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Line 12: ' FROM hz_party_sites hps ' ||

8: g_adddt_sql CONSTANT Varchar2(1000) :=
9: 'SELECT ihs.start_date ' ||
10: ' ,ihs.end_date ' ||
11: ' ,hps.identifying_address_flag ' ||
12: ' FROM hz_party_sites hps ' ||
13: ' ,igs_pe_hz_pty_sites ihs ' ||
14: ' WHERE ihs.party_site_id(+) = hps.party_site_id ' ||
15: ' AND hps.party_id = :c_party_id ' ||
16: ' AND hps.location_id = :c_location_id ' ||

Line 28: FROM hz_party_sites hps

24: ,hzl.last_update_date
25: ,hps.object_version_number
26: ,hzl.object_version_number
27: ,hzl.ROWID
28: FROM hz_party_sites hps
29: ,hz_locations hzl
30: WHERE hps.party_id(+) = :c_party_id
31: AND hzl.location_id(+) = hps.location_id
32: AND hps.identifying_address_flag(+) = '||'''Y''';

Line 108: FROM hz_party_sites hps

104: -- Cursor to get the party site id
105: CURSOR csr_site_id (c_party_id IN Number
106: ,c_primary_flag IN Varchar2) IS
107: SELECT *
108: FROM hz_party_sites hps
109: WHERE hps.party_id = c_party_id
110: AND hps.identifying_address_flag = c_primary_flag
111: AND hps.status = 'A';

Line 2266: l_party_site_rec hz_party_sites%ROWTYPE;

2262: ,p_HR_address_id OUT NOCOPY Number
2263: ,p_HR_object_version_number OUT NOCOPY Number
2264: ) AS
2266: l_party_site_rec hz_party_sites%ROWTYPE;
2267: l_HR_Address_Rec Per_Addresses%ROWTYPE;
2268: --l_HZ_Loc_Rec Hz_Location_V2pub.Location_Rec_Type;
2269: --l_HZ_Loc_Row Hz_Locations%ROWTYPE;
2270: l_proc_name CONSTANT Varchar2(150):= g_pkg ||'Create_Address_TCA_To_HR';

Line 2440: FROM hz_party_sites hps,

2436: -- Cursor to get the party site id
2437: CURSOR csr_site_id (c_party_id IN Number
2438: ,c_primary_flag IN Varchar2) IS
2439: SELECT hzl.country
2440: FROM hz_party_sites hps,
2441: hz_locations hzl
2442: WHERE hps.location_id = hzl.location_id
2443: AND hps.status = 'A'
2444: AND hps.party_id = c_party_id

Line 3460: ,p_status IN hz_party_sites.status%TYPE

3456: ,p_per_addr_rec_new IN per_addresses%ROWTYPE
3457: -- TCA
3458: ,p_party_type IN Varchar2
3459: ,p_action IN Varchar2
3460: ,p_status IN hz_party_sites.status%TYPE
3461: -- In Out Variables
3462: ,p_location_id IN OUT NOCOPY Number
3463: ,p_party_site_id IN OUT NOCOPY Number
3464: ,p_last_update_date IN OUT NOCOPY Date