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Line 108: bom_resources br,

104: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,
105: bom_operation_resources bor,
106: bom_department_resources bdr2,
107: bom_department_resources bdr1,
108: bom_resources br,
109: mtl_uom_conversions con
110: -- WHERE bor.schedule_flag <> 2
111: WHERE bor.resource_id = br.resource_id
112: AND br.resource_type = 1

Line 141: bom_resources br,

137: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,
138: bom_operation_resources bor,
139: bom_department_resources bdr2,
140: bom_department_resources bdr1,
141: bom_resources br,
142: mtl_uom_conversions con
143: -- WHERE bor.schedule_flag <> 2
144: WHERE bor.resource_id = br.resource_id
145: AND br.resource_type = 2

Line 173: bom_resources br,

169: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,
170: bom_operation_resources bor,
171: bom_department_resources bdr2,
172: bom_department_resources bdr1,
173: bom_resources br,
174: mtl_uom_conversions con
175: WHERE bor.schedule_flag <> 2
176: AND bor.resource_id = br.resource_id
177: AND br.resource_type IN (1, 2)