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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

    SELECT  pr.pa_request_id
          , max (pa_routing_history_id) pa_routing_history_id
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests pr
          , ghr_pa_routing_history prh
    WHERE   pr.pa_request_id = prh.pa_request_id
    AND     person_id = p_person_id
    AND     first_noa_code = p_first_noa_code
    AND     effective_date = p_effective_date
    AND     nvl (pr.first_noa_cancel_or_correct, 'X') <> ghr_history_api.g_cancel
    GROUP BY pr.pa_request_id;
Line: 68

    SELECT  substr (pr.employee_last_name
                    || ', '
                    || pr.employee_first_name, 1
                  , 240) fname
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests pr
    WHERE   pr.pa_request_id = l_pa_request_id;
Line: 76

    SELECT  nvl (action_taken, ' ') action_taken
    FROM    ghr_pa_routing_history
    WHERE   pa_routing_history_id = p_r_hist_id;
Line: 80

  l_proc varchar2(72) DEFAULT g_package|| '.update_sel_flg';
Line: 113

                     || ' - Mass NOA Selectable : '
                     || ' RPA Exists for the given effective date ');
Line: 124

  PROCEDURE update_sel_flg
    (p_person_id      IN number
   , p_effective_date IN date) IS

    l_person_extra_info_id number;
Line: 131

    l_proc varchar2(72) DEFAULT g_package|| '.update_sel_flg';
Line: 135

    g_proc := 'update_sel_flg';
Line: 153

                                  (p_person_extra_info_id     => l_person_extra_info_id
                                 , p_effective_date           => sysdate
                                 , p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
                                 , p_pei_information3         => NULL
                                 , p_pei_information4         => NULL
                                 , p_pei_information5         => NULL
                                 , p_pei_information10        => NULL
                                 , p_pei_information_category => 'GHR_US_PER_MASS_ACTIONS');
Line: 178

  END update_sel_flg;
Line: 180

  FUNCTION check_select_flg
    (p_person_id      IN            number
   , p_action         IN            varchar2
   , p_effective_date IN            date
   , p_mass_salary_id IN            number
   , p_sel_flg        IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2) RETURN boolean IS

    l_per_ei_data per_people_extra_info%ROWTYPE;
Line: 191

    l_proc varchar2(72) DEFAULT g_package|| '.check_select_flg';
Line: 193

    g_proc := 'check_select_flg';
Line: 237

  END check_select_flg;
Line: 252

      SELECT  information9 info9
            , information10 info10
            , information11 info11
            , information17 info17
      FROM    ghr_pa_history
      WHERE   person_id = p_person_id
      AND     pa_history_id IN
              SELECT  max (pa_history_id)
              FROM    ghr_pa_history
              WHERE   person_id = p_person_id
              AND     information5 = 'GHR_US_PER_MASS_ACTIONS'
              AND     table_name = 'PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO'
              AND     effective_date = eff_date
              GROUP BY information11
Line: 337

      SELECT  pa_request_extra_info_id
            , object_version_number
      FROM    ghr_pa_request_extra_info
      WHERE   information_type = l_information_type
      AND     pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 345

      SELECT  pa_request_extra_info_id
      FROM    ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow
      WHERE   information_type = l_information_type
      AND     pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 352

      SELECT *
      FROM   ghr_pa_requests
      WHERE  pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 489

                                 (p_validate                 => FALSE
                                , p_rei_information3         => l_employment_type
                                , p_pa_request_extra_info_id => l_pa_request_extra_info_id
                                , p_object_version_number    => l_pa_object_version_number);
Line: 497

                                 (p_validate                 => FALSE
                                , p_rei_information8         => l_employment_type
                                , p_pa_request_extra_info_id => l_pa_request_extra_info_id
                                , p_object_version_number    => l_pa_object_version_number);
Line: 505

                                 (p_validate                 => FALSE
                                , p_rei_information3         => l_eit_poi
				, p_rei_information4         => l_eit_agency
				, p_rei_information5         => l_eit_poi_dt
                                , p_pa_request_extra_info_id => l_pa_request_extra_info_id
                                , p_object_version_number    => l_pa_object_version_number);
Line: 519

        INTO    ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow (pa_request_extra_info_id
                                        , pa_request_id
                                        , information_type
                                        , rei_information3)
        VALUES  (ghr_pa_request_extra_info_s.nextval
               , p_pa_request_id
               , l_information_type
               , l_employment_type);
Line: 529

        INTO    ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow (pa_request_extra_info_id
                                        , pa_request_id
                                        , information_type
                                        , rei_information8)
        VALUES  (ghr_pa_request_extra_info_s.nextval
               , p_pa_request_id
               , l_information_type
               , l_employment_type);
Line: 539

        INTO    ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow (pa_request_extra_info_id
                                        , pa_request_id
                                        , information_type
                                        , rei_information3
					, rei_information4
					, rei_information5)
        VALUES  (ghr_pa_request_extra_info_s.nextval
               , p_pa_request_id
               , l_information_type
               , l_eit_poi
Line: 557

        UPDATE  ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow
        SET     rei_information3 = l_employment_type
        WHERE   pa_request_extra_info_id = l_pa_request_extra_info_sh_id;
Line: 561

        UPDATE  ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow
        SET     rei_information8 = l_employment_type
        WHERE   pa_request_extra_info_id = l_pa_request_extra_info_sh_id;
Line: 565

        UPDATE  ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow
        SET     rei_information3 = l_eit_poi
	        ,rei_information4 = l_pos_agency_code
		,rei_information5 = l_eit_poi_dt
        WHERE   pa_request_extra_info_id = l_pa_request_extra_info_sh_id;
Line: 624

      SELECT  count (*) cnt
      FROM    ghr_mass_salary_criteria
      WHERE   mass_salary_id = p_mass_salary_id
      AND     pay_plan = cur_pay_plan
      AND     pay_rate_determinant = cur_prd;
Line: 781

	       hr_utility.set_location ('No Additional Selection CRITERIA', 85);
Line: 958

  select ast.user_status
    per_assignment_status_types ast,
    per_all_assignments_f asg
    where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and ast.assignment_status_type_id = asg.assignment_status_type_id
    and     p_effective_date
    between asg.effective_start_date
    and     asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 991

                                    (p_cust_in_rec => l_cust_in_rec
                                   , p_cust_rec    => l_cust_rec );
Line: 1141

  INTO    ghr_mass_noa_preview (mass_noa_preview_id
                                  , mass_action_type
                                  , ui_type
                                  , session_id
                                  , effective_date
                                  , employee_date_of_birth
                                  , full_name
                                  , national_identifier
                                  , employee_number
				  , duty_station_id
                                  , duty_station_code
                                  , duty_station_desc
                                  , personnel_office_id
                                  , poi_desc
                                  , from_basic_pay
                                  , to_basic_pay
                                  , from_adj_basic_pay
                                  , to_adj_basic_pay
                                  , from_locality_adj
                                  , to_locality_adj
                                  , from_total_salary
                                  , to_total_salary
                                  , position_id
                                  , position_title
                                  , position_number
                                  , position_seq_no
                                  , agency_code
                                  , person_id
                                  , select_flag
                                  , noa_code
                                  , organization_name
                                  , to_agency_code
				  , to_duty_station_id
                                  , to_duty_station_code
                                  , to_duty_station_desc
				  , old_assignment_status
				  , new_assignment_status
				  , old_type_of_employment
				  , new_type_of_employment
				  , old_pay_userra_status
				  , new_pay_userra_status
                                  , occ_code
                                  , to_occ_code
                                  , from_bargaining_unit_status
                                  , to_bargaining_unit_status
                                  , from_flsa_category
                                  , to_flsa_category
                                  , from_functional_class
                                  , to_functional_class
				  , furlough_indicator
				  , old_lwop_nte_start_date
				  , new_lwop_nte_start_date
				  , old_lwop_nte
				  , new_lwop_nte
				  , old_furlough_nte_start_date
				  , new_furlough_nte_start_date
				  , old_furlough_nte
				  , new_furlough_nte
                                  , user_attribute1
                                  , user_attribute2
                                  , user_attribute3
                                  , user_attribute4
                                  , user_attribute5
                                  , user_attribute6
                                  , user_attribute7
                                  , user_attribute8
                                  , user_attribute9
                                  , user_attribute10
                                  , user_attribute11
                                  , user_attribute12
                                  , user_attribute13
                                  , user_attribute14
                                  , user_attribute15
                                  , user_attribute16
                                  , user_attribute17
                                  , user_attribute18
                                  , user_attribute19
                                  , user_attribute20)
         , 'MNOA'
         , 'FORM'
         , userenv ('SESSIONID')
         , p_effective_date
         , p_date_of_birth
         , p_full_name
         , p_national_identifier
         , p_employee_number
	 , p_duty_station_id
         , p_duty_station_code
         , p_duty_station_desc
         , p_personnel_office_id
         , l_poi_desc
         , p_basic_pay
         , l_new_basic_pay
         , p_adj_basic_pay
         , l_new_adj_basic_pay
         , p_old_loc_adj
         , l_new_loc_adj
         , p_tot_old_sal
         , l_tot_new_sal
         , p_position_id
         , p_position_title
         , p_position_number
         , p_position_seq_no
         , p_agency_sub_element_code
         , p_person_id
         , p_sel_flg
         , l_temp_noa_code
         , p_organization_name
         , p_to_agency_code
	 , p_to_duty_station_id
         , p_to_duty_station_code
         , p_to_duty_station_desc
	 , l_old_assignment_status
	 , l_new_assignment_status
	 , l_old_type_of_employment
	 , l_new_type_of_employment
	 , l_old_pay_userra_status
	 , l_new_pay_userra_status
         , p_occ_code
         , p_to_occ_code
         , p_from_bargaining_unit_status
         , p_to_bargaining_unit_status
         , p_from_flsa_category
         , p_to_flsa_category
         , p_from_functional_class
         , p_to_functional_class
	 , l_furlough_indicator
	 , l_old_lwop_nte_start_date
	 , l_new_lwop_nte_start_date
	 , l_old_lwop_nte
	 , l_new_lwop_nte
	 , l_old_furlough_nte_start_date
	 , l_new_furlough_nte_start_date
	 , l_old_furlough_nte
	 , l_new_furlough_nte
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute1
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute2
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute3
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute4
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute5
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute6
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute7
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute8
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute9
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute10
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute11
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute12
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute13
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute14
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute15
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute16
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute17
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute18
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute19
         , l_cust_rec.user_attribute20);
Line: 1332

      SELECT  person_extra_info_id
            , object_version_number
      FROM    per_people_extra_info
      WHERE   person_id = person
      AND     information_type = 'GHR_US_PER_MASS_ACTIONS';
Line: 1367

                                  (p_person_extra_info_id     => l_person_extra_info_id
                                 , p_effective_date           => trunc (l_eff_date)
                                 , p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
                                 , p_pei_information3         => p_sel_flag
                                 , p_pei_information4         => p_comment
                                 , p_pei_information5         => to_char (p_msl_id)
                                 , p_pei_information_category => 'GHR_US_PER_MASS_ACTIONS');
Line: 1406

      SELECT  *
      FROM    ghr_pa_requests
      WHERE   pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 1432

  PROCEDURE update_position_info
    (p_position_data_rec IN ghr_sf52_pos_update.position_data_rec_type) IS
    l_proc varchar2(30) DEFAULT 'update_position_info';
Line: 1441

                          (p_pos_data_rec => p_position_data_rec);
Line: 1444

    hr_utility.set_location ('Calling post_update_process '|| l_proc, 50);
Line: 1445

Line: 1447

  END update_position_info;
Line: 1610

    l_position_data_rec ghr_sf52_pos_UPDATE.position_data_rec_type;
Line: 1616

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     past.per_system_status <> 'SUSP_ASSIGN' --Bug# 14658176
                                        , 'ACCEPTED', 'TERMINATE APPLICATION', 'END'
                                        , 'FURLOUGH', 'FURLOUGH NTE', 'TERMINATE APPOINTMENT'
                                        , 'SEPARATED')
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1659

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     past.per_system_status = 'SUSP_ASSIGN'
      AND     past.user_status NOT IN ('Non Pay') --Bug# 14414790
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1699

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     past.per_system_status = 'SUSP_ASSIGN'
      AND     past.user_status = 'Non Pay' --Bug# 14405844
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1739

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_eff_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_eff_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     past.user_status IN ('Furlough NTE') --Bug# 14414790
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      AND     paf.business_group_id = nvl (l_business_group_id, paf.business_group_id)
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1779

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      AND     past.user_status = 'Leave Without Pay NTE'
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1819

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
            , per_assignment_status_types past
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     paf.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      AND     past.per_system_status <> 'SUSP_ASSIGN' --Bug# 14658176
      --AND     past.user_status NOT IN('Leave Without Pay NTE','Non Pay','Leave Without Pay Mil','Leave Without Pay US')
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1860

      SELECT  ppf.person_id person_id
            , ppf.first_name first_name
            , ppf.last_name last_name
            , ppf.middle_names middle_names
            , ppf.full_name full_name
            , ppf.date_of_birth date_of_birth
            , ppf.national_identifier national_identifier
            , ppf.employee_number employee_number
            , paf.position_id position_id
            , paf.assignment_id assignment_id
            , paf.grade_id grade_id
            , paf.job_id job_id
            , paf.location_id location_id
            , paf.organization_id organization_id
            , paf.business_group_id business_group_id
            , paf.assignment_status_type_id assignment_status_type_id
      FROM    per_assignments_f paf
            , per_people_f ppf
            , per_person_types ppt
            , hr_organization_units hou
      WHERE   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
              AND     ppf.effective_end_date
      AND     l_effective_date
              BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
              AND     paf.effective_end_date
      AND     paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND     paf.assignment_type <> 'B'
      AND     ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
      AND     ppt.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      AND     paf.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      AND     paf.position_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY ppf.person_id;
Line: 1897

       SELECT   null PERSON_ID,
               'VACANT' FIRST_NAME,
               'VACANT' LAST_NAME,
               null     MIDDLE_NAMES,
               null     DATE_OF_BIRTH,
               null     NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER,
               null     EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,
               position_id POSITION_ID,
               null     ASSIGNMENT_ID,
               to_NUMBER(null)     GRADE_ID,
               punits.name        ORGANIZATION_NAME,
        from   hr_positions_f     pop,
               per_organization_units punits
        WHERE  pop.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
        and  trunc(effective_date) between pop.effective_start_DATE and pop.effective_END_DATE
        and  pop.organization_id = punits.organization_id
        and   not exists
         SELECT 'X'
         FROM   per_people_f p, per_assignments_f a
         WHERE  trunc(effective_date) between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
           AND    a.primary_flag          = 'Y'
           AND    a.assignment_type      <> 'B'
           AND    p.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
           AND    a.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
           AND    a.person_id         = p.person_id
           AND    a.position_id           = pop.position_id
           AND    trunc(effective_date) between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date
Line: 1934

        SELECT gdf.segment1
        from per_grades grd, per_grade_definitions gdf
        WHERE grd.grade_id = grd_id
        and grd.grade_definition_id = gdf.grade_definition_id;
Line: 1942

      SELECT  name
            , effective_date
            , mass_salary_id
            , user_table_id
            , submit_flag
            , executive_order_number
            , executive_order_date
            , rowid
            , pa_request_id
            , organization_id
            , duty_station_id
            , personnel_office_id
            , agency_code_subelement
            , opm_issuance_number
            , opm_issuance_date
            , locality_pay_area_code
            , noa_code
            , nte_date
      FROM    ghr_mass_salaries
      WHERE   mass_salary_id = p_msnoa_id
      FOR UPDATE OF user_table_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1976

      SELECT  noa_family_code
      FROM    ghr_families
      WHERE   noa_family_code IN
              SELECT  noa_family_code
              FROM    ghr_noa_families
              WHERE   nature_of_action_id IN
                      SELECT  nature_of_action_id
                      FROM    ghr_nature_of_actions
                      WHERE   code = ghr_msl_pkg.g_first_noa_code
      AND     proc_method_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1992

	SELECT lei.location_id location_id
          FROM  hr_location_extra_info lei, ghr_duty_stations_v ds
          WHERE ds.duty_station_code = c_duty_station_code
          AND   lei.information_type = 'GHR_US_LOC_INFORMATION'
          and to_number(lei.lei_information3) = ds.duty_station_id
          and l_effective_date between ds.effective_start_date
          and ds.effective_end_date;
Line: 2134

      ghr_mlc_pkg.check_select_flg_pos (l_position_id, upper (p_action)
                                   , l_effective_date, p_mass_salary_id
                                   , l_sel_flg);
Line: 2255

                                              (p_position_extra_info_id    => l_new_pos_grp1_rec.position_extra_info_id
                                             , p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
                                             , p_object_version_number     => l_new_pos_grp1_rec.object_version_number
                                             , p_poei_information7         => l_vac_flsa_category
                                             , p_poei_information8         => l_vac_barg_unit_status
					     , p_poei_information11        => l_vac_functional_class-- Bug# 14410401
                                             , p_poei_information_category => 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1');
Line: 2265

                  pr ('Error in UPDATE_position_extra_info is '
                      || l_errbuf
                      || ' '
                      || to_char (l_retcode));
Line: 2292

                                                (p_position_extra_info_id    => l_new_pos_grp1_rec.position_extra_info_id
                                               , p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
                                               , p_object_version_number     => l_new_pos_grp1_rec.object_version_number
                                               , p_poei_information8         => l_target_barg_unit_status
                                               , p_poei_information_category => 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1');
Line: 2300

                    pr ('Error in UPDATE_position_extra_info is '
                        || l_errbuf
                        || ' '
                        || to_char (l_retcode));
Line: 2332

            update_position_info (l_position_data_rec);
Line: 2333

Line: 2339

				'  Mass NOA Selectable : '||
				p_mass_salary ||' Vacant pos Successfully completed');
Line: 2344

              l_noaerrbuf := 'Error in ghr_sf52_pos_UPDATE.UPDATE_position_info'
                             || ' Sql Err is '
                             || sqlerrm (sqlcode);
Line: 2381

                    || ' For Mass NOA Selectable : '
                    || p_mass_salary
                    || ' Pos Name: '
                    || l_position_title
                    || ' position No: '
                    || l_position_id
                    || ' '
                    || l_noaerrbuf;
Line: 2419

                    || ' For Mass NOA Selectable : '
                    || p_mass_salary
                    || ' Sql Err is '
                    || sqlerrm (sqlcode);
Line: 2435

        UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
        SET     submit_flag = 'E'
        WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2522

      IF check_select_flg (p_person_id, upper (p_action)
                         , l_effective_date, p_mass_salary_id
                         , l_sel_flg) THEN
	  -- Bug# 14751973, commented below code
	  /*IF l_noa_code ='792' AND l_target_duty_station_id IS NOT NULL AND l_target_duty_station_id <> l_duty_station_id THEN
		l_duty_station_id := l_target_duty_station_id;
Line: 3046

                             || '  Mass NOA Selectable : '
                             || p_mass_salary
                             || ' SF52 Successfully completed');
Line: 3052

              g_proc := 'update_SEL_FLG';
Line: 3053

              update_sel_flg (p_person_id, l_effective_date);
Line: 3068

      END IF;--IF check_select_flg
Line: 3093

                      || ' For Mass NOA Selectable : '
                      || p_mass_salary
                      || ' Name: '
                      || p_full_name
                      || ' Emp No: '
                      || p_employee_number
                      || ' '
                      || l_noaerrbuf;
Line: 3124

                      || ' For Mass NOA Selectable : '
                      || p_mass_salary
                      || ' Sql Err is '
                      || sqlerrm (sqlcode);
Line: 3136

          UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
          SET     submit_flag = 'E'
          WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 3194

        hr_utility.set_location ('Mass Selectable NOA is in use', 1);
Line: 4158

      IF ghr_pa_requests_pkg.get_pos_availability_status (l_avail_status_id) NOT IN ('DELETED', 'FROZEN', 'ELIMINATED') THEN
          l_personnel_office_id := NULL;
Line: 4283

          UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
          SET     submit_flag = 'P'
          WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 4288

            hr_utility.set_location ('Error in Update ghr_msl  Sql error '|| sqlerrm (sqlcode), 30);
Line: 4301

        UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
        SET     submit_flag = 'E'
        WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 4322

                    || ' For Mass NOA Selectable : '
                    || p_mass_salary
                    || ' Sql Err is '
                    || sqlerrm (sqlcode);
Line: 4333

        UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
        SET     submit_flag = 'E'
        WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 4394

    SELECT  name
          , target_mass_action_id
          , effective_date
          , mass_salary_id
          , submit_flag
          , rowid
          , pa_request_id
    FROM    ghr_mass_salaries
    WHERE   mass_salary_id = p_mcan_id
    FOR UPDATE OF user_table_id NOWAIT;
Line: 4408

    SELECT  *
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests a
    WHERE   a.effective_date = p_effective_date
    AND     a.mass_action_id = p_mass_action_id
    AND     a.pa_notification_id IS NOT NULL
                SELECT  1
                FROM    ghr_pa_requests b
                WHERE   b.first_noa_code IN ('001')
                AND     b.person_id = a.person_id
                AND     b.pa_notification_id IS NOT NULL
                START WITH pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id
                AND     altered_pa_request_id IS NULL
                CONNECT BY altered_pa_request_id = PRIOR pa_request_id
Line: 4427

    SELECT  substr (employee_last_name|| ', '|| employee_first_name, 1, 240) fname,person_id
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests
    WHERE   effective_date = p_effective_date
    AND     mass_action_id = p_mass_action_id;
Line: 4434

    SELECT  rowid
          , object_version_number
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests a
    WHERE   pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 4442

    SELECT  full_name
          , employee_number
    FROM    per_people_f
    WHERE   person_id = p_person_id
    AND     p_effective_date
            BETWEEN effective_start_date
            AND     effective_end_date;
Line: 4451

    SELECT  prh.pa_routing_history_id
          , prh.object_version_number
    FROM    ghr_pa_routing_history prh
    WHERE   prh.pa_request_id = l_can_pa_request_id
Line: 4458

    SELECT  request_number
          , object_version_number
    FROM    ghr_pa_requests
    WHERE   pa_request_id = l_can_pa_request_id
Line: 4473

     SELECT     asg.organization_id
    FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
    WHERE  asg.person_id = l_per_id
    AND    asg.assignment_type <> 'B'
    AND    trunc(p_effective_date) BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
    ORDER BY asg.assignment_id;
Line: 4482

      SELECT  trunc (effective_date)
            , session_id
      FROM    fnd_sessions
      WHERE   session_id = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 4577

              INTO    fnd_sessions (session_id, effective_date)
              VALUES  (l_session_id, sysdate);
Line: 4581

              UPDATE  fnd_sessions
              SET     effective_date = trunc (sysdate)
              WHERE   session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 4604

                g_proc := 'update_Mass_cancel_record';
Line: 4609

                  hr_utility.set_location ('Update pa_req_num '|| l_proc, 200);
Line: 4712

                                 (p_pa_request_id               => l_can_pa_request_id
                                , p_par_object_version_number   => l_object_version_number
                                , p_effective_date              => l_effective_date
                                , p_routing_group_id            => l_routing_group_id
                                , p_u_action_taken              => 'UPDATE_HR'
                                , p_u_prh_object_version_number => l_u_prh_object_version_number
                                , p_i_pa_routing_history_id     => l_i_pa_routing_history_id
                                , p_i_prh_object_version_number => l_i_prh_object_version_number);
Line: 4724

                    hr_utility.set_location ('Update sf52 final Failure '
                                             || l_proc, 190);
Line: 4726

                    l_log_text := 'Error in Update sf52 final '
                                  || ' Sql error : '
                                  || sqlerrm (sqlcode);
Line: 4855

              UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
               SET     submit_flag = 'E'
               WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 4924

        UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
        SET     submit_flag = 'E'
        WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 5016

        UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
        SET     submit_flag = 'P'
        WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 5021

          hr_utility.set_location ('Error in Update ghr_msl Sql error '
                                   || sqlerrm (sqlcode), 30);
Line: 5037

      UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
      SET     submit_flag = 'E'
      WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 5080

      UPDATE  ghr_mass_salaries
      SET     submit_flag = 'E'
      WHERE   rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 5105

   DELETE from ghr_mass_noa_preview
    WHERE mass_action_type = 'MNOA'
      AND session_id  = p_session_id;