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2 /* $Header: WSHTMRLS.pls 120.1.12010000.4 2009/12/03 14:23:06 anvarshn ship $ */
10 TYPE tms_dleg_rec_type IS RECORD (
14          pickup_stop_sequence         NUMBER,
11          delivery_leg_interface_id    NUMBER,
12          delivery_interface_id        NUMBER,
13          pickup_stop_location_id      VARCHAR2(30),  --NUMBER,
15          dropoff_stop_location_id     VARCHAR2(30),  --NUMBER,
16          dropoff_stop_sequence        NUMBER,
17          trip_interface_id            NUMBER,
18          delivery_leg_id              NUMBER,
19          delivery_id                  NUMBER,
20          pick_up_stop_interface_id    NUMBER,
21          drop_off_stop_interface_id   NUMBER,
22          weight_uom                   VARCHAR2(3),
23          volume_uom                   VARCHAR2(3),
24          organization_id              NUMBER,
25          tms_version_number           NUMBER, -- EBS tms_version_number
26          otm_tms_version_number       NUMBER, -- OTM sent tms_version_number
27          initial_pickup_location_id   NUMBER,
28          ultimate_dropoff_location_id NUMBER,
29          processed_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
30          tms_interface_flag           VARCHAR2(3)  -- EBS tms_interface_flag.
31      );
32 TYPE tms_dleg_tab_type IS TABLE OF tms_dleg_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
34 TYPE tms_stop_rec_type IS RECORD (
35           stop_interface_id         NUMBER,
36           stop_id                   NUMBER,
37           tp_stop_id                NUMBER,
38           stop_location_id          VARCHAR2(30),
39           stop_sequence_number      NUMBER,
40           planned_arrival_date      DATE,
41           planned_departure_date    DATE,
42           departure_gross_weight    NUMBER,
43           departure_net_weight      NUMBER,
44           weight_uom_code           WSH_TRIP_STOPS.WEIGHT_UOM_CODE%TYPE,
45           departure_volume          NUMBER,
46           volume_uom_code           WSH_TRIP_STOPS.VOLUME_UOM_CODE%TYPE,
47           departure_seal_code       WSH_TRIP_STOPS.DEPARTURE_SEAL_CODE%TYPE,
48           departure_fill_percent    NUMBER,
49           wkend_layover_stops       WSH_TRIP_STOPS.wkend_layover_stops%TYPE,
50           wkday_layover_stops       WSH_TRIP_STOPS.wkday_layover_stops%TYPE,
51           shipments_type_flag       WSH_TRIP_STOPS.shipments_type_flag%TYPE,
52           trip_interface_id         NUMBER,
53           timezone_code             VARCHAR2(50), -- ECO 5101760
54           dml_action                VARCHAR2(1),
55           tp_attribute_category     WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY%TYPE,
56           tp_attribute1             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE1%TYPE,
57           tp_attribute2             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE2%TYPE,
58           tp_attribute3             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE3%TYPE,
59           tp_attribute4             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE4%TYPE,
60           tp_attribute5             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE5%TYPE,
61           tp_attribute6             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE6%TYPE,
62           tp_attribute7             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE7%TYPE,
63           tp_attribute8             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE8%TYPE,
64           tp_attribute9             WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE9%TYPE,
65           tp_attribute10            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE10%TYPE,
66           tp_attribute11            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE11%TYPE,
67           tp_attribute12            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE12%TYPE,
68           tp_attribute13            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE13%TYPE,
69           tp_attribute14            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE14%TYPE,
70           tp_attribute15            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.TP_ATTRIBUTE15%TYPE,
71           attribute_category         WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY%TYPE,
72           attribute1                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE1%TYPE,
73           attribute2                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE2%TYPE,
74           attribute3                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE3%TYPE,
75           attribute4                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE4%TYPE,
76           attribute5                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE5%TYPE,
77           attribute6                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE6%TYPE,
78           attribute7                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE7%TYPE,
79           attribute8                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE8%TYPE,
80           attribute9                 WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE9%TYPE,
81           attribute10                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE10%TYPE,
82           attribute11                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE11%TYPE,
83           attribute12                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE12%TYPE,
84           attribute13                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE13%TYPE,
85           attribute14                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE14%TYPE,
86           attribute15                WSH_TRIP_STOPS.ATTRIBUTE15%TYPE
87      );
88           --wv_frozen_flag            WSH_TRIP_STOPS.wv_frozen_flag%TYPE
89           --wsh_physical_location_id  NUMBER  -- if populated, plan stop has been mapped to a TE internal stop
91 TYPE tms_stop_tab_type IS TABLE OF tms_stop_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
94 TYPE tms_trip_rec_type IS RECORD (
95          trip_interface_id          NUMBER,
99          tp_trip_number             WSH_TRIPS.TP_TRIP_NUMBER%TYPE,
96          group_id                   NUMBER, --Bug7717569
97          trip_id                    NUMBER,
98          tp_plan_name               WSH_TRIPS.TP_PLAN_NAME%TYPE,
100          planned_flag               WSH_TRIPS.PLANNED_FLAG%TYPE,
101          wsh_planned_flag           WSH_TRIPS.PLANNED_FLAG%TYPE,
102          wsh_status_code            WSH_TRIPS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE,
103          name                       WSH_TRIPS.NAME%TYPE,
104          vehicle_item_id            WSH_TRIPS.VEHICLE_ITEM_ID%TYPE,
105          vehicle_organization_id    WSH_TRIPS.VEHICLE_ORGANIZATION_ID%TYPE,
106          vehicle_num_prefix         WSH_TRIPS.VEHICLE_NUM_PREFIX%TYPE,
107          vehicle_number             WSH_TRIPS.VEHICLE_NUMBER%TYPE,
108          carrier_id                 WSH_TRIPS.CARRIER_ID%TYPE,
109          ship_method_code           WSH_TRIPS.SHIP_METHOD_CODE%TYPE,
110          route_id                   WSH_TRIPS.ROUTE_ID%TYPE,
111          routing_instructions       WSH_TRIPS.ROUTING_INSTRUCTIONS%TYPE,
112          service_level              WSH_TRIPS.SERVICE_LEVEL%TYPE,
113          mode_of_transport          WSH_TRIPS.MODE_OF_TRANSPORT%TYPE,
114          freight_terms_code         WSH_TRIPS.FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE%TYPE,
115          seal_code                  WSH_TRIPS.SEAL_CODE%TYPE,
116          shipments_type_flag        WSH_TRIPS.SHIPMENTS_TYPE_FLAG%TYPE,
117          ignore_for_planning        WSH_TRIPS.IGNORE_FOR_PLANNING%TYPE,
118          booking_number             WSH_TRIPS.BOOKING_NUMBER%TYPE,
119          vessel                     WSH_TRIPS.VESSEL%TYPE,
120          voyage_number              WSH_TRIPS.VOYAGE_NUMBER%TYPE,
121          port_of_loading            WSH_TRIPS.PORT_OF_LOADING%TYPE,
122          port_of_discharge          WSH_TRIPS.PORT_OF_DISCHARGE%TYPE,
123          carrier_contact_id         WSH_TRIPS.CARRIER_CONTACT_ID%TYPE,
124          shipper_wait_time          WSH_TRIPS.SHIPPER_WAIT_TIME%TYPE,
125          wait_time_uom              WSH_TRIPS.WAIT_TIME_UOM%TYPE,
126          carrier_response           WSH_TRIPS.CARRIER_RESPONSE%TYPE,
127          operator                   WSH_TRIPS.OPERATOR%TYPE,
128          vehicle_item_name          WSH_TRIPS_INTERFACE.VEHICLE_ITEM_NAME%TYPE,
129          interface_action_code
131          attribute_category         WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY%TYPE,
132          attribute1                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE1%TYPE,
133          attribute2                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE2%TYPE,
134          attribute3                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE3%TYPE,
135          attribute4                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE4%TYPE,
136          attribute5                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE5%TYPE,
137          attribute6                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE6%TYPE,
138          attribute7                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE7%TYPE,
139          attribute8                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE8%TYPE,
140          attribute9                 WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE9%TYPE,
141          attribute10                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE10%TYPE,
142          attribute11                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE11%TYPE,
143          attribute12                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE12%TYPE,
144          attribute13                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE13%TYPE,
145          attribute14                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE14%TYPE,
146          attribute15                WSH_TRIPS.ATTRIBUTE15%TYPE
147      );
148 TYPE tms_trip_tab_type IS TABLE OF tms_trip_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
150 TYPE delivery_rec IS RECORD
151   (delivery_interface_id   NUMBER,
152    organization_id         NUMBER,
153    tms_version_number      NUMBER,
154    name                    VARCHAR2(30),
155    status_code             VARCHAR2(2));
157 TYPE delivery_tab IS TABLE OF delivery_rec INDEX BY VARCHAR2(38);
159 --
160 --  Procedure:          release_planned_shipment
161 --  Parameters:
162 --  IN:
163 --      p_group_id           list of group_ids to process their
164 --                           WSH_TRIPS_INTERFACE records and
165 --                           their associated table records.
166 --
167 --      p_latest_version     if 'Y'/null then process only if inbound delivery
168 --                           tms_version_number matches on the EBS delivery.
169 --                           if 'N' then process the all inbound deliveries
170 --                           irrespective of version number but EBS delivery
171 --                           tms_interface_flag should be 'UP'/'UR'.
172 --                           tms_interface_flag will be remain at 'UR'/'UP' when
173 --                           procesed the lower version delivery.
174 --
175 --      p_tp_plan_low        process all trips from wsh_trip_interface
176 --                           table which are having tp_plan_name greater than or
177 --                           equal to 'p_tp_plan_low'
178 --
179 --      p_tp_plan_high       process all trips from wsh_trip_interface
180 --                           table which are having tp_plan_name less than or
181 --                           equal to 'p_tp_plan_high'
182 --
183 --      p_dummy              Dummy parameter to disable
184 --                           p_del_name_low,p_del_name_high
185 --                           p_organization_id,p_del_pickup_date_low and
186 --                           p_del_pickup_date_high
187 --                           on the concurrent program parameters windonw
188 --                           when entered p_tp_plan_low/p_tp_plan_high.
189 --
190 --      Organization_id      Process all shipments which are associated to the
191 --                           OTM enabled organization id.
192 --
193 --      p_del_name_low       Process all shipments which are associated to the
194 --                           deliveries from wsh_new_del_interface which
195 --                           having delivery name greater than or equal to
196 --                            p_del_name_low
197 --
198 --      p_del_name_high      Process all shipments which are associated to the
199 --                           deliveries from wsh_new_del_interface which
200 --                           having delivery name less than or equal to
201 --                           p_del_name_high
202 --
203 --     p_del_pickup_date_low Process all shipments which are associated to the
204 --                           deliveries which having initial pickup date
205 --                           greater than or equal to p_del_pickup_date_low
206 --
207 --     p_del_pickup_date_high low Process all shipments which are associated to
208 --                            the deliveries which having initial pickup date
209 --                            less than or equal to p_del_pickup_date_high
210 --  OUT:
211 --      errbuf       Error message.
212 --      retcode      Error Code 1:Successs, 2:Warning and 3:Error.
213 --
214 --  Description:
215 --               Reconciliate shipping data with the GC3 plan populated
216 --               in the WSH interface tables.
217 --
218 --
219 -- Bug#7491598(ER,defer planned shipment iface): Added new parameters which are
220 -- used when invoked the planned shipment interface manually.
221 PROCEDURE release_planned_shipment(
222   errbuf              OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
223   retcode             OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
224   p_group_id               IN           NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
225   p_latest_version         IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
226   p_tp_plan_low            IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
227   p_tp_plan_high           IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
228   p_dummy                  IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
229   p_deploy_mode            IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- Modified R12.1.1 LSP PROJECT
230   p_client_id              IN           NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- Modified R12.1.1 LSP PROJECT
231   p_organization_id        IN           NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
232   p_del_name_low           IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
233   p_del_name_high          IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
234   p_del_pickup_date_low    IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
235   p_del_pickup_date_high   IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
236   );
238 --
239 --  Procedure:          purge_interface_data
240 --  Parameters:
241 --    p_tp_plan_name      : Tp_plan_name
242 --    p_trip_interface_id : Trip Interface Id
243 --    p_commit_flag       : Y - commit changes; N - do not commit
244 --    p_exception_action  : 'PURGE' or 'CLOSE'
245 --    x_return_status     : return status
246 --
247 --  Description:
248 --               Delete the records from WSH interface tables
249 --               and close/purge the appropriate exceptions
250 --
251 PROCEDURE purge_interface_data(
252   p_tp_plan_name           IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
253   p_trip_interface_id      IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
254   p_commit_flag            IN            VARCHAR2,
255   p_exception_action       IN            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PURGE',
256   x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
258 --
259 --  Procedure:         find_deliveries_for_trip
260 --  Parameters:
261 --    p_trip_id         : Trip Id
262 --    p_tp_plan_name    : Tp_plan_name
263 --    x_return_status   : return status
264 -- Two types of outputs are required from this API
265 -- 1) x_delivery_tab    : Table of Delivery ids
266 -- 2) x_delivery_id_tab : Table of Delivery id+Revision+Delivery interface_id
267 --
268 --  Description:   Find deliveries for input of trip id or tp_plan_name
269 --
270 PROCEDURE find_deliveries_for_trip(
271   p_trip_id         IN            NUMBER,
272   p_tp_plan_name    IN            VARCHAR2,
273   x_delivery_tab       OUT NOCOPY WSH_TMS_RELEASE.delivery_tab,
274   x_delivery_id_tab    OUT NOCOPY WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
275   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
277 --
278 PROCEDURE launch_release_request
279   (p_group_id      IN            NUMBER,
280    x_request_id       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
281    x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);