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Line 14: ,source_object ame_util.longStringType

10: id integer
11: ,user_id integer
12: ,user_name varchar2(100)
13: ,source varchar2(100)
14: ,source_object ame_util.longStringType
15: ,description varchar2(1000)
16: );
17: type approvers_table is table of approver_rec index by binary_integer;
18: type person_rec is record(

Line 189: nvl(end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate)) and

185: from ame_action_types
186: where procedure_name = acty.procedure_name and
187: created_by = 1 and
188: sysdate between start_date and
189: nvl(end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate)) and
190: sysdate between acty.start_date and
191: nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
192: --
193: --Dynamic action types - to be moved to approval groups

Line 191: nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);

187: created_by = 1 and
188: sysdate between start_date and
189: nvl(end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate)) and
190: sysdate between acty.start_date and
191: nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
192: --
193: --Dynamic action types - to be moved to approval groups
194: --
195: cursor dynamicActionTypes is

Line 203: sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and

199: from ame_actions act,
200: ame_action_types acty
201: where act.action_type_id = acty.action_type_id and
202: acty.name in (dynamicPreApprover, dynamicPostApprover) and
203: sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and
204: sysdate between acty.start_date and nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
205: begin
206: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 1', 11, ' ')||': HR People - To be migrated');
207: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) that will get migrated to WF_ROLES');

Line 204: sysdate between acty.start_date and nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);

200: ame_action_types acty
201: where act.action_type_id = acty.action_type_id and
202: acty.name in (dynamicPreApprover, dynamicPostApprover) and
203: sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and
204: sysdate between acty.start_date and nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
205: begin
206: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 1', 11, ' ')||': HR People - To be migrated');
207: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) that will get migrated to WF_ROLES');
208: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));

Line 450: where grpitems.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId

446: ,parameter person_id
447: ,grp.name
448: from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
449: ,ame_approval_groups grp
450: where grpitems.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId
451: and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
452: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
453: from ame_approval_groups
454: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)

Line 471: where grpmem.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId

467: ,grpmem.parameter person_id
468: ,grp.name
469: from ame_approval_group_members grpmem
470: ,ame_approval_groups grp
471: where grpmem.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId
472: and grp.approval_group_id = grpmem.approval_group_id
473: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
474: from ame_approval_groups
475: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)

Line 511: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName

507: from ame_actions
508: where parameter like 'person_id:%'
509: and exists (select null
510: from ame_action_types
511: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
512: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
513: and rownum < 2)
514: and not exists (select null
515: from wf_roles wf

Line 662: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName

658: from ame_actions
659: where parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
660: and exists (select null
661: from ame_action_types
662: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
663: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
664: and rownum < 2)
665: and exists (select null
666: from wf_roles wf

Line 793: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName

789: and fnd.employee_id is not null
790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)
791: and exists (select null
792: from ame_action_types
793: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
794: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
795: and rownum < 2);
796: begin
797: --