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4 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 PACKAGE BODY jai_cmn_rgm_setup_pkg
2 /* $Header: jai_cmn_rgm_setp.plb 120.6 2011/11/21 07:54:59 erma ship $ */
3 as
5 Filename:
7 Change History:
9 Date         Bug         Remarks
10 ---------    ----------  -------------------------------------------------------------
11 08-Jun-2005  Version 116.2 jai_cmn_rgn_setup -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
12 		as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.
14 14-Jun-2005   rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.3
15               Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.
16 16-apr-2007  Vkaranam for bug #5989740,File version 120.2
17              Forward Porting the changes done in 115 bug 5907436(Budget Changes).
18              1.added the p_doc_class in the end of the decode statement in the c_default cursor
20 24-Apr-2007  ssawant for bug#5603661. File version 120.3
21                 1. Cursors which are not closed have been closed
22                 2. Added the following clause to the cursor c_get_prefix_current.
23                    -- FOR UPDATE of current_number
25 16/5/2007		 csahoo for bug#5233925, File Version 120.4
26 						 Forward Porting to R12
27 						 made code changes in the cursor c_rgm_dtl to make it work for unregistered RTV
28 09-jul-2009    vkaranam for bug#8667957 file version 120.1.12000000.3
29                Issue:
30 	      When attempting to complete the future date AR invoice with VAT taxes, the following error
31 		  occurs:
32 		  ERROR
33 		  -----------------------
34 		  APP-JA-460204: Document sequencing setup not done at Registration number
35 		  level
36 		  Even with the Document sequence setup exists
37 		  Reason:
38 		Issue is with the following code in jai_cmn_rgm_setup_pkg.gen_invoice_num
41 		         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs rhdr
42 		         WHERE rhdr.regime_id            = p_regime_id
43 		         AND   rhdr.party_id             = p_organization_id
44 		         AND   rhdr.party_site_id        = p_location_id
45 		         AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and
46 		 NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,sysdate) ;
47 		 In the VAT document sequencing setup,effective to date is given as null.
49 		 If the effective to date is given as null then the system date is the
50 		 effective to date.
52 		 Fix:
53 		 the default value for the effective to date has been changed as the transaction date instead of sysdate.
57 */
58 PROCEDURE Gen_Invoice_Number(
59         p_regime_id                     JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
60         p_organization_id               hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
61         p_location_id                   hr_locations.location_id%Type,
62         p_DATE                          DATE,
63         p_doc_class                     jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class%Type   ,
64         p_doc_type_id                   jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class_type_id%Type,
65         p_invoice_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(100)*/
66         p_process_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(2)*/
67         p_process_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   /*  caller should call with parameter of size VARCHAR2(1100) atleast*/
68 IS
69 lv_prefix                       jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.prefix%Type ;
70 ln_current                      jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.current_number%Type ;
71 ln_end                          jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.end_number%Type ;
72 ln_seq_id                       jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_id%Type ;
73 ln_seq_dtl_id                   jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type ;
74 ln_regnum                       JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS.attribute_value%Type ;
76 CURSOR c_rgm_hdr(p_regime_id JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
77                            p_organization_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
78                            p_location_id hr_locations.location_id%Type ,
79                            p_date DATE
80                            )  IS
82         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs rhdr
83         WHERE rhdr.regime_id            = p_regime_id
84         AND   rhdr.party_id             = p_organization_id
85         AND   rhdr.party_site_id        = p_location_id
86        -- AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,sysdate) ;
87        AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,TRUNC(p_date)) ; --changed the sysdate default value to TRUNC(p_date) for bug#8667957
92                   )  IS
89 CURSOR c_rgm_hdr_regnum(p_regime_id   JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
90                   ln_regnum     JAI_RGM_REGISTRATIONS.attribute_value%Type,
91                   p_date        DATE
93         SELECT rgm_document_seq_id
94         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs rhdr
95         WHERE rhdr.regime_id            = p_regime_id
96         AND   rhdr.registration_num     = ln_regnum
97      --   AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,sysdate) ;
98        AND   TRUNC(p_date)  between TRUNC(rhdr.effective_from) and NVL(TRUNC(rhdr.effective_to) ,TRUNC(p_date)) ; --changed the sysdate default value to TRUNC(p_date) for bug#8667957
100 CURSOR c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS.regime_id%Type,
101                            p_organization_id hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%Type,
102                            p_location_id hr_locations.location_id%Type,
103 			   p_att_type_code  jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_type_Code%TYPE ,   --rchandan for bug#4428980
104 			   p_att_code       jai_rgm_registrations.attribute_Code%TYPE --rchandan for bug#4428980
105                            )  IS
106                 select attribute_value
107                 from   JAI_RGM_ORG_REGNS_V
108                 where  regime_id = p_regime_id
109                 and    organization_id = p_organization_id
110                 and    location_id = p_location_id
111                 and    attribute_type_Code =  p_att_type_code
112                 and    attribute_code = p_att_code  ;
115 CURSOR c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_hdrs.rgm_document_seq_id%Type,
116                  p_doc_class  jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class%Type,
117                  p_doc_type_id  jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.document_class_Type_id%Type
118                            )  IS
119         SELECT rgm_document_seq_dtl_id
120         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls   rdtl
121         WHERE rdtl.rgm_document_seq_id          = ln_seq_id
122         AND   rdtl.document_class               = p_doc_class
123         AND   rdtl.document_class_type_id       =   decode(p_doc_class, 'R', -8888,	  'UR', -8888, --csahoo bug 5233925
127 IS
124                                       p_doc_type_id) ;
126 CURSOR c_default(ln_seq_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type)
128         SELECT rgm_document_seq_dtl_id
129         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
130         WHERE rgm_document_seq_id = ln_seq_id
131         AND    document_class      = DECODE(p_doc_class,'O','D','UO','UD','UI','UD','I','D','R','D','UR','UD',p_doc_class);
132       /*added the p_doc_class in the end of the aboive decode statement for bug #5989740 */
134 CURSOR c_get_prefix_current(ln_seq_dtl_id jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls.rgm_document_seq_dtl_id%Type)
135 IS
136         SELECT prefix,current_number,end_number
137         FROM jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
138         WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id
139 	FOR UPDATE of current_number ;   /* Added 'FOR UPDATE OF current_number' by ssawant for bug#5603661 */
141 CURSOR c_get_regime_code(ln_regime_id jai_rgm_definitions.REGIME_ID%TYPE)
142 IS
143        SELECT regime_code
144        FROM jai_rgm_definitions
145        WHERE regime_id = ln_regime_id;
146 lv_regime_code jai_rgm_definitions.REGIMe_code%TYPE;
149         OPEN c_rgm_hdr(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_date) ;
150         FETCH c_rgm_hdr  into ln_seq_id ;
152         IF c_rgm_hdr%FOUND THEN --header exists for regime,location,organization
153 	close c_rgm_hdr ;-- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
154                 OPEN c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id,p_doc_class,p_doc_Type_id );
155                 FETCH c_rgm_dtl  into ln_seq_dtl_id ;
157                 IF c_rgm_dtl%FOUND THEN
158                    CLOSE c_rgm_dtl;
159                    OPEN  c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
163                    IF  (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1)
160                    FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
161                    CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
164                    THEN
165                 /*
166                 || Coding the ln_current > nvl(ln_end, ln_current+1) to make this check explicitly  false in case the ln_end is NULL
167                 || so it becomes  infinitely applicable
168                 */
169                         p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
170                         p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
171                         p_invoice_number := 0;
172                     ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
173                     THEN
174                         ln_current := ln_current  + 1;
175                         IF lv_prefix is null
176                         THEN
177                                 p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
178                         ELSE
179                                 p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
180                         END IF;
182                         UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
183                         SET  current_number = ln_current
184                         WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
186                         p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
187                         p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
189                     END IF;
190                 ELSE /*
191 		     || This is the else to get the line level default in case the given order / invoice type is not setup
192 		     */
193 		        close c_rgm_dtl;-- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
194                         OPEN c_default( ln_seq_id );
195                         FETCH c_default INTO ln_seq_dtl_id ;
196                         if c_default%FOUND
197                         THEN
198                             CLOSE c_default ;
199                             OPEN c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
200                             FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
201                             CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
203                             IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
204                             THEN
205                                 p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
206                                 p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
207                                 p_invoice_number := 0;
208                             ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
209                             THEN
210                                 ln_current := ln_current  + 1 ;
211                                 IF lv_prefix is null
212                                 THEN
213                                         p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
214                                 ELSE
215                                         p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
216                                 END IF;
218                                 UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
219                                 SET  current_number = ln_current
220                                 WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
222                                 p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
223                                 p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 1';
225                             END IF;
226                         ELSE
227 			    close c_default ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
229                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
230                             p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / organization / location';
231                             p_invoice_number := 0;
232             END IF;
233                 END IF;  /* END IF for detail found */
235         ELSIF   c_rgm_hdr%NOTFOUND THEN
236          /*
237          || Header doesnt exists for such regime,location,organization combination
238          || Check the registration number level settings.
239          */
240             CLOSE c_rgm_hdr ;
241             OPEN c_get_regime_code(p_regime_id);
242             FETCH c_get_regime_code INTO lv_regime_code;
244             IF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.service_regime THEN
245                OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','SERVICE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
246                FETCH c_rgm_regnum  into ln_regnum ;
247             --Added by Qinglei for the Advanced Receipt for Service Tax enhancement Bug 13361952
249             ELSIF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.vat_regime THEN
250               OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
251                FETCH c_rgm_regnum  into ln_regnum ;
252             END IF;
253             CLOSE c_get_regime_code;
255             IF c_rgm_regnum%FOUND THEN --regime registration num exists
256                 CLOSE c_rgm_regnum ;
257                 OPEN c_rgm_hdr_regnum(p_regime_id, ln_regnum, p_date );
258                 FETCH c_rgm_hdr_regnum  into ln_seq_id ;
259                 IF c_rgm_hdr_regnum%FOUND THEN
260                    CLOSE c_rgm_hdr_regnum;
262                    OPEN c_rgm_dtl(ln_seq_id,p_doc_class,p_doc_type_id );
263                    FETCH c_rgm_dtl  into ln_seq_dtl_id ;
265                        IF c_rgm_dtl%FOUND THEN
266                           CLOSE c_rgm_dtl;
267                           OPEN  c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
268                           FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
269                           CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
271                           IF  (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1)
272                           THEN
273                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
274                             p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
275                             p_invoice_number := 0;
276                           ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
277                           THEN
278                               ln_current := ln_current  + 1;
279                               IF lv_prefix is null
280                               THEN
281                                  p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
282                               ELSE
283                                  p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
284                               END IF;
286                               UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
287                               SET  current_number = ln_current
288                               WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
290                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
291                               p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
293                           END IF;
294                        ELSE       -- if given doc class doesnt exist for the registration number
295 		         close c_rgm_dtl; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
296                          OPEN c_default( ln_seq_id );
297                          FETCH c_default INTO ln_seq_dtl_id ;
298                          if c_default%FOUND
299                          THEN
300                            CLOSE c_default ;
301                            OPEN c_get_prefix_current( ln_seq_dtl_id ) ;
302                            FETCH c_get_prefix_current INTO lv_prefix,ln_current, ln_end ;
303                            CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
305                            IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
306                            THEN
307                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
308                               p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
309                               p_invoice_number := 0;
310                            ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
311                            THEN
312                               ln_current := ln_current  + 1 ;
313                               IF lv_prefix is null
314                               THEN
315                                  p_invoice_number := ln_current ;
316                               ELSE
317                                  p_invoice_number := lv_prefix || '/' || ln_current ;
318                               END IF;
320                               UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
321                               SET  current_number = ln_current
322                               WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id  = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
324                               p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
325                               p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 2';
327                            END IF;
328                          ELSE /* No Default exists for the registration number level also */
329 			    close c_default;  -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
330                             p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
331                             p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / registration number level';
332                             p_invoice_number := 0;
333              END IF;
334                        END IF; /*  END IF for No detail exists for the registration number */
336                 ELSE
337                    /*
338 		   || No Setup found for the registration number , hence need to signal an error
339 		   */
340 		   close c_rgm_hdr_regnum ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
341                    p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
342                    p_process_msg:= 'Document sequencing setup not done at  Registration number level ' ;
343                    --registration_num exist for such regime,organization, location combination
344                    --Document sequencing not done though setup form
345                 END IF;
346             ELSE
347 	       close c_rgm_regnum ;  -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
348                p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
349                p_process_msg:= 'Unable to get the registration number for regime +  organization + location ' ;
350                --registration_num doesnt exist for such regime,organization, location combination
351             END IF ;
352          /*
353 						Commented this code for testing purposes.
354 						ELSE   --header doesnt exists for such regime,location,organization combination (or) such registration_num
356 						p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
357 						p_process_msg := 'Document Sequencing Setup not done for this Regime, Location and Organization';
358 						p_invoice_number := 0;
359          */
360          END IF;
363       p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error ;
364       p_process_msg  := 'Exception occurred: ' || SQLCODE || 'Exception Message: ' || substr(SQLERRM,1,1000) ;
366 END Gen_Invoice_Number;
368 end jai_cmn_rgm_setup_pkg;