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1 package body pay_hk_ir56_report as
2 /* $Header: pyhk56rp.pkb 115.7 2003/05/30 08:21:10 kaverma ship $ */
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- Program:     pay_hk_ir56_report (Package Body)
5 --
6 -- Description: Various procedures/functions to submit the HK IR56B Year
7 --              End Report.
8 --
9 -- Change History
10 -- Date       Changed By  Version  Description of Change
11 -- ---------  ----------  -------  ------------------------------------------
12 -- 05 Jul 01  S. Russell  115.0    Initial Version
13 -- 08 Aug 01  S. Russell  115.1    Update change history section. Add join
14 --                                 of ppa and ppa2 tables in
15 --                                 get_full_report_runs cursor.
16 -- 12 Nov 01  J.Lin       115.2    Defined l_error in assignment_action_code
17 --                                 function to replace g_error which is
18 --                                 removed from package header. Removed
19 --                                 variable g_error from submit_report
20 --                                 function. Bug 2087384
21 --                                 Added dbdrv line
22 -- 02 Dec 02  srrajago    115.3    Included 'nocopy' option for the 'OUT'
23 --                                 parameter of the procedure 'range_code'
24 --                                 Included checkfile command too.
25 -- 19 Feb 03 apunekar     115.4    Bug#2810178   Removed no. of copies passed to fnd_request.set_print_options
26 -- 25 Feb 03 apunekar     115.6    Bug#2810178   Reverted fix
27 -- 29 May 03 kaverma      115.7    Bug#2920731   Replaced per_all_assignments_f and per_all_people_f
28 --                                 by secured views per_assignments_f and per_people_f resp from queries.
29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
32   -- The SELECT statement in this procedure returns the Person Ids for
33   -- Assignments that require the report process to create an Assignment
34   -- Action.
35   -- Core Payroll recommends the select has minimal restrictions.
36   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
37   procedure range_code
38     (p_payroll_action_id   in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
39      p_sql                out nocopy varchar2) is
40   begin
41     --hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'pay_hk_ir56_report');
42     hr_utility.set_location('Start of range_code',1);
44     p_sql := 'select distinct person_id '                            ||
45              'from   per_people_f ppf, '                             ||
46                     'pay_payroll_actions ppa '                       ||
47              'where  ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '    ||
48              'and    ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id ' ||
49              'order by ppf.person_id';
51     hr_utility.set_location('End of range_code',2);
52   end range_code;
53   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
54   -- This procedure is used to restrict the Assignment Action Creation.
55   -- It calls the procedure that actually inserts the Assignment Actions.
56   -- The cursor selects the assignments that have had any payroll
57   -- processing for the Legal Entity within the Reporting Year.
58   -- The person must not have had any Magtape File produced for the same
59   -- Business Group, Legal Entity and Reporting Year. If they want to
60   -- re-report a person, they must ROLLBACK the magtape first, or use the
61   -- standard Re-try, Rollback payroll process.
62   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
63   procedure assignment_action_code
64     (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
65      p_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
66      p_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
67      p_chunk              in number) is
69     v_next_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
71     l_x_hk_archive_message  varchar2(100);
72     l_full_or_partial       varchar2(15);
73     l_reporting_year        varchar2(4);
74     l_legal_entity_id       number;
75     l_full_found            number;
76     l_error                 number;
79     cursor next_action_id is
80       select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
81       from   dual;
82 --
83 -- Cursor to select the parameters for the current IR56B run.
84 --
85     cursor get_full_or_partial
86       (c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type) is
87         select pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FULL_OR_PARTIAL', ppa.legislative_parameters),
88         pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR', ppa2.legislative_parameters),
89         pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID', ppa2.legislative_parameters)
90           from pay_payroll_actions ppa,  -- report payroll action
91                pay_payroll_actions ppa2  -- archive payroll action
92           where ppa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id
93           and   ppa2.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters);
94 --
95 -- Cursor to check if there are any other FULL runs.
96 --
97     cursor get_full_report_runs
98       (c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
99        c_reporting_year     in varchar2,
100        c_legal_entity_id    in number) is
101         select 1
102           from pay_payroll_actions ppa,  -- report payroll action
103                pay_payroll_actions ppa2  -- archive payroll action
104           where pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FULL_OR_PARTIAL', ppa.legislative_parameters) = 'FULL'
105           and   ppa.action_type        = 'X'
106           and   ppa.action_status      = 'C'
107           and   ppa.report_type        = 'HK_IR56B_REPORT'
108           and   ppa.payroll_action_id <> c_payroll_action_id
109           and   ppa2.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters)
110           and   pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR', ppa2.legislative_parameters) = c_reporting_year
111           and   pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID', ppa2.legislative_parameters) = c_legal_entity_id;
112 --
113 -- Cursor to process all assignments.
114 --
115     cursor process_assignments
116       (c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
117        c_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
118        c_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%type) is
119     select distinct paaf.assignment_id,
120              paa.assignment_action_id,
121              pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters) archive_action_id,
122              pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID', ppa2.legislative_parameters) legal_entity_id
123       from   per_assignments_f paaf,
124              per_people_f papf,
125              pay_payroll_actions ppa,      -- report payroll action
126              pay_payroll_actions ppa2,     -- archive payroll action
127              pay_assignment_actions paa
128       where  ppa.payroll_action_id  = c_payroll_action_id
129       and    papf.person_id  between c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
130       and    papf.person_id         = paaf.person_id
131       and    papf.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
132       and    ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
133       and    paaf.assignment_id     = paa.assignment_id
134       and    ppa2.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters)
135       and    ppa2.action_type       = 'X'
136       and    ppa2.action_status     = 'C'
137 --
138 -- if assignment_id was supplied for a partial run only return that
139 -- assignment else return them all for the archive action.
140 --
141       and    paa.assignment_id = nvl(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('EMPLOYEE_NAME', ppa.legislative_parameters), paa.assignment_id)
142 --
143 -- don't process locked assignments
144 --
145       and    not exists
146             (select locked_action_id
147                FROM   pay_action_interlocks pai
148                WHERE pai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id)
149 ;
151 begin
152     --hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'pay_hk_ir56_report');
153     hr_utility.set_location('Start of assignment_action_code '||
154        p_payroll_action_id || ':' ||
155        p_start_person_id || ':' || p_end_person_id,3);
157 --
158 -- If user is submitting FULL report then no previous FULL must have been run.
159 -- Also, if run is PARTIAL then a FULL run must have been done before.
160 -- If either of these situations arise flag an error and don't submit the
161 -- report.
163     open get_full_or_partial(p_payroll_action_id);
164     fetch get_full_or_partial
165       into l_full_or_partial,
166            l_reporting_year,
167            l_legal_entity_id;
168     if get_full_or_partial%NOTFOUND then
169         l_full_or_partial := null;
170     end if;
171     close get_full_or_partial;
173     open get_full_report_runs(p_payroll_action_id,
174                               l_reporting_year,
175                               l_legal_entity_id);
176     fetch get_full_report_runs into l_full_found;
177     if get_full_report_runs%NOTFOUND then
178         l_full_found := 0;
179     end if;
180     close get_full_report_runs;
182     l_error := 0;
183     if l_full_or_partial = 'FULL' then
184         if l_full_found = 1 then
185             l_error := 1;
186         end if;
187     end if;
189     if l_full_or_partial = 'PARTIAL' then
190         if l_full_found = 0 then
191             l_error := 2;
192         end if;
193     end if;
195 -- loop through the assignments returned from the main cursor and for each
196 -- one that has no errors create the pay_assignment_actions entry.
198   if l_error = 0 then
200     for process_rec in process_assignments (p_payroll_action_id,
201                                             p_start_person_id,
202                                             p_end_person_id)
203     loop
205         hr_utility.set_location('Before calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',4);
207         l_x_hk_archive_message :=
208              pay_hk_ir56_report.get_archive_value('X_HK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE',
209                  process_rec.assignment_action_id);
211         if l_x_hk_archive_message is null then
213 -- get the next assignment action id
215           open next_action_id;
216           fetch next_action_id into v_next_action_id;
217           close next_action_id;
219 -- create the pay assignment action record. Don't create the action_interlock
220 -- until the report has run (create in the after report trigger) because the
221 -- report also needs to update the archive sheet number (through
222 -- ff_archive_api) and it cannot do this if the assignment action is locked.
224           hr_nonrun_asact.insact(v_next_action_id,
225                                  process_rec.assignment_id,
226                                  p_payroll_action_id,
227                                  p_chunk,
228                                  null);
229         end if;
231         hr_utility.set_location('After calling hr_nonrun_asact.insint',4);
233     end loop;
234   elsif l_error = 1 then
235         raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot submit FULL IR56B report, Full Run Already Submitted') ;
236   elsif l_error = 2 then
237         raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot submit Partial IR56B report, No Previous Full Run') ;
238   else
239         raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot submit IR56B report') ;
240   end if;
242   hr_utility.set_location('End of assignment_action_code',5);
243   --hr_utility.trace_off;
245 end assignment_action_code;
247 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 -- Submit the report.
249 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 procedure submit_report is
252   l_count                NUMBER := 0;
253   l_payroll_action_id    pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
254   l_archive_action_id    pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
255   l_full_or_partial      varchar2(15);
256   l_assignment_id        pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE;
258   l_number_of_copies     NUMBER := 0; /*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
259   l_request_id           NUMBER := 0;
260   l_print_return         BOOLEAN;
261   l_report_short_name    varchar2(30);
263   l_formula_id   number ;
265   l_error_text          varchar2(255) ;
266   e_missing_formula     exception ;
267   e_submit_error        exception ;
269 -- Cursor to get the report print options.
271   cursor csr_get_print_options(p_payroll_action_id NUMBER) IS
272     SELECT printer,
273           print_style,
274           decode(save_output_flag, 'Y', 'TRUE', 'N', 'FALSE') save_output
275     FROM  pay_payroll_actions pact,
276           fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
277     WHERE fcr.request_id = pact.request_id
278     AND   pact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
280   rec_print_options  csr_get_print_options%ROWTYPE;
282 -- Cursor to obtain the formula id.
284   cursor c_formula (p_formula_name varchar2) is
285     select formula_id
286     from   ff_formulas_f
287     where  formula_name = p_formula_name
288     and    business_group_id is null
289     and    legislation_code = 'HK' ;
291 begin
292     --hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'pay_hk_ir56_report');
294 -- Get all of the parameters needed to submit the report. Parameters defined
295 -- in the concurrent program definition are passed through here by the PAR
296 -- process. End the loop by the exception clause because we don't know
297 -- what order the parameters will be in.
299 -- Default the parameters in case they are not found.
301   hr_utility.set_location('Start submit_report',1);
302   l_archive_action_id := 0;
303   l_full_or_partial   := ' ';
304   l_assignment_id     := 0;
306 -- Only process if no errors were found in regards to FULL and PARTIAL
307 -- processing.
309   begin
310     loop
312       l_count := l_count + 1;
313       if pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count) =
314                      'TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID' then
315          l_payroll_action_id :=
316                   to_number(pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count));
317       end if;
319       if pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count) = 'ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID' THEN
320           l_archive_action_id :=
321                   to_number(pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count));
322       end if;
324       if pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count) = 'FULL_OR_PARTIAL' THEN
325           l_full_or_partial := pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count);
326       end if;
328       if pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count) = 'EMPLOYEE_NAME' THEN
329           l_assignment_id :=
330                   to_number(pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count));
331       end if;
333       hr_utility.set_location(' prm_names (' || l_count || ') : ' ||
334                   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count), 10);
335       hr_utility.set_location(' prm_values (' || l_count || ') : ' ||
336                   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count), 10);
338     end loop;
339   exception
340       when no_data_found then
341         hr_utility.set_location('No data found',1);
342         null;
343       when value_error then
344         hr_utility.set_location('Value error',1);
345         null;
346   end;
348   hr_utility.set_location('submit_report : Parameters obtained',1);
349   hr_utility.set_location(' payroll action id : ' || l_payroll_action_id,1);
350   hr_utility.set_location(' archive action id : ' || l_archive_action_id,1);
351   hr_utility.set_location(' full or partial   : ' || l_full_or_partial,1);
352   hr_utility.set_location(' assignment id     : ' || l_assignment_id, 2);
354 -- Default the number of report copies to 0.
356   l_number_of_copies := 0;/*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
358 -- Set up the printer options.
360   OPEN csr_get_print_options(l_payroll_action_id);
361   FETCH csr_get_print_options INTO rec_print_options;
362   CLOSE csr_get_print_options;
363 /*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
367                      copies         => l_number_of_copies,
364   l_print_return := fnd_request.set_print_options
365                     (printer        => rec_print_options.printer,
366                      style          => rec_print_options.print_style,
368                      save_output    => hr_general.char_to_bool(rec_print_options.save_output),
369                      print_together => 'N');
371   l_report_short_name := 'PAYHK56B';
373 -- Submit the report
375   begin
376     hr_utility.set_location('submit_report : Submit request',3);
378 -- Need to supply the parameters with keywords because it's a postscript report
379 -- and the option version=2.0b set in the SRS definition uses a keyword, hence
380 -- all the parameters need to as well.
381 -- Pass in assignment_id if it's been supplied.
383     if l_assignment_id <> 0 then
384       l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
385             (application => 'PAY',
386              program     => l_report_short_name,
387              argument1  =>  'P_ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID=' || l_archive_action_id,
388              argument2   => 'P_FULL_OR_PARTIAL=' || l_full_or_partial,
389              argument3   => 'P_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=' || l_payroll_action_id,
390              argument4   => 'P_ASSIGNMENT_ID=' || l_assignment_id,
391              argument5   => 'BLANKPAGES=NO');
392     else
393       l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
394             (application => 'PAY',
395              program     => l_report_short_name,
396              argument1  =>  'P_ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID=' || l_archive_action_id,
397              argument2   => 'P_FULL_OR_PARTIAL=' || l_full_or_partial,
398              argument3   => 'P_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=' || l_payroll_action_id,
399              argument4   => 'BLANKPAGES=NO');
400     end if;
402 -- If an error submitting report then get message and put to log.
404     IF l_request_id = 0 THEN
405       raise e_submit_error;
406     END IF;
408   exception
409     when e_submit_error then
410       rollback ;
411       raise_application_error(-20001, 'Unable to submit IR56B report') ;
412     when others then
413       rollback ;
414       raise_application_error(-20001, sqlerrm) ;
415   end;
417 -- Set up the details for the formula which will be invoked at the
418 -- end of the procedure. this formula is automatically invoked by the
419 -- PAR process after the magnetic_code procedure (submit_report in our case).
421 -- Setup some of the internal table values for the magtape.
422 -- Position 1 is reserved for No of Parameters.
423 -- Position 2 is reserved for formula id.
424 ----------------------------
426 ----------------------------
427 -- Get Formula ID for hk_end_submit
428 ----------------------------
429   begin
430     open c_formula ('HK_END_SUBMIT') ;
431     fetch c_formula into l_formula_id ;
432     if c_formula%notfound then
433       close c_formula ;
434       l_error_text := 'HK_END_SUBMIT' ;
435       raise e_missing_formula ;
436     end if ;
437     close c_formula ;
439   exception
440     when e_missing_formula then
441       rollback ;
442       raise_application_error(-20001, 'Missing formula: ' || l_error_text) ;
443     when others then
444       rollback ;
445       raise_application_error(-20001, sqlerrm) ;
446   end ;
448   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(1) := 'NO_OF_PARAMETERS';
449   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(1) := '2';
450   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(2) := 'NEW_FORMULA_ID';
451   pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(2) := l_formula_id;
453   hr_utility.set_location('end submit_report', 5);
454   --hr_utility.trace_off;
456 end submit_report;
458 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 -- Retrieve an archive value.
460 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 function get_archive_value
463    (p_archive_name in ff_user_entities.user_entity_name%type,
464     p_assignment_action_id in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type)
465    return ff_archive_items.value%type is
467   l_value            ff_archive_items.value%type;
468   e_no_value_found   exception;
470   -- cursor to fetch the archive value
472  cursor   csr_get_archive_value(c_archive_name varchar2,
473                       c_assignment_action_id number) is
474    select   fai.value
475      from   ff_archive_items fai,
476             ff_user_entities fue
477      where   fai.context1       = c_assignment_action_id
478      and   fai.user_entity_id   = fue.user_entity_id
479      and   fue.user_entity_name = c_archive_name;
481 begin
483   hr_utility.set_location('Start of get archive value ',1);
485   open   csr_get_archive_value(p_archive_name,
486                                p_assignment_action_id);
487   fetch  csr_get_archive_value into l_value;
489   if  csr_get_archive_value%notfound then
490       l_value := null;
491   end if;
493   close csr_get_archive_value;
495   hr_utility.set_location('End of get archive value ',2);
497   return(l_value);
499   exception
500     when others then
501       return (null);
503 end  get_archive_value;
505 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 end pay_hk_ir56_report;