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Line 263: from gmd_parameters_dtl d, gmd_parameters_hdr h

259: ,d.PARAMETER_VALUE PARAMETER_VALUE,d.creation_date creation_date
260: ,d.last_updated_by last_updated_by,d.last_update_date last_update_date
261: ,d.last_update_login last_update_login
262: ,d.created_by created_by
263: from gmd_parameters_dtl d, gmd_parameters_hdr h
264: where d.parameter_id = h.parameter_id
265: and d.parameter_type = l_type
266: and ((h.organization_id = l_org_id) or ((l_org_id is NULL) and (h.organization_id IS NULL)))
267: UNION

Line 274: from gmd_parameters_dtl d, gmd_parameters_hdr h

270: FROM gem_lookups l
271: WHERE lookup_type = l_gem_type
272: and ENABLED_FLAG = 'Y'
273: AND not exists (select 1
274: from gmd_parameters_dtl d, gmd_parameters_hdr h
275: where d.parameter_id = h.parameter_id
276: and d.parameter_type = l_type
277: and ((h.organization_id = l_org_id) or ((l_org_id is NULL) and (h.organization_id IS NULL)))
278: and d.parameter_name = l.lookup_code)