Added NVL so that when tax_account_ccid is null
          -- the API returns non_rec_account_ccid
  FROM    zx_accounts   za, zx_rates_b rates
  WHERE   rates.tax_rate_id = p_tax_rate_id
  AND     za.tax_account_entity_id(+) = rates.tax_rate_id
  AND     za.tax_account_entity_code(+) = 'RATES'
  AND     za.ledger_id(+) = p_ledger_id
  AND     za.internal_organization_id(+) = p_org_id;
Line: 827

  SELECT   rates.tax_rate_id,
  FROM     zx_sco_rates rates,
           zx_taxes_b   taxes
  WHERE    rates.tax_rate_code = p_tax_rate_code
  AND      p_trx_date >= rates.effective_from
  AND      p_trx_date <= NVL(rates.effective_to, p_trx_date)
  AND      nvl(rates.active_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
  AND      rates.rate_type_code = 'PERCENTAGE'
  AND      taxes.tax_regime_code = rates.tax_regime_code
  AND      taxes.tax = rates.tax
  AND      taxes.source_tax_flag = 'Y'
  AND      nvl(taxes.offset_tax_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
  AND      rates.tax_jurisdiction_code IS NULL;
Line: 853

  SELECT  rates.tax_rate_id
  FROM    zx_sco_rates rates,
          zx_taxes_b   taxes
  WHERE    rates.tax_rate_code = p_tax_rate_code
  AND      p_trx_date >= rates.effective_from
  AND      p_trx_date <= NVL(rates.effective_to, p_trx_date)
  AND      nvl(rates.active_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
  AND      rates.rate_type_code = 'PERCENTAGE'
  AND      taxes.tax_regime_code = rates.tax_regime_code
  AND      taxes.tax = rates.tax
  AND      taxes.source_tax_flag = 'Y'
  AND      nvl(taxes.offset_tax_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
  AND      rates.tax_jurisdiction_code IS NULL
  AND      rates.tax_class = p_tax_class;
Line: 1129

  SELECT  zrb.tax_rate_code
  FROM    zx_rates_b zrb
  WHERE   zrb.tax_rate_id = p_tax_rate_id;
Line: 1135

  SELECT  zrb.tax_rate_code
  FROM    zx_rates_b zrb
  WHERE   zrb.source_id = p_tax_rate_id;
Line: 1314

SELECT rounding_rule_code
FROM   zx_account_rates
WHERE  ledger_id = p_ledger_id
AND    account_segment_value IS NULL
AND    (tax_class = p_tax_class
        tax_class IS NULL)
AND    content_owner_id = ZX_SECURITY.g_first_party_org_id;
Line: 1494

SELECT tax_precision,
FROM   zx_account_rates
WHERE  ledger_id = p_ledger_id
AND    account_segment_value IS NULL
AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 1647

  SELECT amt_incl_tax_flag
  FROM   zx_account_rates
  WHERE  account_segment_value = p_account_segment_value
  AND    ledger_id = p_ledger_id
  AND    (tax_class = p_tax_class
          OR tax_class IS NULL);
Line: 1657

  SELECT amt_incl_tax_flag
  FROM   zx_account_rates
  WHERE  ledger_id = p_ledger_id
  AND    (tax_class = p_tax_class
          OR tax_class IS NULL)
  AND    account_segment_value IS NULL;
Line: 1887

    SELECT calculation_level_code,
           decode(tax_mau, NULL, power(10,-1*tax_precision), tax_mau)
    INTO x_calculation_level_code,
    FROM zx_account_rates
    WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id
    AND   account_segment_value IS NULL
    AND   rownum = 1;