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SYS.OWA_UTIL dependencies on OWA_UTIL

Line 1: package body OWA_UTIL is

1: package body OWA_UTIL is
3: owa_version CONSTANT varchar2(64) := '';
5: table_border char(1);

Line 334: htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path||

331: procedure signature(cname in varchar2 character set any_cs) is
332: begin
333: signature;
334: htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path||
335: 'owa_util.showsource?cname='||cname,
336: 'View PL/SQL source code');
337: end;

Line 335: 'owa_util.showsource?cname='||cname,

331: procedure signature(cname in varchar2 character set any_cs) is
332: begin
333: signature;
334: htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path||
335: 'owa_util.showsource?cname='||cname,
336: 'View PL/SQL source code');
337: end;
339: /******************************************************/

Line 401: charset := owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET');

397: then
398: -- Check the ccontent_type is of type 'text'
399: if (upper(l_ccontent_type) like 'TEXT%')
400: then
401: charset := owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET');
402: if (charset is null)
403: then
404: htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR);
405: else

Line 412: htp.setHTTPCharset(charset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));

408: end if;
409: else
410: htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR);
411: end if;
412: htp.setHTTPCharset(charset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));
413: else
414: -- Just output what was passed in without check for type 'text'
415: if (l_ccharset is null) then
416: htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR);

Line 417: htp.setHTTPCharset(l_ccharset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));

413: else
414: -- Just output what was passed in without check for type 'text'
415: if (l_ccharset is null) then
416: htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR);
417: htp.setHTTPCharset(l_ccharset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET'));
418: else
419: htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type
420: ||'; charset='||l_ccharset||NL_CHAR);
421: htp.setHTTPCharset(l_ccharset);

Line 1717: return owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) || '/' || n;

1713: t varchar2(50);
1714: begin
1715: who_called_me( o, n, l, t );
1717: return owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) || '/' || n;
1718: end path_to_me;
1721: /******************************************************************/

Line 2352: l_cursor integer default owa_util.bind_variables( p_query );

2348: /******************************************************************/
2350: procedure calendarprint( p_query in varchar2, p_mf_only in varchar2 default 'N' )
2351: is
2352: l_cursor integer default owa_util.bind_variables( p_query );
2353: begin
2354: calendarprint( l_cursor, p_mf_only );
2355: dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor);
2356: exception