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Line 457: insert ALL into fv_fund_parameters_history

453: FV_UTILITY.DEBUG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, l_module_name,gbl_error_buf);
454: return;
455: END;
456: BEGIN
457: insert ALL into fv_fund_parameters_history
458: (fund_parameter_id,
459: fund_value,
460: treasury_symbol,
461: set_of_books_id,

Line 644: from fv_fund_parameters_history

640: and request_id = gbl_prelim_req_id;
641: ---and open_flag in('N');
642: /*cursor c2_fund_param_hist (tres_id number ) is
643: select fund_value
644: from fv_fund_parameters_history
645: where set_of_books_id = gbl_set_of_books_id
646: and treasury_symbol_id = tres_id;*/
647: BEGIN
648: --dbms_output.put_line('inside ins_delete_treasury_symbols');

Line 900: delete from fv_fund_parameters_history ffp

896: l_module_name VARCHAR2(200):= 'CLEAN UP';
897: begin
898: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_statement, l_module_name,' inside clean up procedure');
900: delete from fv_fund_parameters_history ffp
901: where ffp.set_of_books_id = gbl_set_of_books_id
902: and exists ( select treasury_symbol_id
903: from fv_treasury_symbols_history fts
904: where fts.set_of_books_id= gbl_set_of_books_id