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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 122

PROCEDURE Auto_Allocate(p_allow_delete  IN NUMBER,
                          p_mo_line_id    IN NUMBER,
                          p_transaction_header_id IN NUMBER,
                          p_move_order_type    IN NUMBER,
                          x_number_of_rows     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                          x_qc_grade           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                          x_detailed_qty       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                          x_qty_UM             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                          x_detailed_qty2      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                          x_qty_UM2            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                          x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                          x_error_msg          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

    l_return_status        VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 139

    l_p_allow_delete	   VARCHAR2(3);
Line: 145

  IF (p_allow_delete = 1) THEN
    l_p_allow_delete := 'YES';
Line: 148

    l_p_allow_delete := 'NO';
Line: 159

	  , p_allow_delete	      => l_p_allow_delete
          , x_number_of_rows          => x_number_of_rows
          , x_qc_grade                => x_qc_grade
          , x_detailed_qty            => x_detailed_qty
          , x_qty_UM                  => x_qty_UM
          , x_detailed_qty2           => x_detailed_qty2
          , x_qty_UM2                 => x_qty_UM
          , x_return_status           => x_return_status
          , x_msg_count               => l_count
          , x_msg_data                => l_msg
Line: 200

    moh.request_number mo_number
    ic_txn_request_headers moh,
    ic_txn_request_lines mol,
    oe_order_lines_all oel,
    oe_order_headers_all oeh
   WHERE oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
     AND oeh.order_number LIKE (p_so_no)
     AND   oel.line_id = mol.txn_source_line_id
     AND   moh.header_id = mol.header_id
     AND   mol.organization_id = p_org_id
     AND   mol.line_status in (3,7)
     GROUP BY oeh.order_number, oeh.header_id, moh.request_number
   ORDER BY oeh.order_number;
Line: 262

       SELECT DISTINCT opi.item_no, opi.item_desc1, opi.item_id, mti.inventory_item_id
       FROM    mtl_system_items mti,
               ic_item_mst opi,
               ic_txn_request_lines l
       WHERE opi.item_no = mti.segment1
             and opi.item_no LIKE (p_item_no)
             and mti.organization_id = p_org_id
             and mti.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
             and mti.inventory_item_id = l.inventory_item_id


       SELECT DISTINCT opi.item_no, opi.item_desc1, opi.item_id, mti.inventory_item_id
       FROM    mtl_system_items mti,
               ic_item_mst opi,
               mtl_cross_references mcr
             mti.organization_id = p_org_id
             AND opi.item_no = mti.segment1
             AND mti.inventory_item_id = mcr.inventory_item_id
             AND    mcr.cross_reference_type = g_gtin_cross_ref_type
             AND    mcr.cross_reference      LIKE l_cross_ref
             AND    (mcr.organization_id = mti.organization_id
             mcr.org_independent_flag = 'Y');
Line: 297

      item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 324

       select distinct inv.location, NVL(loc.loct_desc, inv.location)
       from ic_loct_inv inv, ic_loct_mst loc
       where inv.whse_code = p_whse_code and inv.delete_mark = 0 and
           inv.location like (p_location)
           and inv.lot_id = nvl(l_lot_id,inv.lot_id)
           and inv.loct_onhand > 0
           and inv.item_id = p_item_id
           and loc.location = inv.location;
Line: 335

       select distinct inv.location, NVL(loc.loct_desc, inv.location)
       from ic_loct_inv inv, ic_loct_mst loc
       where inv.whse_code = p_whse_code and inv.delete_mark = 0 and
           inv.location like (p_location)
           and inv.lot_id = nvl(l_lot_id,inv.lot_id)
           and inv.loct_onhand > 0
           and inv.item_id = p_item_id
           and loc.location(+) = inv.location;
Line: 350

       select distinct inv.location, NVL(loc.loct_desc, inv.location)
       from ic_loct_inv inv, ic_loct_mst loc
        where inv.whse_code = p_whse_code and inv.delete_mark = 0 and
           inv.location like (p_location)
           and inv.lot_id = nvl(l_lot_id,inv.lot_id)
           and inv.item_id = p_item_id
           and loc.location = inv.location;
Line: 360

       select distinct inv.location, NVL(loc.loct_desc, inv.location)
       from ic_loct_inv inv, ic_loct_mst loc
        where inv.whse_code = p_whse_code and inv.delete_mark = 0 and
           inv.location like (p_location)
           and inv.lot_id = nvl(l_lot_id,inv.lot_id)
           and inv.item_id = p_item_id
           and loc.location(+) = inv.location;
Line: 403

         select distinct lot_no,sublot_no, a.lot_id,a.qc_grade, b.lot_status
         from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
         where a.lot_no like (p_lot_no) and a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id =b.lot_id  and a.item_id = b.item_id and
             a.delete_mark = 0 and b.delete_mark = 0 and a.item_id = p_item_id and
             b.whse_code = p_whse_code and b.location = nvl(l_location,b.location)
              and b.loct_onhand > 0 and a.expire_date >= sysdate
         order by lot_no;
Line: 414

         select distinct lot_no,sublot_no, a.lot_id,a.qc_grade, b.lot_status
         from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
         where  a.lot_no like (p_lot_no) and a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id =b.lot_id and a.item_id = b.item_id and
             a.delete_mark = 0 and b.delete_mark = 0 and a.item_id = p_item_id and
             b.whse_code = p_whse_code and b.location = nvl(l_location,b.location)
             and a.qc_grade = l_pref_grade
              and b.loct_onhand > 0 and a.expire_date >= sysdate
         order by lot_no;
Line: 430

         select distinct lot_no,sublot_no, a.lot_id,a.qc_grade,b.lot_status
         from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
         where a.lot_no like (p_lot_no) and a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id =b.lot_id
 and a.item_id = b.item_id and
             a.delete_mark = 0 and b.delete_mark = 0 and a.item_id = p_item_id and
             b.whse_code = p_whse_code and b.location = nvl(l_location,b.location)
              and a.expire_date >= sysdate
         order by lot_no;
Line: 443

         select distinct lot_no,sublot_no, a.lot_id,a.qc_grade,b.lot_status
         from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
         where a.lot_no like (p_lot_no) and a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id =b.lot_id
 and a.item_id = b.item_id and
             a.delete_mark = 0 and b.delete_mark = 0 and a.item_id = p_item_id and
             b.whse_code = p_whse_code and b.location = nvl(l_location,b.location)
             and a.qc_grade = l_pref_grade
              and a.expire_date >= sysdate
         order by lot_no;
Line: 480

      select distinct sublot_no, a.qc_grade, b.lot_status, a.lot_id
      from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
      where a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id = b.lot_id and a.item_id = b.item_id and
a.delete_mark = 0 and

            b.delete_mark = 0 and b.whse_code = p_whse_code and a.lot_no = p_lot_no and b.loct_onhand > 0
            and b.location = nvl(l_location, b.location) and a.expire_date >= sysdate and
            a.sublot_no LIKE (p_sublot_no) and a.item_id = p_item_id order by sublot_no;
Line: 492

      select distinct sublot_no, a.qc_grade, b.lot_status, a.lot_id
      from ic_lots_mst a, ic_loct_inv b
      where a.lot_id <> 0 and a.lot_id = b.lot_id and a.item_id = b.item_id and
a.delete_mark = 0 and

            b.delete_mark = 0 and b.whse_code = p_whse_code and a.lot_no = p_lot_no
            and b.location = nvl(l_location, b.location) and a.expire_date >= sysdate and
            a.sublot_no LIKE (p_sublot_no) and a.item_id = p_item_id order by sublot_no;
Line: 511

     SELECT   MAX(h.request_number)
             , MAX(h.description)
             , h.header_id
             , MAX(h.move_order_type)
             , DECODE(COUNT(l.line_number), 1, MAX(l.line_number), NULL)
             , DECODE(COUNT(l.line_id), 1, MAX(l.line_id), NULL)
          FROM ic_txn_request_headers h, ic_txn_request_lines l
         WHERE h.organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND h.request_number LIKE(p_mo_req_number)
           AND h.header_status IN(3, 7)
           AND l.organization_id = h.organization_id
           AND l.line_status IN(3, 7)
           AND l.header_id = h.header_id
         GROUP BY h.header_id;
Line: 535

      SELECT wnd.NAME, wnd.delivery_id
        FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
          ic_txn_request_lines ml

       WHERE wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
         AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
         AND wdd.move_order_line_id = ml.line_id
         AND wdd.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND ml.quantity > NVL(ml.quantity_delivered, 0)
         AND wnd.NAME LIKE(p_deliv_num || '%');
Line: 554

      SELECT UNIQUE t.pick_slip_number
      FROM ic_tran_pnd t,
           ic_whse_mst i
      t.whse_code = i.whse_code AND
      i.mtl_organization_id = p_organization_id AND
      t.pick_slip_number LIKE(p_pickslip_num)
      AND t.delete_mark   = 0
      AND t.completed_ind = 0
      AND t.doc_type      = 'OMSO';
Line: 573

       reason_code,reason_desc1 from sy_reas_cds
       reason_code like (p_reason_code) and
       delete_mark = 0
     order by 1;
Line: 600
