218: , 'Vendor'
219: , poh.note_to_receiver
220: , to_char(poh.org_id) --
221: FROM po_headers_trx_v poh -- CLM project, bug 9403291
222: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
223: WHERE exists (SELECT 'Valid PO Shipments'
224: FROM po_line_locations_trx_v poll -- CLM project, bug 9403291
225: -- For Bug 7440217 Added MTL_PARAMETERS and RCV_PRAMETERS to find out if the organization is LCM enabled or not
226: , mtl_parameters mp,
609: rsh.waybill_airbill_num,
610: rsh.freight_carrier_code
611: FROM
612: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
613: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
614: rcv_supply ms,
615: rcv_transactions rt,
616: org_organization_definitions ood
617: WHERE rsh.shipment_header_id = ms.shipment_header_id
652: sh.bill_of_lading,
653: sh.waybill_airbill_num,
654: sh.freight_carrier_code
655: FROM rcv_shipment_headers sh,
656: rcv_shipment_lines sl
657: WHERE sh.shipment_num IS NOT NULL
658: AND sh.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id
659: AND sl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
660: AND sh.receipt_source_code IN ('INTERNAL ORDER','INVENTORY')
682: sh.bill_of_lading,
683: sh.waybill_airbill_num,
684: sh.freight_carrier_code
685: FROM rcv_shipment_headers sh,
686: rcv_shipment_lines sl
687: WHERE sh.shipment_num IS NOT NULL
688: AND sh.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id
689: AND sl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
690: AND sl.po_header_id = Nvl(To_number(p_po_header_id), sl.po_header_id)
714: rsh.bill_of_lading,
715: rsh.waybill_airbill_num,
716: rsh.freight_carrier_code
834: AND prh.authorization_status || '' = 'APPROVED'
835: AND prh.segment1 LIKE (p_requisition_num)
836: AND exists
837: (SELECT 1
838: FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
839: WHERE rsl.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
840: AND rsl.routing_header_id > 0
841: AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'FULLY RECEIVED')
842: ORDER BY prh.segment1;
862: AND prh.authorization_status || '' = 'APPROVED'
863: AND prh.segment1 LIKE (p_requisition_num)
864: AND exists
865: (SELECT 1
866: FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
867: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
868: rcv_transactions_v rtv
869: WHERE rsl.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
870: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
903: Decode(sh.receipt_source_code,'VENDOR',sh.vendor_id, sl.from_organization_id) from_organization_id,
904: Substr( rcv_intransit_sv.rcv_get_org_name(sh.receipt_source_code,sh.vendor_id,sl.from_organization_id),1,80) organization_name,
905: Decode(sh.receipt_source_code,'VENDOR','Vendor','Organization')
906: FROM rcv_shipment_headers sh,
907: rcv_shipment_lines sl
908: WHERE sh.packing_slip IS NOT NULL
909: AND sh.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id
910: AND sl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
911: AND sl.po_header_id = To_number(p_po_header_id)
923: Decode(sh.receipt_source_code,'VENDOR',sh.vendor_id, sl.from_organization_id) from_organization_id,
924: Substr( rcv_intransit_sv.rcv_get_org_name(sh.receipt_source_code,sh.vendor_id,sl.from_organization_id),1,80) organization_name,
925: Decode(sh.receipt_source_code,'VENDOR','Vendor','Organization')
926: FROM rcv_shipment_headers sh,
927: rcv_shipment_lines sl
928: WHERE sh.packing_slip IS NOT NULL
929: AND sh.shipment_header_id = sl.shipment_header_id
930: AND sl.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
931: AND sl.po_header_id = Nvl(To_number(p_po_header_id), sl.po_header_id)
954: , ms.from_organization_id -- bug #6917248
955: FROM rcv_supply ms
956: , rcv_transactions rt
957: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
958: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
959: , mtl_parameters mp
960: WHERE rsh.shipment_header_id = ms.shipment_header_id
961: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
962: AND ms.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
1111: , rsup.from_organization_id -- bug # 6917248
1118: mtl_parameters mp --BUG 5166887
2091: lookup_code FIELD14,
2092: NULL FIELD15 --
2093: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2094: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2095: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2096: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'INTSHIP'
2097: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2098: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2099: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2139: lookup_code FIELD14,
2140: NULL FIELD15 --
2141: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2142: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2143: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2144: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'ASN'
2145: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2146: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2147: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2182: lookup_code FIELD14,
2183: NULL FIELD15 --
2184: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2185: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2186: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2187: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'ASN'
2188: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2189: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2190: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2226: lookup_code FIELD14 ,
2227: NULL FIELD15 --
2228: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2229: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2230: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2231: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'ASN'
2232: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2233: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2234: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2270: lookup_code FIELD14,
2271: NULL FIELD15 --
2272: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2273: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2274: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2275: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'LCM'
2276: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2277: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2278: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2313: lookup_code FIELD14,
2314: NULL FIELD15 --
2315: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2316: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2317: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2318: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'LCM'
2319: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2320: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2321: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2357: lookup_code FIELD14 ,
2358: NULL FIELD15 --
2359: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2360: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2361: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2362: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'LCM'
2363: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2364: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2365: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2415: (
2416: SELECT
2417: 1
2418: FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
2419: WHERE rsl.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
2420: AND rsl.routing_header_id > 0 --Bug 3349131
2421: AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'FULLY RECEIVED'
2422: AND rsl.item_id LIKE Nvl(p_inventory_item_id,rsl.item_id)
2729: lookup_code FIELD14,
2730: NULL FIELD15 --
2731: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2732: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2733: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2734: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'INTSHIP'
2735: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2736: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE )<= SYSDATE
2737: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2774: lookup_code FIELD14,
2775: NULL FIELD15 --
2776: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2777: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2778: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2779: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'ASN'
2780: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2781: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2782: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2828: lookup_code FIELD14,
2829: NULL FIELD15 --
2830: FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl flv,
2831: rcv_shipment_headers sh,
2832: rcv_shipment_lines sl
2833: WHERE flv.lookup_code = 'LCM'
2834: AND flv.lookup_type = 'DOC_TYPE'
2835: AND nvl(flv.start_date_active, SYSDATE) <= SYSDATE
2836: AND nvl(flv.end_date_active,sysdate) >= SYSDATE
2897: (
2898: SELECT
2899: 1
2900: FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
2901: WHERE rsl.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
2902: AND rsl.routing_header_id > 0 --Bug 3349131
2903: AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'FULLY RECEIVED'
2904: AND rsl.item_id LIKE Nvl(p_inventory_item_id,rsl.item_id)
3160: , wip_osp_jobs_val_v wojv
3161: , wip_osp_lines_val_v wolv
3162: , wip_osp_operations_val_v woov
3163: , rcv_shipment_headers shh
3164: , rcv_shipment_lines shl
3165: WHERE shh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
3166: AND shl.shipment_header_id = shh.shipment_header_id
3167: AND phl.po_header_id =shl.po_header_id
3168: AND phl.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
6755: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ', rsh.shipment_num),
6756: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
6757: from wms_lpn_contents wlc ,
6758: mtl_system_items_vl msn, /* Bug 5581528 */
6759: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
6760: rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
6761: WHERE msn.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
6762: and wlc.parent_lpn_id = l_from_lpn_id
6763: and wlc.inventory_item_id = rsl.item_id
6830: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
6831: from wms_lpn_contents wlc
6832: ,po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
6833: ,mtl_system_items_vl msi /* Bug 5581528 */
6834: ,rcv_shipment_lines rsl
6835: ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
6836: where msi.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
6837: and wlc.parent_lpn_id = l_from_lpn_id
6838: and wlc.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
6928: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
6929: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
6930: from po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
6931: , mtl_units_of_measure mum
6932: ,rcv_shipment_lines rsl
6933: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
6934: -- Bug 2619063, 2614016
6935: -- Modified to select the base uom for the uom class defined on po.
6936: where mum.uom_class = (SELECT mum2.uom_class
7023: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
7024: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
7025: from wms_lpn_contents wlc,
7026: mtl_system_items_vl msn, /* Bug 5581528 */
7027: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
7028: rcv_shipment_headers rsh, /* Added for Bug9257750 */
7029: mtl_cross_references mcr
7030: WHERE msn.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
7031: and wlc.parent_lpn_id = l_from_lpn_id
7099: rsh.shipment_num),
7100: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
7101: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
7102: from mtl_system_items_vl msn, /* Bug 5581528 */
7103: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
7104: rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
7105: WHERE msn.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
7106: and msn.concatenated_segments like p_concatenated_segments||l_append
7107: and (msn.purchasing_enabled_flag = 'Y' OR msn.stock_enabled_flag = 'Y')
7170: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
7171: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
7172: from po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
7173: ,mtl_system_items_vl msi /* Bug 5581528 */
7174: ,rcv_shipment_lines rsl
7175: ,rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
7176: where msi.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
7177: and pol.vendor_product_num like p_concatenated_segments
7178: and pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
7266: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
7267: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
7268: from po_lines_trx_v pol -- CLM project, bug 9403291
7269: , mtl_units_of_measure mum
7270: ,rcv_shipment_lines rsl
7271: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added for Bug9257750 */
7272: -- Bug 2619063, 2614016
7273: -- Modified to select the base uom for the uom class defined on po.
7274: where mum.uom_class = (SELECT mum2.uom_class
7359: rsh.shipment_num),
7360: DECODE (p_reqHeaderID,to_char(null),' ',
7361: p_shipmentHeaderID) -- Added by Bug9257750 for values corr to Shipment Number and Shipment Header id
7362: from mtl_system_items_vl msn, /* Bug 5581528 */
7363: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
7364: rcv_shipment_headers rsh, /* Added for Bug9257750 */
7365: mtl_cross_references mcr
7366: WHERE msn.organization_id = p_Organization_Id
7367: and ( mcr.cross_reference_type = g_gtin_cross_ref_type
7604: (
7605: SELECT rsl.Item_Id,rsh.shipment_num shipment_num, /* Added by Bug9257750 */
7606: rsh.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
7607: FROM po_Req_Lines_trx_v prl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
7608: rcv_Shipment_Lines rsl ,
7609: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,/* Added by Bug9257750 */
7610: po_req_Distributions_All prd
7611: WHERE prl.Requisition_Header_Id = p_reqHeadeRid
7612: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id /* Added by Bug9257750 */
7691: (
7692: SELECT rsl.Item_Id,rsh.shipment_num shipment_num, /* Added by Bug9257750 */
7693: rsh.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
7694: FROM po_Req_Lines_trx_v prl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
7695: rcv_Shipment_Lines rsl ,
7696: po_req_Distributions_All prd,
7697: rcv_shipment_headers rsh /* Added by Bug9257750 */
7698: WHERE prl.Requisition_Header_Id = p_reqHeadeRid
7699: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id /* Added by Bug9257750 */
7775: (
7776: SELECT rsl.Item_Id,rsh.shipment_num shipment_num,
7777: rsh.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
7778: FROM po_req_lines_trx_v prl,
7779: rcv_Shipment_Lines rsl ,
7780: po_req_Distributions_All prd,
7781: rcv_shipment_headers rsh
7782: WHERE prl.Requisition_Header_Id = p_reqHeadeRid
7783: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
7802: OR stock_enabled_flag = 'Y')
7804: (SELECT 1
7805: FROM po_req_lines_trx_v prl,
7806: rcv_shipment_lines rsl ,
7807: po_req_distributions_all prd
7808: WHERE prl.requisition_header_id = p_reqHeaderID
7809: AND rsl.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
7810: AND ( (l_from_lpn_id IS NULL)