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4 /*
1 package body ben_derivable_factor as
2 /* $Header: bendrvft.pkb 120.0.12020000.2 2012/11/15 11:33:09 amnaraya ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation		       |
7 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA		       |
8 |			        All rights reserved.			       |
9 +==============================================================================+
11 Name
12         Derivable Factor
13 Purpose
14         This package is used to handle setting of Derivable Factor Participation Flag based on
15         data changes that have occurred on child component tables.
16 History
17         Date             Who        Version    What?
18         ----             ---        -------    -----
19         06-Mar-2000      KMahendr   115.0      Created.
20         04-Jan-2001      RCHASE     115.1      Bug 1568561.Fix NDS Create calls in
21                                                eligy_prfl_handler, missing parens
22                                                around or exists conditions
23         21-dec-2001      tjesumic   115.2      dynomic sql corrected bug :2160610
24         21-dec-2001      tjesumic   115.5      dbdrv fixed
25         07-dec-2002      tjesumic   115.6      commit added
26         05-May-2003      kmahendr   115.7      Bug#2939392 - dynamic sql is modified to take
30                                                the value is got by the
27                                                bind variables
28         04-Oct-2004      vvprabhu   115.8      Bug 3431740 Parameter p_oracle_schema added
29                                                to cursor c1 in elig_prfl_handler,
31         				       call to fnd_installation.get_app_info
32         15-Nov-2012     amnaraya    120.0.12020000.2 Bug 15876152: Changed all_tab_columns
33                                     reference to dba_tab_columns using synonyms
36 */
37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 g_package varchar2(80) := 'ben_derivable_factor.';
39 --
40   procedure eligy_prfl_handler
41   (p_event                       in  varchar2,
42    p_table_name                  in  varchar2,
43    p_col_name                    in  varchar2,
44    p_col_id                     in  number)is
45   --
46   l_proc        varchar2(80) := g_package||'eligy prfl handler';
47   l_strg        varchar2(32000) ;
48   l_dummy       varchar2(1);
49   l_status			varchar2(1);
50   l_industry			varchar2(1);
51   l_application_short_name	varchar2(30) := 'BEN';
52   l_oracle_schema		varchar2(30);
53   l_return                      boolean;
57   --
58   --Bug 15876152: Changed the cursor select statement
59   cursor c1 (p_tab_name varchar2, p_col_name varchar2,p_oracle_schema varchar2) is
60     select null
61     from   dba_tab_columns tab, user_synonyms syn
62     where  syn.synonym_name = upper(p_tab_name)
63     and    tab.column_name = upper(p_col_name)
64     and    tab.owner      =  syn.table_owner
65     and    tab.table_name = syn.table_name
66     and    tab.owner=upper(p_oracle_schema);
67   --
68 begin
69   --
70   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
71   --
72   --
73   -- Parameter validation
74   --
75   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
76                              p_argument       => 'event',
77                              p_argument_value => p_event);
78   --
79   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
80                              p_argument       => 'table_name',
81                              p_argument_value => p_table_name);
82   --
83   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
84                              p_argument       => 'column name',
85                              p_argument_value => p_col_name);
86   --
87   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
88                              p_argument       => 'column_id',
89                              p_argument_value => p_col_id);
91   -- Bug 3431740 Parameter p_oracle_schema added to cursor c1, the value is got by the
92   -- following call
93   l_return := fnd_installation.get_app_info(application_short_name => l_application_short_name,
94               		                    status                 => l_status,
95                           	            industry               => l_industry,
96                                 	    oracle_schema          => l_oracle_schema);
97   --
98   --
99   -- Check operation is valid
100   --
101   if p_event not in ('CREATE','DELETE') then
102     --
103     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92466_EVENT_HANDLER');
104     fnd_message.raise_error;
105     --
106   end if;
107   --
108   open c1(p_table_name, p_col_name,l_oracle_schema );
109   fetch c1 into l_dummy;
110   if c1%notfound then
111     close c1;
112     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_93388_NO_TAB_COL');
113     fnd_message.raise_error;
114   end if;
115   close c1;
116   --
117   --
118   --
119   if p_event = 'CREATE' then
120     --
121     -- rchase bug 1568561 - added paren pair around ors
122     hr_utility.set_location('Create  event ',10);
123     --
124     l_strg := 'update '||p_table_name||' t  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = :1
126                where '||p_col_name|| '= :2 and (
127                    exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
128                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
129                            where epa.'||p_col_name||' = :3 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
130                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  or
131                   exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
132                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
133                            where epa.'||p_col_name||' = :4 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
134                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) or
135                   exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
136                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
137                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :5 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
138                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) or
139                   exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
140                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
141                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :6 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
142                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) or
143                   exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
144                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
145                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :7 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
146                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) or
147                   exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
148                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
149                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :8  and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
153   elsif p_event = 'DELETE' then
150                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id))';
151      execute immediate l_strg using 'Y',p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id;
152 --
154     hr_utility.set_location('update  event ',10);
155     l_strg := 'update '||p_table_name||' t  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = :1
156                where '||p_col_name|| '= :2  and
157                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
158                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
159                            where epa.'||p_col_name||' = :3 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
160                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
161                not exists (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
162                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
163                            where epa.'||p_col_name||' = :4 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
164                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
165                not exists (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
166                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
167                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :5 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
168                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
169                not exists (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
170                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
171                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :6 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
172                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
173                not exists (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
174                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
175                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :7 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
176                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
177                not exists (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
178                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
179                            where epa.'||p_col_name||'= :8 and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
180                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id)';
181      execute immediate l_strg using 'N',p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id;
182 --
183   end if;
184   --
185   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
186   --
187 end eligy_prfl_handler;
188 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
189   procedure derivable_factor_handler
190   (p_event                       in  varchar2,
191    p_eligy_prfl_id               in  number)is
192   --
193   l_proc        varchar2(80) := g_package||'derivable factor handler';
194   --
195   cursor c1 is select pgm_id,pl_id,ptip_id,plip_id,oipl_id
196       from ben_prtn_elig_f epa, ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
197       where cep.eligy_prfl_id = p_eligy_prfl_id and
198             cep.prtn_elig_id = epa.prtn_elig_id;
200   --
202 begin
203   --
204   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
205   --
206   --
207   -- Parameter validation
208   --
209   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
210                              p_argument       => 'event',
211                              p_argument_value => p_event);
212   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(p_api_name       => l_proc,
213                              p_argument       => 'eligy prfl id',
214                              p_argument_value => p_eligy_prfl_id);
215   --
216   if p_event not in ('CREATE','DELETE') then
217     --
218     fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_92466_EVENT_HANDLER');
219     fnd_message.raise_error;
220     --
221   end if;
224   if p_event = 'CREATE' then
226    For i in c1 loop
227      If i.pgm_id is not null then
228        update ben_pgm_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'Y'
229            where pgm_id = i.pgm_id;
230      end if;
232      If i.pl_id is not null then
233        update ben_pl_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'Y'
234            where pl_id = i.pl_id;
235      end if;
237      If i.plip_id is not null then
238        update ben_plip_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'Y'
239            where plip_id = i.plip_id;
240      end if;
242      If i.ptip_id is not null then
243        update ben_ptip_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'Y'
244            where ptip_id = i.ptip_id;
245      end if;
247      If i.oipl_id is not null then
248        update ben_oipl_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'Y'
249            where oipl_id = i.oipl_id;
250      end if;
251    End Loop;
252   elsif p_event = 'DELETE' then
253     For i in c1 Loop
254      If i.pgm_id is not null then
256         update ben_pgm_f  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'N'
257          where pgm_id = i.pgm_id and
258                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
259                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
260                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
261                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
262               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
263                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
264                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
265                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
266               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
267                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
268                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
272                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
269                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
270               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
271                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
273                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
274               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
275                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
276                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
277                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
278               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
279                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
280                            where epa.pgm_id = i.pgm_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
281                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id);
282      End If;
283      --
284      If i.pl_id is not null then
286         update ben_pl_f  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'N'
287          where pl_id = i.pl_id and
288                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
289                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
290                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
291                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
292               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
293                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
294                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
295                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
296               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
297                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
298                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
299                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
300               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
301                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
302                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
303                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
304               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
305                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
306                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
307                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
308               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
309                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
310                            where epa.pl_id = i.pl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
311                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id);
312      End If;
313      --
314      If i.plip_id is not null then
316         update ben_plip_f  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'N'
317          where plip_id = i.plip_id and
318                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
319                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
320                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
321                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
322               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
323                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
324                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
325                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
326               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
327                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
328                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
329                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
330               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
331                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
332                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
333                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
334               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
335                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
336                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
337                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
338               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
339                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
340                            where epa.plip_id = i.plip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
341                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id);
342      End If;
343 --
344      If i.ptip_id is not null then
346         update ben_ptip_f  set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'N'
347          where ptip_id = i.ptip_id and
348                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
349                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
350                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
351                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
352               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
353                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
354                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
355                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
359                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
356               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
357                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
358                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
360               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
361                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
362                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
363                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
364               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
365                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
366                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
367                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
368               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
369                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
370                            where epa.ptip_id = i.ptip_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
371                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id);
372      End If;
373      --
374     If i.oipl_id is not null then
376         update ben_oipl_f set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = 'N'
377          where oipl_id = i.oipl_id and
378                not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
379                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
380                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
381                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = eap.eligy_prfl_id)  and
382               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_cmbn_age_los_prte_f ecp, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
383                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
384                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
385                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecp.eligy_prfl_id) and
386               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_comp_lvl_prte_f ecl, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
387                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
388                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
389                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ecl.eligy_prfl_id) and
390               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_hrs_wkd_prte_f ehw, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
391                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
392                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
393                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = ehw.eligy_prfl_id) and
394               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_los_prte_f els, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
395                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
396                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
397                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = els.eligy_prfl_id) and
398               not exists  (select null from ben_elig_pct_fl_tm_prte_f epf, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
399                            ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep
400                            where epa.oipl_id = i.oipl_id and epa.prtn_elig_id = cep.prtn_elig_id and
401                            cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id);
402     End If;
404    End Loop;
405 end if;
407 end derivable_factor_handler;
408 --
409 end ben_derivable_factor;