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Line 1163: from per_time_periods

1159: AND (paa.source_action_id is not null or ppa.action_type in ('I','V','B'))
1160: AND ppa.effective_date between g_qtr_start_date and g_qtr_end_date
1161: --bug 7294966
1162: /* ( select max(pay_advice_date)
1163: from per_time_periods
1164: where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
1165: and pay_advice_date <= g_qtr_end_date
1166: )
1167: */

Line 1198: from per_time_periods ptp,

1194: /* commented as a part of bug 10040939
1195: CURSOR csr_paid_pay_periods (p_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
1196: p_payroll_id pay_all_payrolls.payroll_id%type) IS
1197: select count(ptp.time_period_id)
1198: from per_time_periods ptp,
1199: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
1200: pay_assignment_actions paa
1201: where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
1202: and ptp.regular_payment_date between g_qtr_start_date and g_qtr_end_date

Line 1218: from per_time_periods ptp

1214: /* 10040939 start */
1215: CURSOR csr_paid_pay_periods (p_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
1216: p_payroll_id pay_all_payrolls.payroll_id%type) IS
1217: select count(ptp.time_period_id)
1218: from per_time_periods ptp
1219: where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
1220: and ptp.time_period_id in ( select ppa.time_period_id
1221: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
1222: pay_assignment_actions paa

Line 2695: from per_time_periods ptp

2691: and scl.segment4 = g_employer_id
2692: and paaf.employee_category = nvl(g_occupational_category,paaf.employee_category)
2693: /*
2694: and ( select min(ptp.pay_advice_date)
2695: from per_time_periods ptp
2696: where ptp.payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2697: and ptp.pay_advice_date >= g_qtr_start_date
2698: )
2699: */

Line 2743: from per_time_periods

2739: AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
2740: -- AND (paa.source_action_id is not null or ppa.action_type in ('I','V','B'))
2741: AND paa.source_action_id is not null -- 9915286 commented above line and made check only for source action id for null
2742: AND ppa.effective_date = (select min(regular_payment_date) --min(pay_advice_date) --bug 7294966
2743: from per_time_periods
2744: where payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2745: --and pay_advice_date >= g_qtr_start_date
2746: and regular_payment_date >= g_qtr_start_date --bug 7294966
2747: )

Line 2806: from per_time_periods ptp

2802: and scl.segment4 = g_employer_id
2803: and paaf.employee_category = nvl(g_occupational_category,paaf.employee_category)
2804: /*
2805: and ( select max(ptp.pay_advice_date)
2806: from per_time_periods ptp
2807: where ptp.payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2808: and ptp.pay_advice_date <= g_qtr_end_date
2809: )
2810: */

Line 2854: from per_time_periods

2850: AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
2851: -- AND (paa.source_action_id is not null or ppa.action_type in ('I','V','B'))
2852: AND paa.source_action_id is not null -- 9915286
2853: AND ppa.effective_date = (select max(regular_payment_date) --max(pay_advice_date) --bug 7294966
2854: from per_time_periods
2855: where payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2856: --and pay_advice_date <= g_qtr_end_date
2857: and regular_payment_date <= g_qtr_end_date --bug 7294966
2858: )

Line 2949: from per_time_periods ptp

2945: --
2946: --and g_qtr_start_date between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
2947: /*
2948: and ( select min(ptp.pay_advice_date)
2949: from per_time_periods ptp
2950: where ptp.payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2951: and ptp.pay_advice_date >= g_qtr_start_date
2952: )
2953: */

Line 2972: from per_time_periods

2968: paa.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
2969: AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
2970: AND (paa.source_action_id is not null or ppa.action_type in ('I','V'))
2971: AND ppa.effective_date between (select min(pay_advice_date)
2972: from per_time_periods
2973: where payroll_id = paaf.payroll_id
2974: and pay_advice_date >= g_qtr_start_date
2975: )
2976: AND g_qtr_end_date

Line 3018: from per_time_periods ptp

3015: CURSOR csr_period_dates(p_payroll_id Number)
3016: IS
3017: select pay_advice_date
3018: from per_time_periods ptp
3019: where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
3020: and ptp.pay_advice_date between g_qtr_start_date and g_qtr_end_date;