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2 /* $Header: csvsrpgs.pls 120.3 2005/08/23 02:32:58 varnaray noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package contains procedures that are run as concurrent
5  * requests for purging service requests. The main procedure here
6  * is purge_servicerequests which in turn invokes several child
7  * concurrent requests using the procedure purge_sr_worker. The
8  * parent concurrent request divides the load among the worker
9  * concurrent requests by striping the data using a number matching
10  * the worker_id of the worker concurrent request. The worker
11  * concurrent requests identify the data that needs to processed
12  * by it using a combination of the parent concurrent request id
13  * and the worker id.
14  * @rep:scope internal
15  * @rep:product CS
16  * @rep:displayname Service Request Purge Concurrent Program
17  */
19 PROCEDURE purge_servicerequests
20 (
21   errbuf                          IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
22 , errcode                         IN OUT NOCOPY   INTEGER
23 , p_api_version_number            IN              NUMBER
24 , p_init_msg_list                 IN              VARCHAR2
25 , p_commit                        IN              VARCHAR2
26 , p_validation_level              IN              NUMBER
27 , p_incident_id                   IN              NUMBER
28 , p_incident_status_id            IN              NUMBER
29 , p_incident_type_id              IN              NUMBER
30 , p_creation_from_date            IN              VARCHAR2
31 , p_creation_to_date              IN              VARCHAR2
32 , p_last_update_from_date         IN              VARCHAR2
33 , p_last_update_to_date           IN              VARCHAR2
34 , p_not_updated_since             IN              VARCHAR2
35 , p_customer_id                   IN              NUMBER
36 , p_customer_acc_id               IN              NUMBER
37 , p_item_category_id              IN              NUMBER
38 , p_inventory_item_id             IN              NUMBER
39 , p_history_size                  IN              NUMBER
40 , p_number_of_workers             IN              NUMBER
41 , p_purge_batch_size              IN              NUMBER
42 , p_purge_source_with_open_task   IN              VARCHAR2
43 , p_audit_required                IN              VARCHAR2
44 );
46 PROCEDURE purge_sr_worker
47 (
48   errbuf                          IN OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
49 , errcode                         IN OUT NOCOPY   INTEGER
50 , p_api_version_number            IN              NUMBER
51 , p_init_msg_list                 IN              VARCHAR2
52 , p_commit                        IN              VARCHAR2
53 , p_validation_level              IN              NUMBER
54 , p_worker_id                     IN              NUMBER
55 , p_purge_batch_size              IN              NUMBER
56 , p_purge_set_id                  IN              NUMBER
57 , p_purge_source_with_open_task   IN              VARCHAR2
58 , p_audit_required                IN              VARCHAR2
59 );
61 PROCEDURE activity_summarizer;
63 END cs_sr_purge_cp;