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Line 269: po_headers_all po,

265: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
266: mtl_system_items_kfv im,
267: mtl_parameters so,
268: rcv_shipment_lines sl,
269: po_headers_all po,
270: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
271: hr_operating_units hou --RLNAGARA B5018797
272: WHERE rt.TRANSACTION_ID = l_event_key
273: AND rt.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id

Line 320: po_headers_all po,

316: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
317: mtl_system_items_kfv im,
318: mtl_parameters so,
319: rcv_shipment_lines sl,
320: po_headers_all po,
321: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
322: hr_operating_units hou --RLNAGARA B5018797
323: WHERE rt.TRANSACTION_ID = l_trans_id
324: AND rt.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id

Line 395: po_headers_all po,

391: --mtl_system_items_b_kfv im,
392: mtl_system_items_vl im,
393: mtl_parameters so,
394: rcv_shipment_lines sl,
395: po_headers_all po,
396: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
397: rcv_lot_transactions tran,
398: mtl_lot_numbers lot,
399: hr_operating_units hou

Line 519: --RLNAGARA B5018797 org_id is there in the po_headers_all table and hence getting from there.

515: and language = userenv('LANG');
517: -- Bug 4165704 - org_id should be in rcv_transactions table, but since it isn't
518: -- I need to get the value here
519: --RLNAGARA B5018797 org_id is there in the po_headers_all table and hence getting from there.
520: -- Here we are getting vendor name instead of vendor_site_code.
521: CURSOR get_vendor_no IS /* 4576699*/
522: SELECT a.segment1
523: FROM po_vendors a, mtl_parameters m