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Line 193: to new column ord_num on ben_acty_base_rt_f

189: 14 Aug 02 kmahendr 115.79 - Bug#2441871 - In Update_rate procedure the ler_id is
190: fetched from per_in_ler and create_prtt_rt api is called
191: only if enrt rt id is not null
192: 11-Oct-02 vsethi 115.80 Rates Sequence no enhancements. Modified to cater
193: to new column ord_num on ben_acty_base_rt_f
194: 06-Nov-02 ikasire 115.81 Bug 2645993 Fixed the case where Used amount is more than
195: the provided amount.
196: 11-Nov-02 lakrish 115.82 Bug 2645624 Changed create_flex_credit_enrolment to allow
197: non-flex calls to pass through with no error.

Line 2293: l_acty_typ_cd ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_typ_cd%type;

2289: ,p_pgm_id in number default null
2290: )
2291: is
2292: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'.create_flex_credit_enrolment';
2293: l_acty_typ_cd ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_typ_cd%type;
2294: l_prnt_prtt_rt_val_id ben_prtt_rt_val.prtt_rt_val_id%type;
2295: l_prnt_enrt_rt_id ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
2296: l_prnt_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;
2297: l_child_prtt_rt_val_id ben_prtt_rt_val.prtt_rt_val_id%type;

Line 2296: l_prnt_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;

2292: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'.create_flex_credit_enrolment';
2293: l_acty_typ_cd ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_typ_cd%type;
2294: l_prnt_prtt_rt_val_id ben_prtt_rt_val.prtt_rt_val_id%type;
2295: l_prnt_enrt_rt_id ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
2296: l_prnt_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;
2297: l_child_prtt_rt_val_id ben_prtt_rt_val.prtt_rt_val_id%type;
2298: l_child_enrt_rt_id ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
2299: l_child_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;
2300: l_prnt_rt_val number := 0;

Line 2299: l_child_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;

2295: l_prnt_enrt_rt_id ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
2296: l_prnt_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;
2297: l_child_prtt_rt_val_id ben_prtt_rt_val.prtt_rt_val_id%type;
2298: l_child_enrt_rt_id ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
2299: l_child_acty_base_rt_id ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%type;
2300: l_prnt_rt_val number := 0;
2301: l_child_rt_val number := 0;
2302: l_dummy_num number;
2303: l_dummy_varchar2 varchar2(80);

Line 2346: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

2342: cursor c_enrt_rt_flex is
2343: select ecr.prtt_rt_val_id,
2344: ecr.enrt_rt_id
2345: from ben_enrt_rt ecr,
2346: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
2347: where ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id=
2348: l_flex_credit_choice.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2349: and ecr.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
2350: and ecr.acty_typ_cd not in ('NCRDSTR','NCRUDED')

Line 2372: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

2368: select ecr.prtt_rt_val_id
2369: ,ecr.enrt_rt_id
2370: ,ecr.acty_base_rt_id
2371: from ben_enrt_rt ecr
2372: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
2373: where ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id=
2374: l_flex_credit_choice.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2375: and ecr.acty_base_rt_id = abr.acty_base_rt_id
2376: and abr.parnt_acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id

Line 3108: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr -- Bug 4613270

3104: cursor c_cash_abr is
3105: select bpl.acty_base_rt_id
3106: from ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f bpl,
3107: ben_per_in_ler pil,
3108: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr -- Bug 4613270
3109: where bpl.bnft_prvdr_pool_id=p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id
3110: and bpl.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
3111: and bpl.prtt_enrt_rslt_id=g_credit_pool_result_id
3112: and p_effective_date between

Line 4325: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

4321: l_rlovr_chc c_rlovr_chc%rowtype;
4322: --GEVITY
4323: cursor c_abr(cv_acty_base_rt_id number)
4324: is select rate_periodization_rl
4325: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
4326: where abr.acty_base_rt_id = cv_acty_base_rt_id
4327: and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date
4328: and abr.effective_end_date ;
4329: --

Line 4602: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

4598: --
4599: cursor c_get_pool_abr is
4600: select abr.acty_base_rt_id
4601: from ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f bpl,
4602: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
4603: where bpl.bnft_prvdr_pool_id = l_ledger_totals.bnft_prvdr_pool_id and
4604: abr.rt_usg_cd = 'FLXCR' and
4605: bpl.business_group_id = abr.business_group_id and
4606: bpl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and

Line 4619: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,

4615: prv.rt_val,
4616: abr.element_type_id
4617: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
4618: ben_enrt_rt ecr,
4619: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
4620: ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f res
4621: where prv.prtt_rt_val_id=p_prtt_rt_val_id and
4622: prv.business_group_id=p_business_group_id and
4623: ecr.prtt_rt_val_id=prv.prtt_rt_val_id and

Line 5218: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

5214: --
5215: cursor c_abr is
5216: select abr.input_value_id,
5217: abr.element_type_id
5218: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
5219: where abr.acty_base_rt_id = l_prv_rec.acty_base_rt_id
5220: and abr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5221: and p_effective_date between
5222: abr.effective_start_date and abr.effective_end_date;

Line 5478: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

5474: prv.prtt_rt_val_id,
5475: prv.rt_val
5476: from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
5477: ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
5478: ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
5479: where prv.acty_base_rt_id = v_acty_base_rt_id
5480: and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
5481: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
5482: and prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id

Line 6369: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

6365: prv.rt_val,
6366: prv.rt_strt_dt,
6367: prv.acty_base_rt_id
6368: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6369: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6370: where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_flex_rslt_id
6371: and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6372: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
6373: and abr.acty_base_rt_id = prv.acty_base_rt_id

Line 6395: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

6391: l_pen_rec c_pen%rowtype;
6392: --
6393: cursor c_abr is
6394: select abr.*
6395: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6396: where abr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
6397: and abr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6398: and p_effective_date between
6399: abr.effective_start_date and abr.effective_end_date;

Line 6405: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

6401: l_abr_rec c_abr%rowtype;
6402: --
6403: cursor c_abr_child is
6404: select abr.*
6405: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6406: where abr.parnt_acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
6407: and abr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6408: and p_effective_date between
6409: abr.effective_start_date and abr.effective_end_date;

Line 6890: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

6886: select prv.prtt_rt_val_id,
6887: prv.rt_val,
6888: prv.rt_strt_dt
6889: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv
6890: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6891: where prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_flex_rslt_id
6892: and prv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
6893: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
6894: and prv.rt_end_dt >= p_effective_date --------Bug 8601352

Line 6925: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr

6921: order by 3 desc;
6922: --
6923: cursor c_abr(p_acty_typ_cd in varchar2) is
6924: select abr.acty_base_rt_id
6925: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
6926: ,ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
6927: where abr.pl_id = pen.pl_id
6928: and pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = l_flex_rslt_id
6929: and abr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id