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Line 41: item_num mtl_system_items_kfv.concatenated_segments%TYPE,

38: TYPE shipment_record IS RECORD (
39: line_num po_lines_all.line_num%TYPE,
40: po_line_id po_lines_all.po_line_id%TYPE,
41: item_num mtl_system_items_kfv.concatenated_segments%TYPE,
42: item_revision po_lines_all.item_revision%TYPE,
43: vendor_product_num po_lines.vendor_product_num%TYPE, /* Bug 3105566 */
44: item_desc po_lines.item_description%TYPE,
45: uom mtl_units_of_measure_tl.unit_of_measure_tl%TYPE, /* Bug 2701946 */

Line 274: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

270: --
271: pll.drop_ship_flag --Bug 9356725
272: FROM po_lines_all pol, -- --po_lines pol,
273: po_line_locations pll,
274: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
275: mtl_units_of_measure_vl umvl,
276: financials_system_params_all fsp -- --financials_system_parameters fsp
277: where PLL.PO_HEADER_ID = v_document_id
278: and PLL.po_line_id = POL.po_line_id

Line 322: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

318: --
319: pll.drop_ship_flag --Bug 9356725
320: FROM po_lines_all pol, -- --po_lines pol,
321: po_line_locations pll,
322: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
323: mtl_units_of_measure_vl umvl,
324: financials_system_params_all fsp -- --financials_system_parameters fsp
325: where POL.PO_HEADER_ID = v_document_id
326: and POL.po_line_id = PLL.po_line_id(+)

Line 369: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

365: --
366: NULL --Bug 9356725
367: FROM po_lines pol,
368: po_headers_all poh, -- --po_headers poh,
369: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
370: mtl_units_of_measure_vl umvl,
371: financials_system_params_all fsp -- --financials_system_parameters fsp
372: where POL.PO_HEADER_ID = v_document_id
373: and POL.po_header_id = POH.po_header_id

Line 415: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,

411: --
412: pll.drop_ship_flag --Bug 9356725
413: FROM po_lines_all pol, -- --po_lines pol,
414: po_line_locations pll,
415: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
416: mtl_units_of_measure_vl umvl,
417: financials_system_params_all fsp -- --financials_system_parameters fsp
418: where PLL.PO_RELEASE_ID = v_document_id
419: and PLL.po_line_id = POL.po_line_id