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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

g_last_update_login number := 0;
Line: 37

       select parameter_value
         from pay_action_parameters
	where parameter_name = 'HR_GL_SYNC_DEBUG';
Line: 106

  l_stmt := 'select ccid, org_id from '||p_tablename;
Line: 138

  l_stmt := 'select ccid, org_id, chart_of_accounts_id,
             company, company_vs, cost_center, cc_vs,
	     business_group_id from '||p_tablename;
Line: 255

    SELECT name INTO l_bg_name
    WHERE business_group_id = p_bgid;
Line: 345

  open c_bg_list for 'select distinct rep.business_group_id,
                        from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp ||' rep,
                                per_business_groups per
                       where rep.business_group_id=per.business_group_id';
Line: 383

        'select distinct reptemp.company_value_set,
           from fnd_flex_value_sets comp,
	        fnd_flex_value_sets cc,
                fnd_flex_values_vl compname,
                fnd_flex_values_vl ccname,
                (select distinct company_value_set,
                                 org_name ,
                   from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp|| ') reptemp
          where reptemp.company_value_set = comp.flex_value_set_id
            and reptemp.cc_value_set = cc.flex_value_set_id
            and comp.flex_value_set_id = compname.flex_value_set_id
            and cc.flex_value_set_id = ccname.flex_value_set_id
            and reptemp.company = compname.flex_value
            and reptemp.cost_center = ccname.flex_value ';
Line: 502

  open c_list for  'select vs.flex_value_set_id,
                      from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl seg
	                 , fnd_flex_value_sets vs
	             where upper(seg.id_flex_code) = ''GL#''
	               and seg.application_id = 101
	               and seg.flex_value_set_id = vs.flex_value_set_id
	               and seg.enabled_flag = ''Y''
	               and id_flex_num = :1
	               and application_column_name = :2'
              using p_chart_of_accounts_id, p_segment;
Line: 578

    select organization_id
     from hr_all_organization_units
    where name = l_org_name
      and business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 585

    select org_information2, org_information_id, object_version_number
      from hr_organization_information ori
     where organization_id = p_organization_id
       and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
       and org_information1 = p_classification;
Line: 593

    select org_information2,
      from hr_organization_information ori
     where organization_id = p_organization_id
       and org_information_context = p_info_type;
Line: 627

      select summary_flag
        into l_summary_flag
        from gl_code_combinations
       where code_combination_id = p_ccid;
Line: 670

  open c_list for 'select units.organization_id, units.name
                     from hr_all_organization_units_tl  units,
                          hr_organization_information class,
			  hr_organization_information cc
                    where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
                      and class.org_information_context=''CLASS''
		      and class.org_information1=''CC''
                      and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
                      and cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center''
                      and cc.org_information2 = :1
		      and cc.org_information4 = :2
                      and cc.org_information3 = :3
		      and cc.org_information5 = :4 '
              using to_char(p_company_vs), to_char(p_cc_vs), p_company,
Line: 720

  open c_list for 'select description ,start_date_active
                     from fnd_flex_values_vl
		    where flex_value_set_id = :1
		      and flex_value = :2 '
              using p_company_vs, p_company;
Line: 733

  open c_list for 'select description ,start_date_active
                     from fnd_flex_values_vl
                     where flex_value_set_id = :1
		      and flex_value = :2'
              using p_cc_vs, p_cost_center;
Line: 771

  select substrb(
                   REPLACE(l_org_name_format,'$COC', p_company),
                          '$CCC', p_cost_center),
                     '$CON', l_company_desc),
                 '$CCN', l_cc_desc), 1, g_org_name_length)
    into l_org_name
    from dual;
Line: 911

    **      Update the info type and link the org to the current cost center.
    **   if the org info type is present with data then (D)
    **      Derive an unique org name and create a new org with classification as required.
    ** if we don't have an org classification then (E)
    **   Create the Company Cost Center Org classification and info type.
    ** Add the HR_ORG classification if the profile indicates it's required and the
    ** organization does not have it already.
Line: 1346

  select distinct units.business_group_id
    from hr_all_organization_units units,
         hr_organization_information class,
	 hr_organization_information cc
   where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
     and class.org_information_context='CLASS'
     and class.org_information1='CC'
     and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
     and cc.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
     and cc.org_information3 = p_company
     and cc.org_information2 = to_char(p_companyvs)
     and cc.org_information4 is null
     and cc.org_information5 is null;
Line: 1435

     select distinct chart_of_accounts_id
       from gl_sets_of_books               --Bug 3264485
       where chart_of_accounts_id = p_coa
             or p_coa is null ; -- Fix for Bug 2875915
Line: 1447

   select description, start_date_active
   from fnd_flex_values_vl
   where flex_value_set_id= p_vs
     and p_segment = flex_value;
Line: 1501

      open c_list2  for 'SELECT /*+ORDERED USE_NL(gcc)*/
		                distinct  gcc.'||l_company_segment||' company,
				        gcc.'||l_cc_segment ||' cost_center
                         FROM gl_code_combinations gcc
		         WHERE gcc.company_cost_center_org_id is null
		           AND gcc.summary_flag = ''N''
		           AND gcc.chart_of_accounts_id = '||l_coas.chart_of_accounts_id||
                          'AND  gcc.'||l_company_segment||' is not null
			   AND  gcc.'||l_cc_segment ||' is not null';
Line: 1541

  l_stmt := 'INSERT INTO '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp ||'
                      		VALUES (:1,
                                    greatest(nvl(:9 ,to_date(''01/01/1900'',''DD/MM/RRRR'')),
                                    nvl(:10 ,to_date(''01/01/1900'',''DD/MM/RRRR''))))';
Line: 1593

      open c_list for 'select count(*) from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp;
Line: 1615

  ** Delete records from the working table which are for companies which do
  ** not exist in the business group. Because GL CC table spans multiple
  ** business groups you need to define the companies in the appropriate BG
  ** first(a manual setup step) and then run sync orgs. This enables you to
  ** run the sync orgs process for a business group and only pull in those
  ** company cost centers which relate to this business group (i.e those
  ** which are for companies already defined in this business group.
  ** A possible enhancement here - instead of inserting all the data and then
  ** deleting some, merge this into a single insert which only inserts cost
  ** centers for companies in this business group.  We probably should not
  ** implement this enhancement as it would prevent us from determining if the
  ** temporary table was empty because there are no GL cost centers to process
  ** or because the setup is incorrect and no companies have been defined in
  ** the current BG.
  l_stmt := 'delete from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' rep
                   where (company,company_value_set) not in
		( select distinct cc.org_information3,
                    from hr_all_organization_units units,
		         hr_all_organization_units_tl unitstl,
			 hr_organization_information class,
			 hr_organization_information cc
                   where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
		     and units.organization_id = unitstl.organization_id
		     and class.org_information_context=''CLASS''
		     and class.org_information1=''CC''
		     and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
		     and cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center''
		     and units.business_group_id = :1
		     and cc.org_information4 is null
		     and cc.org_information5 is null)';
Line: 1653

  ** We have populated the temp table and deleted records from it
  ** if no company organization has been defined in the business
  ** group. Now check the rows in the temp table. If we don't
  ** have any tell the user.
  open c_list for 'select count(*) from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp;
Line: 1676

    l_stmt := 'UPDATE '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' rep set (org_name) =
		(select substrb(REPLACE(
                                     ''$CCC'', rep.cost_center),
                                  ''$CON'', rep.company_name),
                               ''$CCN'', rep.cost_center_name), 1,
	           from dual)';
Line: 1693

    l_stmt := 'update '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' rep
	set org_name = substrb(org_name, 1, '||
		||''-''||company_value_set ||''-''||cc_value_set
	where rep.org_name in
	(select distinct a.org_name
	from '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' a, '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' b
	where a.org_name = b.org_name and
	(a.cc_value_set <> b.cc_value_set
	 or a.company_value_set<>b.company_value_set))';
Line: 1709

  ** If the start date is '01/01/1900' then update it to default
  ** date 01/01/1990
    execute immediate  'UPDATE '||p_hr_cc_reporting_temp||' rep
               set (org_start_date) = to_date(''01/01/1990'',''DD/MM/RRRR'')
               Where to_char(org_start_date,''DD/MM/RRRR'') = (''01/01/1900'')';
Line: 1756

   select distinct chart_of_accounts_id
       from gl_sets_of_books               --Bug 3264485
       where chart_of_accounts_id = p_coa
             or p_coa is null ; -- Fix for Bug 2875915
Line: 1827

      ** to be inserted into the temp table. i.e. if l_company holds the string
      ** 'SEGMENT1' then the value from GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.SEGMENT1 is
      ** inserted into the tmp table.
      execute immediate 'insert into '||p_hr_sync_temp ||'
	                 select code_combination_id,
				l_company ||', '||l_company_vs||', '||
				l_cost_center||', '||l_cc_vs||'
			   from gl_code_combinations
			  where company_cost_center_org_id is null
			    and summary_flag = ''N''
			    and chart_of_accounts_id = :1'
	          using l_coas.chart_of_accounts_id;
Line: 1848

      writelog('Inserted '||sql%rowcount||'  records for COA = '||
Line: 1868

  l_stmt := 'delete from '||p_hr_sync_temp||' rep
                   where (company,company_vs) not in
		( select distinct cc.org_information3,
                    from hr_all_organization_units units,
		         hr_all_organization_units_tl unitstl,
			 hr_organization_information class,
			 hr_organization_information cc
                   where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
		     and units.organization_id = unitstl.organization_id
		     and class.org_information_context=''CLASS''
		     and class.org_information1=''CC''
		     and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
		     and cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center''
		     and units.business_group_id = :1
		     and cc.org_information4 is null
		     and cc.org_information5 is null)';
Line: 1894

  open c_list for 'select count(*) from '||p_hr_sync_temp;
Line: 1921

	            (select sync.ccid,
	               from '||p_hr_sync_temp ||' sync ,
	                    hr_all_organization_units units,
	                    hr_organization_information class,
	                    hr_organization_information cc
	              where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
	                and units.business_group_id = '||p_bgid||'
	                and class.org_information_context=''CLASS''
	                and class.org_information1=''CC''
	                and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
	                and cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center''
	                and cc.org_information2 = to_char(sync.company_vs)
	                and cc.org_information3 = sync.company
	                and cc.org_information4 = to_char(sync.cc_vs)
	                and cc.org_information5 = sync.cost_center)';
Line: 1989

For the last two cases update the GCC table with this org_id.


function synchronizeMode(p_mode         in varchar2,
                         p_hr_sync_temp in varchar2,
                         p_hr_sync_ccid in varchar2,
			 p_start_date   in date,
			 p_bgid         in number,
			 p_schema       in varchar2,
                         p_coa          in number)
return NUMBER is

l_proc VARCHAR2(50) := g_package||'.synchronizeMode';
Line: 2031

l_last_update_login number := 0;
Line: 2055

  ** Update the GL code combinations table and set the org ID FK
  ** to the corresponding company cost center org.
  l_stmt := 'update /*+ORDERED USE_NL(gcc)*/ gl_code_combinations gcc
                set (company_cost_center_org_id,
		     last_updated_by ) =
	             (select sync.org_id,
		             sysdate, '||
                     '  from '||p_hr_sync_ccid ||' sync
	               where gcc.code_combination_id = sync.ccid)
              where gcc.company_cost_center_org_id is null
                and gcc.code_combination_id in
                         (select ccid from '||p_hr_sync_ccid ||')';
Line: 2073

  writelog('Updated '||sql%rowcount||' rows in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS','D');
Line: 2109

  execute immediate 'delete from '||p_hr_sync_temp ||'
                           where ccid in
			        (select code_combination_id
		                   from gl_code_combinations
		                  where company_cost_center_org_id is not null
		                    and last_update_date >= :1)'
          using p_start_date;
Line: 2117

  writelog('deleted '||sql%rowcount||' rows from '||p_hr_sync_temp||
           ' where org_id is not null','D');
Line: 2122

  open c_list for 'select count(*) from '||p_hr_sync_temp;
Line: 2138

    open c_list for 'select distinct company,
                     from '||p_hr_sync_temp;
Line: 2168

        execute immediate 'update '||p_hr_sync_temp ||'
	  		      set (org_id) = :1
			    where company =:2 and cost_center=:3
			      and company_vs = :4 and cc_vs = :5'
                    using l_org_id, l_company, l_cost_center,
		          l_temp_compvs, l_temp_ccvs;
Line: 2180

    ** now update GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS and set the org ID FK.
    l_stmt :=  'update gl_code_combinations gcc
		   set (company_cost_center_org_id,
		        last_updated_by) =
		       (select org_id,
		               sysdate, '||
                        ' from '||p_hr_sync_temp||' sync
		         where sync.ccid = gcc.code_combination_id
		           and sync.org_id <> -1
			   and sync.org_id is not null)
                 where gcc.code_combination_id in
		            (select ccid
		               from '||p_hr_sync_temp||'
		              where org_id is not null
		                and org_id <> -1)';
Line: 2200

    writelog('Updated '||sql%rowcount||
             ' rows in GL Code combinations with newly created Org ids','D');
Line: 2318

  select chart_of_accounts_id
    into l_chart_of_accounts_id
    from gl_code_combinations
   where code_combination_id = p_ccid;
Line: 2353

  open c_list for 'select '||l_company_segment||', '||
                             l_cc_segment ||'
                     from gl_code_combinations
		    where code_combination_id =:1'
	      using  p_ccid;
Line: 2371

  open c_list for 'select units.organization_id
	             from hr_all_organization_units  units,
		          hr_organization_information class,
			  hr_organization_information cc
                    where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
                      and class.org_information_context=''CLASS''
		      and class.org_information1=''CC''
                      and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
                      and cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center''
                      and cc.org_information2 = :1
		      and cc.org_information4 = :2
                      and cc.org_information3 = :2
		      and cc.org_information5 = :4 '
              using to_char(l_company_vs), to_char(l_cc_vs),
	            l_company, l_cost_center;
Line: 2421

    execute immediate 'update gl_code_combinations
                          set company_cost_center_org_id=:1,
			      last_update_date = sysdate,
			      last_updated_by = :2
		        where code_combination_id =:3'
            using l_org_id, fnd_global.user_id, p_ccid;
Line: 2428

    writelog('Updated GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS. Set Company_cost_center_org_id = '||
			l_org_id ||' where code_Combination_id = '||p_ccid,'D');
Line: 2457

  select 1
    from user_triggers
   where trigger_name='HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_UTF8';