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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

    *             transaction type is Update and the record
    *             does not exist then the return status would be an
    *             error as well. Mesg_Token_Table will carry the
    *             error messsage and the tokens associated with the
    *             message.

     PROCEDURE Check_Existence
     ( p_eam_op_rec             IN  EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_op_rec_type
     , x_old_eam_op_rec         OUT NOCOPY EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_op_rec_type
     , x_Mesg_Token_Tbl	        OUT NOCOPY EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
     , x_return_status	        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
            l_token_tbl      EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Token_Tbl_Type;
Line: 90

            l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'OPERATION_SEQ_NUM';
Line: 121

                   x_old_eam_op_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 136

       * Procedure     :       Is_Dept_Updateable
       * Parameters IN :   Wip_Entity_Id and Operation_Seq_Num
       * Parameters OUT NOCOPY: Return Status
       *                 Mesg Token Table
       * Purpose       :   Is_Dept_Updateable will check if the operation's
       *                        department can be updateable or not
       FUNCTION Is_Dept_Updateable
           (  p_wip_entity_id                     NUMBER,
              p_organization_id                NUMBER,
              p_operation_seq_num        NUMBER
              l_inv_count     NUMBER;
Line: 166

                       select count(*)
                       into l_inv_count
                       from dual
                       where exists (select 1
                                                 from wip_requirement_operations wro
                                                 where wro.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                                 and wro.organization_id   = p_organization_id
                                                 and wro.operation_seq_num   = p_operation_seq_num
						 and ( quantity_issued > 0  or
						       wro.inventory_item_id ) >0 )
Line: 187

                        select count(*)
                        into l_res_count
                        from dual
                        where exists (select 1
                                                   from wip_operation_resources
                                                   where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                                 and organization_id   = p_organization_id
                                                 and operation_seq_num   = p_operation_seq_num);
Line: 201

                /*  select count(*)
                into l_po_count
                from DUAL
                WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
                               FROM po_requisitions_interface
                               where wip_entity_id               = p_wip_entity_id
                                 and destination_organization_id = p_organization_id
                                 and wip_operation_seq_num       = p_operation_seq_num);
Line: 216

                select count(*)
                into l_req_count
                from DUAL
                WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
                               FROM po_requisition_lines prl, po_requisition_headers prh
                               where prl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id
                                 and prl.wip_entity_id               = p_wip_entity_id
                                 and prl.destination_organization_id = p_organization_id
                                 and prl.wip_operation_seq_num       = p_operation_seq_num
                                 and   (prh.authorization_status <>'CANCELLED'
                                    or    prh.authorization_status is null)
                                 and   (prl.cancel_flag <>'Y' or prl.cancel_flag is null)
                                 and   (prl.closed_code not in ('FINALLY CLOSED')
                                    or    prl.closed_code is null)
                                 and   (prl.modified_by_agent_flag <> 'Y'
                                    or    prl.modified_by_agent_flag is null));
Line: 240

                select count(*)
                into l_dist_count
                from DUAL
                WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
                               FROM po_distributions pds,po_line_locations poll
                               where pds.line_location_id =  poll.line_location_id
                                 and pds.wip_entity_id               = p_wip_entity_id
                                 and pds.destination_organization_id = p_organization_id
                                 and pds.wip_operation_seq_num       = p_operation_seq_num
                                 and   (poll.cancel_flag <>'Y' or poll.cancel_flag is null)
                                 and   (poll.closed_code not in ('CANCELLED','FINALLY CLOSED')
                                        or    poll.closed_code is null));
Line: 260

       END Is_Dept_Updateable;
Line: 292

Line: 309

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

       select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_departments
       where department_id = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
         and organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id;
Line: 317

				                 if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type = EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE and
							   (p_eam_op_rec.department_id <> p_old_eam_op_rec.department_id)
							   and ((Is_Dept_Updateable(p_wip_entity_id              => p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
													    , p_organization_id         => p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
													    , p_operation_seq_num => p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num ))
												  in (FALSE)  and is_op_dept_change_allowed(p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id,p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num)='N')
							   ) THEN
										raise OP_DEPT_NOT_UPDATEABLE;
Line: 325

						      end if;    --end of check for update and is_dept_updateable
Line: 326

   end if;     --end of check for create/update transaction
Line: 329

  if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type = EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE) and
							   (p_eam_op_rec.department_id <> p_old_eam_op_rec.department_id) then
   select count(*)          --fix for bug 14096091
   into l_cmro_count
   from wip_discrete_jobs
       where wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
       and organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
       and maintenance_object_source =2; --cmro
Line: 339

         select count(*)
             into l_count_res
             from wip_operation_resources
            where wip_entity_id         = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
              and organization_id       = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
              and operation_seq_num     = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 347

             raise OP_DEPT_NOT_UPDATEABLE;
Line: 355

      l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'DEPT_NAME';
Line: 358

      SELECT bd.department_code into l_token_tbl(1).token_value
	 FROM  bom_departments bd
	 WHERE 	 bd.DEPARTMENT_ID = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
 	 AND     bd.organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id;
Line: 366

      (  p_message_name  => 'EAM_OP_DEPT_UPDATE'
       , p_token_tbl     => l_token_tbl
       , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
       , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_out_mesg_token_tbl
Line: 381

      SELECT bd.department_code into l_token_tbl(1).token_value
	 FROM  bom_departments bd
	 WHERE 	 bd.DEPARTMENT_ID = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
 	 AND     bd.organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id;
Line: 407

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

    if (p_eam_op_rec.standard_operation_id is not null) then

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from bom_standard_operations
       where standard_operation_id = p_eam_op_rec.standard_operation_id
         and organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id;
Line: 448

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

    if p_eam_op_rec.minimum_transfer_quantity < 0 then
      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
Line: 484

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'BOM_COUNT_POINT_TYPE'
         and lookup_code = p_eam_op_rec.count_point_type;
Line: 522

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO'
         and lookup_code = p_eam_op_rec.backflush_flag;
Line: 561

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

    if p_eam_op_rec.shutdown_type is not null then
      select 1
        into g_dummy
        from mfg_lookups
       where lookup_type = g_shutdown_type
         and lookup_code = p_eam_op_rec.shutdown_type
         and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 602

   if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type in (EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_CREATE, EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE)) then

    if p_eam_op_rec.start_date > p_eam_op_rec.completion_date then
      raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
Line: 644

       if (p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type = EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_DELETE) then

           select count(*)
             into l_count_eoct
             from eam_op_completion_txns
            where wip_entity_id         = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
              and organization_id       = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
              and operation_seq_num     = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 657

           select count(*)
             into l_count_res
             from wip_operation_resources
            where wip_entity_id         = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
              and organization_id       = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
              and operation_seq_num     = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 668

           select count(*)
             into l_count_on
             from wip_operation_networks
            where wip_entity_id         = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
              and organization_id       = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
              and (   prior_operation   = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num
                   or next_operation    = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num);
Line: 681

           select count(*)
             into l_count_mr
             from wip_requirement_operations
            where wip_entity_id         = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
              and organization_id       = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
              and operation_seq_num     = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 704

           (  p_message_name  => 'EAM_OP_DELETE_INVALID'
            , p_token_tbl     => l_token_tbl
            , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
            , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_out_mesg_token_tbl
Line: 784

Line: 948

	FROM  wip_operation_networks won,wip_operations wo,wip_operations wo1
	WHERE won.wip_entity_id   = wo.wip_entity_id AND
	      won.wip_entity_id   = wo1.wip_entity_id AND
	      won.prior_operation = wo.operation_seq_num  AND
	      won.next_operation  = wo1.operation_seq_num  AND
	      won.wip_entity_id   =  l_wip_entity_id;
Line: 997

  SELECT nvl(operation_completed,   'N')
  INTO l_op_completed
  FROM wip_operations
  WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
   AND operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
Line: 1010

    SELECT nvl(sum(quantity_issued),   0)
    INTO l_q_issued
    FROM wip_requirement_operations
    WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
     AND operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
Line: 1028

	  SELECT SUM(nvl(applied_resource_units,0))
	  INTO l_charged_units
	  FROM wip_operation_resources wor
	  WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
	  AND operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
Line: 1048

    SELECT nvl(sum(quantity_received),   0),
      nvl(sum(amount_delivered),   0)
    INTO l_q_received,
    FROM eam_wo_direct_items_lite_v
    WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
     AND operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
Line: 1066

    select count(*)  into l_tx_count  from dual
                    where EXISTS (SELECT transaction_id FROM wip_cost_txn_interface
                                  WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                                  AND operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num);
Line: 1094

  INTO l_status
  WHERE ewsv.STATUS_ID = (SELECT ewod.user_defined_status_id
			   FROM eam_work_order_details ewod
			   WHERE ewod.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id )  ;
Line: 1122

select count(*) into l_rowcount from BOM_DEPARTMENT_RESOURCES_V where DEPARTMENT_ID=p_dept_id and RESOURCE_CODE=p_res_code;
Line: 1137

 select count(*)  into l_rowcount  from dual
                    where EXISTS (select ROW_ID from BOM_DEPT_RES_INSTANCES_EMP_V
					where DEPARTMENT_ID=p_dept_id and INSTANCE_ID=p_inst_id and RESOURCE_ID=p_res_id);