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Line 701: -- , rcv_lot_transactions rls -- Replaced rcv_lot_transactions by mtl_transaction_lot_numbers to fetch the LOT details as part of Bug# 4186856

697: --Bug 8632067
698: , rt.transaction_id
699: FROM rcv_transactions rt
700: , rcv_lots_supply rls -- Reverted to original code as part of Bug#4516067
701: -- , rcv_lot_transactions rls -- Replaced rcv_lot_transactions by mtl_transaction_lot_numbers to fetch the LOT details as part of Bug# 4186856
702: -- Added rt2 as part of Bug# 4186856
703: -- rt2, mtln commented for Bug#4516067 to revert the changes done for Bug#4186856
704: /* , (select transaction_id
705: * from rcv_transactions rt_deliver

Line 708: * , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln -- Added as part of Bug# 4186856

704: /* , (select transaction_id
705: * from rcv_transactions rt_deliver
706: * where rt_deliver.group_id = p_transaction_id
707: * and rt_deliver.transaction_type = 'DELIVER') rt2
708: * , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln -- Added as part of Bug# 4186856
709: */
710: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
711: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
712: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116

Line 907: , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln

903: , rt.po_distribution_id
904: --Bug 8632067
905: ,rt.transaction_id
906: FROM rcv_transactions rt
907: , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
908: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
909: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
910: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
911: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291

Line 1090: , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln

1086: , rt.po_distribution_id
1087: --Bug 8632067
1088: , rt.transaction_id
1089: FROM rcv_transactions rt
1090: , mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
1091: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
1092: , po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1093: -- , po_distributions_all pod --Commented as part of Bug# 3586116
1094: , po_headers_trx_v pha -- CLM project, bug 9403291