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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 150

  Procedure update_dependent_attributes
    (p_attributes       in out nocopy hxc_attribute_table_type
     ,p_building_block_id  in          number
     ) is

    l_index     number;
Line: 185

  End update_dependent_attributes;
Line: 315

Line: 456

     p_deleted_blocks   in out nocopy hxc_timecard.block_list,
     p_transaction_info in out nocopy hxc_timecard.transaction_info,
     p_messages         in out nocopy hxc_message_table_type
     ) is

    l_object_version_number hxc_time_building_blocks.object_version_number%type;
Line: 505

        (p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number
         ,p_time_building_block_id => p_block.time_building_block_id
         ,p_effective_date       => sysdate
         ,p_application_set_id     => p_block.application_set_id
Line: 514

      p_deleted_blocks(p_block.time_building_block_id) := p_block.object_version_number;
Line: 552

     p_deleted_blocks   in out nocopy hxc_timecard.block_list,
     p_transaction_info in out nocopy hxc_timecard.transaction_info,
     p_messages         in out nocopy hxc_message_table_type
     ) is

    l_index NUMBER;
Line: 596

Line: 627

     p_deleted_blocks   in out nocopy hxc_timecard.block_list,
     p_transaction_info in out nocopy hxc_timecard.transaction_info,
     p_messages         in out nocopy hxc_message_table_type,
     p_timecard_id      in          number,
     p_timecard_ovn     in          number
     ) is

    l_index NUMBER;
Line: 671

Line: 931

Line: 1016

     p_deleted_blocks   in out nocopy hxc_timecard.block_list,
     p_transaction_info in out nocopy hxc_timecard.transaction_info,
     p_messages         in out nocopy hxc_message_table_type,
     p_timecard_id      in          number,
     p_timecard_ovn     in          number
     ) is

    l_index NUMBER;
Line: 1162

              hxc_retrieve_absences.update_co_absences(p_old_bb_id => l_old_bb_id,
                                                       p_new_bb_id => l_new_bb_id,
                                                       p_start_time=> FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(l_block.start_time),
                                                       p_stop_time => FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(l_block.stop_time),
                                                       p_element_id => l_element);
Line: 1183

Line: 1195

               hxc_retrieve_absences.update_co_absences_ovn(p_old_bb_id =>  l_block.time_building_block_id,
                                                            p_new_ovn   =>  l_new_ovn,
                                                            p_start_time => FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(l_block.start_time),
                                                            p_stop_time  => FND_DATE.CANONICAL_TO_DATE(l_block.stop_time),
                                                            p_element_id => l_element);
Line: 1245

    SELECT normal_hours/p_dividing_factor
    FROM per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE person_id =p_reource_id
    AND assignment_type in ('E','C')
    AND primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND TRUNC(p_evaluation_date) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_Date;
Line: 1295

       p_deleted_blocks in   out nocopy         hxc_timecard.block_list,
       p_blocks         in   out nocopy         hxc_block_table_type,
       p_transaction_info in out nocopy hxc_timecard.transaction_info
       ) is

      l_index     number;
Line: 1316

      l_update boolean := false;
Line: 1325

      l_block_updated number := -999;
Line: 1329

      l_updated_blocks hxc_timecard.block_list;
Line: 1392

  	          and not l_updated_blocks.exists(l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_ID) then

		--When the block/atribute not touched, but the value of the Preference changed like
		--Time Category chnaged from NULL => TC1 or TC1=> NULL or TC1=>TC2, so in this case
		--we need to process the block/attribute to take the new value of preference.

  	            IF hxc_time_category_utils_pkg.chk_tc_bb_ok ( l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_ID )
  	            	AND nvl(l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE26,1) <> l_conversion_factor then
  	            	l_update := true;
Line: 1404

 			l_update := true;
Line: 1424

		 and not l_updated_blocks.exists(l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_ID)
			--When the Time category is changed from TC1 => NULL, although the block is not touched
			--we must resubmit the block.
			l_update := true;
Line: 1437

         IF l_update THEN

             l_update:= false;
Line: 1441

             l_updated_blocks(l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_ID) := 1;
Line: 1446

Line: 1484

             (not p_deleted_blocks.exists(l_attribute.building_block_id))
           ) then

            (P_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY         => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,
             P_ATTRIBUTE1               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE1,
             P_ATTRIBUTE2               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE2,
             P_ATTRIBUTE3               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE3,
             P_ATTRIBUTE4               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE4,
             P_ATTRIBUTE5               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE5,
             P_ATTRIBUTE6               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE6,
             P_ATTRIBUTE7               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE7,
             P_ATTRIBUTE8               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE8,
             P_ATTRIBUTE9               => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE9,
             P_ATTRIBUTE10              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE10,
             P_ATTRIBUTE11              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE11,
             P_ATTRIBUTE12              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE12,
             P_ATTRIBUTE13              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE13,
             P_ATTRIBUTE14              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE14,
             P_ATTRIBUTE15              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE15,
             P_ATTRIBUTE16              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE16,
             P_ATTRIBUTE17              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE17,
             P_ATTRIBUTE18              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE18,
             P_ATTRIBUTE19              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE19,
             P_ATTRIBUTE20              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE20,
             P_ATTRIBUTE21              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE21,
             P_ATTRIBUTE22              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE22,
             P_ATTRIBUTE23              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE23,
             P_ATTRIBUTE24              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE24,
             P_ATTRIBUTE25              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE25,
             P_ATTRIBUTE26              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE26,
             P_ATTRIBUTE27              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE27,
             P_ATTRIBUTE28              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE28,
             P_ATTRIBUTE29              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE29,
             P_ATTRIBUTE30              => l_attribute.ATTRIBUTE30,
             P_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCK_ID   => l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_ID,
             P_TBB_OVN                  => l_attribute.BUILDING_BLOCK_OVN,
             P_BLD_BLK_INFO_TYPE_ID     => nvl(l_attribute.BLD_BLK_INFO_TYPE_ID,
             P_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_ID        => l_time_attribute_id,
             P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER    => l_object_version_number
Line: 1557

      select data_set_id
        from hxc_time_building_blocks
       where time_building_block_id = p_tbb_id
         and object_version_number = p_tbb_ovn;
Line: 1600

      l_deleted_blocks hxc_timecard.block_list;
Line: 1604

            	SELECT business_group_id,
            	FROM per_all_assignments_f
            	WHERE person_id = p_person_id
            	 AND assignment_type IN('E',   'C')
            	 AND primary_flag = 'Y'
            	 AND p_timecard_start_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1657

Line: 1662

Line: 1669

Line: 1672

Line: 1673

Line: 1679

      			p_blocks, p_transaction_info);