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1 package wip_bflProc_priv AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2   /* $Header: wipbflps.pls 120.3 2007/09/17 19:06:47 kboonyap ship $ */
4   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   --This package is the wip backlush processor. It has procedures to explode a bom for work order-less transactions or
6   --query WRO for moves and completions. explodeRequirements() explodes the components into a database object while
7   --processRequirements has an option of whether to insert requirements into an object or directly into MMTT.
8   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10   -----------------
11   --package globals
12   -----------------
13   g_compTblExtendSize CONSTANT NUMBER := 100;
15   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   --This procedure makes sure all backflush requirements are populated. It does *not* do any WIP or INV processing.
17   --If you pass an initialized object in the x_compObj parameter, the object will be filled
18   --with components. Otherwise they will be directly inserted into MTI.
19   --non-obvious parameters:
20   --p_batchID: The value to be populated in the MTI.transaction_batch_id column. The batch sequence column is populated with
21   --           wip_constants.component_batch_seq
22   --p_assyQty: relative to WIP (+ for completions. - for returns).
23   --p_firstOp: The first operation to backflush. Pass -1 to backflush all operations until p_lastOp.
24   --p_lastOp: The last operation to backflush.
25   --p_firstMoveOp: The actual first move operation. Because of the autocharge/backflush flags, this value could be different
26   --               than p_firstOp. It is needed to determine whether to backflush autocharge operations. This value is not
27   --               necessary when performing assembly pulls (pass null in this case).
28   --p_lastMoveOp: The actual last move operation. Because of the autocharge/backflush flags, this value could be different
29   --              than p_lastOp. It is needed to determine whether to backflush autocharge operations. This value is not
30   --              necessary when performing assembly pulls (pass null in this case).
31   --p_srcCode: The source_code column value for the to be created MMTT records, if the procedure inserts into MMTT (see
32   --           x_compTbl argument).
33   --p_batchSeq: The batch sequence number to be insert into MTI and MMTT.
34   --p_mergeMode:
35   --  + if it is fnd_api.g_true then processRequirements() will 'merge' requirements from WRO with existing MMTT records,
36   --    i.e. update the quantity of the mmtt record
37   --  + if it is fnd_api.g_false then processRequirements() will not insert the WRO requirements into MMTT. Instead it
38   --    assumes the MMTT record fully represents the backflush transaction.
39   --p_reasonID: used during insert into MMTT. This parameter is ignored if inserting into object.
40   --p_reference: used during insert into MMTT. This parameter is ignored if inserting into object.
41   --p_initMsgList: initialize the message list? Pass fnd_api.g_true if so, g_false if not.
42   --p_endDebug: Clean up the log file? Pass fnd_api.g_true unless you plan to call
43   --            wip_logger.cleanUp() later.
44   --x_compTbl: Pass a null value if you want processRequirements() to insert directly into MMTT. Pass an initialized object
45   --           if you want the requirements inserted into an object instead.
46   --x_returnStatus: fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success     on successful processing.
47   --                fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error if an unexpected error occurred.
48   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49   procedure processRequirements(p_wipEntityID   IN NUMBER,
50                                 p_wipEntityType IN NUMBER,
51                                 p_repSchedID    IN NUMBER := null,
52                                 p_repLineID     IN NUMBER := null,
53                                 p_cplTxnID      IN NUMBER := null,
54                                 p_movTxnID      IN NUMBER := null,
55                                 p_batchID       IN NUMBER := null,
56                                 p_orgID         IN NUMBER,
57                                 p_assyQty       IN NUMBER, --relative to wip
58                                 p_txnDate       IN DATE,
59                                 p_wipSupplyType IN NUMBER,
60                                 p_txnHdrID      IN NUMBER,
61                                 p_firstOp       IN NUMBER, -- -1 for regular completions
62                                 p_lastOp        IN NUMBER, -- last op_seq for completions
63                                 p_firstMoveOp   IN NUMBER := null,
64                                 p_lastMoveOp    IN NUMBER := null,
65                                 p_srcCode       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
66                                 p_batchSeq      IN NUMBER := null,
67                                 p_lockFlag      IN NUMBER := null,
68                                 p_mergeMode     IN VARCHAR2, --see above explanation for setting this parameter
69                                 p_reasonID      IN NUMBER := null,
70                                 p_reference     IN VARCHAR2 := null,
71                                 p_initMsgList   IN VARCHAR2,
72                                 p_endDebug      IN VARCHAR2, --pass true unless calling wip_logger.cleanup() elsewhere
73                                 p_mtlTxnMode    IN NUMBER,
74                                 x_compTbl       IN OUT NOCOPY system.wip_component_tbl_t, --pass null if you want to insert into MMTT
75                                 x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
78   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79   --This procedure explodes the item's bom into the x_compTbl table. This procedure is a
80   --fairly complex wrapper on top of a bom routine.
81   --non-obvious parameters:
82   --p_qty: pass positive quantity for completions, negative for returns.
83   -- p_unitNumber: To explode components properly based on unit number for unit effective assemblies.
84   -- p_implFlag: This flag decides whether unimplemented ECOs should be considered.
85   --             This flag should be 2 for discrete(consider implemented and unimplemented) and
86   --             this goes along with profile 'WIP:Exclude ECOs'.
87   --             For WOL/Flow, this flag should be 1 (consider only implemented changes).
88   --p_initMsgList: initialize the message list?
89   --p_endDebug: Clean up the log file? Pass fnd_api.g_true unless you plan to call
90   --            wip_logger.cleanUp() later.
91   --x_compTbl: The component requirements for the given item and alternate bom designator.
92   --x_returnStatus: fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success     on successful processing.
93   --                fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error if an unexpected error occurred.
94   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95   procedure explodeRequirements(p_itemID        IN NUMBER,
96                                 p_orgID         IN NUMBER,
97                                 p_qty           IN NUMBER,
98                                 p_altBomDesig   IN VARCHAR2,
99                                 p_altOption     IN NUMBER,
100    /* Fix for bug#3423629 */    p_bomRevDate    IN DATE   DEFAULT NULL,
101                                 p_txnDate       IN DATE,
102    /* Fix for bug 5383135 */    p_implFlag      IN NUMBER,
103                                 p_projectID     IN NUMBER,
104                                 p_taskID        IN NUMBER,
105    /* added for bug 5332615 */  p_unitNumber  in varchar2 DEFAULT '',
106                                 p_initMsgList   IN VARCHAR2,
107                                 p_endDebug      IN VARCHAR2,
108                                 x_compTbl      OUT NOCOPY system.wip_component_tbl_t,
109                                 x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
112 /****************************************************************************
113  *
114  * This procedure should be called from WIP Completion, WIP Move,
115  * and OSFM Move forms to insert all backflush components into MMTT. This
116  * procedure should be called before calling the main processors because we
117  * may need to gather lot/serial information for the backflush components.
118  * By the time the main processor pick up the record, all the information
119  * should be ready.
120  *
122  *
123  * p_wipEntityID          WMTI.WIP_ENTITY_ID
124  * p_orgID                WMTI.ORGANIZATION_ID
125  * p_ocQty                Overcompleted quantity. Pass NULL if not
126  *                        overcompleted transaction.
127  * p_primaryQty           WMTI.PRIMARY_QUANTITY
128  * p_txnDate              WMTI.TRANSACTION_DATE
129  * p_txnHdrID             MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can generate this
130  *                        value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
131  * p_batchID              MMTT.TRANSACTION_BATCH_ID. For move, EZ Complete,
132  *                        EZ return transactions, pass TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID.
133  *                        For completion and return transactions, pass
134  *                        COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID.
135  * p_txnType              There are 3 possible values for this parameter
136  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_TXN (1) [move/scrap/reject]
137  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_TXN (2) [completion/EZ completion]
138  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.RET_TXN (3) [return/EZ return]
139  * p_entityType           WE.ENTITY_TYPE. The caller should pass either
140  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.DISCRETE or WIP_CONSTANTS.LOTBASED or
141  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.REPETITIVE
142  * p_tblName              This parameter will be used to determine the table
143  *                        to insert components to. Caller can pass either
144  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MMTT_TBL or WIP_CONSTANTS.MTI_TBL
145  *                        If called from WIP form, the caller should pass
146  *                        'MMTT' because we need to set some columns in MMTT
147  *                        before we can use Inventory lot/serial page to
148  *                        gather lot/serial information. Otherwise, pass 'MTI'.
149  * p_lineID               LINE_ID. Only pass this value for repetitive schedule
150  * p_fmOp                 WMTI.FM_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
151  *                        not completion and return transactions.
152  * p_fmStep               WMTI.FM_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
153  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
154  * p_toOp                 WMTI.TO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
155  *                        not completion and return transactions.
156  * p_toStep               WMTI.TO_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
157  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
158  * p_childMovTxnID        WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of child move record. Only pass
159  *                        this value if overmove or overcomplete.Caller can
160  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
161  * p_movTxnID             WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of parent move record. Only pass
162  *                        if not completion and return transactions. Caller can
163  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
164  * p_cplTxnID             MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Only pass this
165  *                        value if completion/return/EZ completion/EZ return
166  *                        Caller can generate this value from
167  *                        mtl_material_transactions_s
168  * p_batchSeq             Batch sequence number that will be insert into MTI
169  *                        and MMTT. If caller does not pass anything, we will
170  *                        default to WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPONENT_BATCH_SEQ(2)
171  * p_fmMoveProcessor      Pass WIP_CONSTANTS.YES(1) if called from Move
172  *                        Processing code. Otherwise, leave it null or pass
173  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.NO(2).
174  * p_mtlTxnMode           material processing mode.
175  * x_lotSerRequired       This parameter will determine whether we need to
176  *                        gather more lot/serial information from the user.
177  *                        There are 2 possible return values
178  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.YES(1) and WIP_CONSTANTS.NO(2)
179  * x_bfRequired           There are 3 possible return values
180  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_NOBF (0):
181  *                        means there is  no component to backflush
182  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_BF_NOPAGE (1):
183  *                        means there are some components to backflush, but
184  *                        no need to go to backflush page
185  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.WBF_BF_PAGE (2):
186  *                        means there are some components to backflush, and
187  *                        backflush page required to gather more lot/serial
188  * x_returnStatus         There are 2 possible values
189  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
190  *                        means this procedure succesfully processed
191  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
192  *                        means this transaction error out
193  */
194 PROCEDURE backflush(p_wipEntityID       IN        NUMBER,
195                     p_orgID             IN        NUMBER,
196                     p_primaryQty        IN        NUMBER,
197                     p_txnDate           IN        DATE,
198                     p_txnHdrID          IN        NUMBER,
199                     p_batchID           IN        NUMBER,
200                     p_txnType           IN        NUMBER,
201                     p_entityType        IN        NUMBER,
202                     p_tblName           IN        VARCHAR2,
203                     p_lineID            IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
204                     p_fmOp              IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
205                     p_fmStep            IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
206                     p_toOp              IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
207                     p_toStep            IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
208                     p_ocQty             IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
209                     p_childMovTxnID     IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
210                     p_movTxnID          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
211                     p_cplTxnID          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
212                     p_batchSeq          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
213                     p_fmMoveProcessor   IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
214                     p_lockFlag          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
215                     p_mtlTxnMode        IN        NUMBER,
216                     p_reasonID          IN        NUMBER := NULL,
217                     p_reference         IN        VARCHAR2 := NULL,
218                     x_lotSerRequired   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
219                     x_bfRequired       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
220                     x_returnStatus     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
222 /****************************************************************************
223  *
224  * This procedure will be called from WIP OA Transaction page(move related
225  * transctions, completion, and return), and OSFM OA Move page to populate all
226  * backflush components into PL/SQL object(system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t). This
227  * procedure should be called before calling the main processors because we
228  * may need to gather lot/serial information for the backflush components.
229  * By the time the main processor pick up the record, all the information
230  * should be ready.
231  *
235  * p_orgID                WMTI.ORGANIZATION_ID
233  *
234  * p_wipEntityID          WMTI.WIP_ENTITY_ID
236  * p_ocQty                Overcompleted quantity. Pass NULL if not
237  *                        overcompleted transaction.
238  * p_primaryQty           WMTI.PRIMARY_QUANTITY
239  * p_txnDate              WMTI.TRANSACTION_DATE
240  * p_txnHdrID             MMTT.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID. Caller can generate this
241  *                        value from mtl_material_transactions_s.
242  * p_txnType              There are 3 possible values for this parameter
243  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.MOVE_TXN (1) [move/scrap/reject]
244  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_TXN (2) [completion/EZ completion]
245  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.RET_TXN (3) [return/EZ return]
246  * p_entityType           WE.ENTITY_TYPE. The caller should pass either
247  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.DISCRETE or WIP_CONSTANTS.LOTBASED or
248  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.REPETITIVE
249  * p_fmOp                 WMTI.FM_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
250  *                        not completion and return transactions.
251  * p_fmStep               WMTI.FM_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
252  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
253  * p_toOp                 WMTI.TO_OPERATION_SEQ_NUM. Only pass this value if
254  *                        not completion and return transactions.
255  * p_toStep               WMTI.TO_INTRAOPERATION_STEP_TYPE. Only pass this
256  *                        value if not completion and return transactions.
257  * p_childMovTxnID        WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of child move record. Only pass
258  *                        this value if overmove or overcomplete.Caller can
259  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
260  * p_movTxnID             WMTI.TRANSACTION_ID of parent move record. Only pass
261  *                        if not completion and return transactions. Caller can
262  *                        generate this value from wip_transactions_s.
263  * p_cplTxnID             MMTT.COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID. Only pass this
264  *                        value if completion/return/EZ completion/EZ return
265  *                        Caller can generate this value from
266  *                        mtl_material_transactions_s
267  * p_objectID             Genealogy object ID of assembly serial number. We
268  *                        will use this parameter to differentiate between
269  *                        regular and serialized transactions.
270  * x_compInfo             PL/SQL object that stores backflush components and
271  *                        their corresponding lot and serial.
272  * x_lotSerRequired       This parameter will determine whether we need to
273  *                        gather more lot/serial information from the user.
274  *                        There are 2 possible return values
275  *                        WIP_CONSTANTS.YES(1) and WIP_CONSTANTS.NO(2)
276  * x_returnStatus         There are 2 possible values
277  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
278  *                        means this procedure succesfully processed
279  *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
280  *                        means this transaction error out
281  */
282 PROCEDURE backflush(p_wipEntityID       IN        NUMBER,
283                     p_orgID             IN        NUMBER,
284                     p_primaryQty        IN        NUMBER,
285                     p_txnDate           IN        DATE,
286                     p_txnHdrID          IN        NUMBER,
287                     p_txnType           IN        NUMBER,
288                     p_entityType        IN        NUMBER,
289                     p_fmOp              IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
290                     p_fmStep            IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
291                     p_toOp              IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
292                     p_toStep            IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
293                     p_ocQty             IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
294                     p_childMovTxnID     IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
295                     p_movTxnID          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
296                     p_cplTxnID          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
297                     p_objectID          IN        NUMBER:= NULL,
298                     x_compInfo         OUT NOCOPY system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
299                     x_lotSerRequired   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
300                     x_returnStatus     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
302 end wip_bflProc_priv;