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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

	In case when the duplicate api is called from update, p_incident_id must be passed.

	In return this procedure will return:
	x_duplicate_flag	=> Values Y/N, indicating if duplicate was found
	x_sr_dupl_rec		=> List of Incident Id and Reason for which duplicate was found
	x_dup_found_at		=> Values 'EA', 'SR', 'BOTH', 'NONE', for what duplicate was found (used in iSupport workflow)


PROCEDURE Duplicate_Check
       	p_api_version			IN 	NUMBER,
       	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
       	p_commit			IN	VARCHAR2	DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
       	p_validation_level		IN	NUMBER	DEFAULT fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
       	p_incident_id			IN	NUMBER,
       	p_incident_type_id		IN	NUMBER,
       	p_customer_product_ID 		IN	NUMBER,
    	p_instance_serial_number 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
       	p_current_serial_number	 	IN	VARCHAR2,
    	p_inv_item_serial_number 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
       	p_customer_id			IN 	NUMBER,
       	p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
       	p_cs_extended_attr		IN	cs_extended_attr_tbl,
       	p_incident_address		IN	cs_incident_address_rec,
       	x_duplicate_flag		OUT NOCOPY 	varchar2,
       	x_sr_dupl_rec			OUT NOCOPY	Sr_Dupl_Tbl,
        x_dup_found_at			OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
       	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
       	x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
       	x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
	l_ea_attr_dup_flag  VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.g_false;
Line: 223

          WHERE INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = p_incident_type_id;
Line: 317

     	SELECT duplicate_offset, duplicate_uom, dup_chk_incident_addr_flag
       	WHERE INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id;
Line: 323

        SELECT sr.incident_id, sr.incident_number, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id and
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        ORDER BY sr.incident_id DESC;
Line: 341

        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, HZ_LOCATIONS loc, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr.incident_location_type = 'HZ_LOCATION' AND
               nvl(upper(loc.ADDRESS1||decode(loc.address2,null,null,';'||loc.address2) ||decode(loc.address3,null,null,';'||loc.address3)||decode(loc.address4,null,null,';'||loc.address4)), 'Not Filled') =
Line: 351

               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, HZ_LOCATIONS loc, cs_incident_links sr_link, hz_party_sites sites , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE sr.INCIDENT_LOCATION_ID = sites.party_site_id AND
               sr.incident_location_type = 'HZ_PARTY_SITE' AND
               sites.location_id = loc.location_id AND
               nvl(upper(loc.ADDRESS1||decode(loc.address2,null,null,';'||loc.address2) ||decode(loc.address3,null,null,';'||loc.address3)||decode(loc.address4,null,null,';'||loc.address4)), 'Not Filled') =
Line: 372

               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE nvl(upper(incident_ADDRESS), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_address), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_CITY), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_city), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_STATE), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_state), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_POSTAL_CODE), 'Not Filled') =  nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_postal_Code), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_COUNTRY), 'Not Filled') =  nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_country), 'Not Filled') AND
               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        ORDER BY incident_id desc;
Line: 406

        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id and
               sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date and
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        ORDER BY sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 424

        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, HZ_LOCATIONS loc, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr.incident_location_type = 'HZ_LOCATION' AND
               nvl(upper(loc.ADDRESS1||decode(loc.address2,null,null,';'||loc.address2) ||decode(loc.address3,null,null,';'||loc.address3)||decode(loc.address4,null,null,';'||loc.address4)), 'Not Filled') =
Line: 434

               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
               sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, HZ_LOCATIONS loc, cs_incident_links sr_link, hz_party_sites sites , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE sr.INCIDENT_LOCATION_ID = sites.party_site_id AND
               sr.incident_location_type = 'HZ_PARTY_SITE' AND
               sites.location_id = loc.location_id AND
               nvl(upper(loc.ADDRESS1||decode(loc.address2,null,null,';'||loc.address2) ||decode(loc.address3,null,null,';'||loc.address3)||decode(loc.address4,null,null,';'||loc.address4)), 'Not Filled') =
Line: 456

               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
               sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        SELECT sr.INCIDENT_ID, sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
          FROM cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
         WHERE nvl(upper(incident_ADDRESS), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_address), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_CITY), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_city), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_STATE), 'Not Filled') = nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_state), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_POSTAL_CODE), 'Not Filled') =  nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_postal_Code), 'Not Filled') AND
               nvl(upper(incident_COUNTRY), 'Not Filled') =  nvl(upper(l_incident_address.incident_country), 'Not Filled') AND
               sr.LAST_UPDATE_DATE > l_duplicate_date AND
               sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
               INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
               sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
               sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
               sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
	       sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
               sr_link.LAST_UPDATE_DATE(+) > l_duplicate_date
        ORDER BY incident_id desc;
Line: 491

         where INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id AND
               SR_ATTR_DUP_CHECK_FLAG = 'Y' AND
               ( END_DATE_ACTIVE IS NULL OR
                  to_number(to_char(END_DATE_ACTIVE, 'YYYYMMDD')) >= to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD')) );
Line: 500

        SELECT sr_attribute_value FROM cug_incidnt_attr_vals_vl
         WHERE sr_attribute_code = l_DuplicateCheckAttrs_rec.sr_attribute_code AND
               incident_id = p_inc_Id;
Line: 505

      	SELECT sr_attribute_value FROM cug_incidnt_attr_vals_vl
         WHERE sr_attribute_code = l_DuplicateCheckAttrs_rec.sr_attribute_code AND
               incident_id = l_incident_Id;
Line: 905

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             upper(sr.current_serial_number) = upper(l_current_serial_number)
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 921

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             upper(sr.current_serial_number) = upper(l_current_serial_number)
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 938

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             inst.instance_id = sr.customer_product_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             inst.serial_number = l_instance_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 955

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst ,cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_product_id = inst.instance_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             inst.serial_number = l_instance_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc ;
Line: 972

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.item_serial_number = l_inv_item_serial_number
     order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 987

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.item_serial_number = l_inv_item_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1129

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.customer_product_id = l_customer_product_id
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1146

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y' and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.customer_product_id = l_customer_product_id
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1234

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1251

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1342

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             upper(sr.current_serial_number) = upper(l_current_serial_number)
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1360

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             upper(sr.current_serial_number) = upper(l_current_serial_number)
     order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1379

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
             inst.instance_id = sr.customer_product_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             inst.serial_number = l_instance_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1398

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link, csi_item_instances inst , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
             sr.customer_product_id = inst.instance_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             inst.serial_number = l_instance_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1418

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
	     sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.item_serial_number = l_inv_item_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1435

      select sr.incident_id, sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
        from cs_incidents_b_sec sr, cs_incident_links sr_link , cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_stat -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
       where sr.incident_id = sr_link.subject_id(+) and
             sr_link.subject_type(+) = 'SR' and
             sr_link.link_type(+) = 'DUP' and
             sr_link.end_date_active(+) is null and
             sr.incident_id <> l_incident_id and
             sr.last_update_date > l_duplicate_date and
             sr_link.last_update_date(+) > l_duplicate_date and
             sr.customer_id = l_customer_id and
             sr.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id and
             sr_stat.incident_status_id = sr.incident_status_id and  -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
	     sr_stat.DUP_CHK_FLAG = 'Y'  and -- 12.1.2 - DUP CHECK
             sr.item_serial_number = l_inv_item_serial_number
      order by sr.incident_id desc;
Line: 1580

   select sr_link.object_id incident_link_id, sr_link.object_number incident_link_number
     from cs_incident_links sr_link
    where sr_link.subject_id = p_original_id and
          sr_link.subject_type = 'SR' and
          sr_link.link_type_id = 4 and
          sr_link.end_date_active is null
   order by sr_link.object_id desc;
Line: 1809

			SELECT lookup_code, description from cs_lookups
				  and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 1852

            SELECT duplicate_offset, duplicate_uom FROM CUG_SR_TYPE_DUP_CHK_INFO
                WHERE INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = l_incident_type_id;
Line: 1857

            SELECT conversion_rate FROM MTL_UOM_CONVERSIONS
                WHERE UNIT_OF_MEASURE = l_duplicate_uom
				and inventory_item_id = 0;
Line: 1931

         SELECT conversion_rate FROM MTL_UOM_CONVERSIONS
          WHERE uom_code = l_duplicate_uom;